|TABLE 1A |INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: MARKET GROUPS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Value added in 1992 Value added in 1987 Value added in 1982 Gross Value | in 1996 | Millions Millions Millions (Billions |Group and Series CODE of dollars Proportion of dollars Proportion of dollars Proportion of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total index B50001 1,668,401 100.00 1,387,733 100.00 1,111,204 100.00 Products, total B50030 1,010,097 60.54 823,035 59.31 620,640 55.85 2,433 Final products B50002 772,421 46.30 617,537 44.50 487,195 43.84 1,867 Consumer goods B51000 485,516 29.10 374,106 26.96 267,655 24.09 1,228 Durable consumer goods B51020 101,168 6.06 86,485 6.23 55,199 4.97 306 Automotive products B51001 43,442 2.60 37,652 2.71 20,425 1.84 163 Autos and trucks, consumer B51028 28,099 1.68 24,238 1.75 9,581 0.86 118 Autos, consumer A371AC 15,701 0.94 15,230 1.10 6,452 0.58 Light trucks, consumer A371LC 12,399 0.74 9,008 0.65 3,129 0.28 Auto parts and allied goods S51002 15,342 0.92 13,414 0.97 10,844 0.98 45 Other durable goods B51006 57,726 3.46 48,833 3.52 34,774 3.13 143 Appliances and home computing, video, and audio equipment B51007 17,039 1.02 14,876 1.07 10,818 0.97 49 Household appliances S51071 8,433 0.51 7,929 0.57 6,314 0.57 22 Computers, video and audio equipment S51072 8,606 0.52 6,947 0.50 4,504 0.41 27 Carpeting and furniture S51010 13,972 0.84 12,546 0.90 8,319 0.75 35 Miscellaneous durable goods S51011 26,716 1.60 21,412 1.54 15,638 1.41 58 Nondurable consumer goods B51021 384,349 23.04 287,621 20.73 212,456 19.12 922 Nondurable nonenergy consumer goods B51210 335,542 20.11 248,143 17.88 179,515 16.16 709 Foods and tobacco S51022 172,367 10.33 126,395 9.11 91,668 8.25 430 Clothing S51012 39,988 2.40 35,776 2.58 31,679 2.85 76 Chemical products S51016 74,784 4.48 49,812 3.59 32,862 2.96 124 Paper products S51017 48,402 2.90 36,159 2.61 23,307 2.10 77 |TABLE 1A |INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: MARKET GROUPS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Value added in 1992 Value added in 1987 Value added in 1982 Gross Value | in 1996 | Millions Millions Millions (Billions |Group and Series CODE of dollars Proportion of dollars Proportion of dollars Proportion of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer energy products B51018 48,807 2.93 39,478 2.84 32,941 2.96 214 Fuels S51019 14,095 0.84 10,521 0.76 14,145 1.27 125 Residential utilities S49010 34,712 2.08 28,957 2.09 18,796 1.69 88 Equipment, total B52013 286,904 17.20 243,432 17.54 219,540 19.76 639 Business equipment B52001 220,135 13.19 172,848 12.46 155,511 13.99 538 Information processing and related equipment S52206 89,521 5.37 72,607 5.23 54,406 4.90 188 Office and computing equipment, business SIC=357pt A35713 18,930 1.13 22,477 1.62 17,241 1.55 56 Industrial equipment S52204 66,495 3.99 53,994 3.89 56,634 5.10 164 Transit equipment S52007 42,066 2.52 27,374 1.97 24,467 2.20 135 Autos and trucks, business XQ2001 19,706 1.18 13,858 1.00 7,671 0.69 88 Other equipment S52222 22,052 1.32 18,873 1.36 20,004 1.80 51 Defense and space equipment B52008 55,040 3.30 60,026 4.33 36,754 3.31 70 Oil and gas well drilling A13800 9,200 0.55 8,069 0.58 25,502 2.29 19 Manufactured homes I24500 2,531 0.15 2,489 0.18 1,773 0.16 12 Intermediate products B54000 237,676 14.25 205,498 14.81 133,445 12.01 566 Construction supplies S54001 88,511 5.31 82,039 5.91 50,982 4.59 235 Business supplies B54002 149,165 8.94 123,459 8.90 82,463 7.42 330 Materials B53010 658,304 39.46 564,698 40.69 490,564 44.15 Durable goods materials B53011 347,474 20.83 287,647 20.73 194,692 17.52 Consumer parts S53012 67,461 4.04 60,287 4.34 37,367 3.36 Equipment parts S53013 126,312 7.57 103,318 7.45 76,616 6.89 |TABLE 1A |INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: MARKET GROUPS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Value added in 1992 Value added in 1987 Value added in 1982 Gross Value | in 1996 | Millions Millions Millions (Billions |Group and Series CODE of dollars Proportion of dollars Proportion of dollars Proportion of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiconductors, printed circuit boards, and oth. elec. comps. S53132 36,335 2.18 ND ND ND ND 99 Other durable materials B53014 153,700 9.21 124,042 8.94 80,708 7.26 Basic metals S53015 51,333 3.08 42,297 3.05 29,870 2.69 Nondurable goods materials B53017 149,306 8.95 124,158 8.95 87,936 7.91 Textile materials S53025 18,528 1.11 16,331 1.18 12,142 1.09 Paper materials S53026 30,577 1.83 27,078 1.95 16,438 1.48 Chemical materials S53027 65,890 3.95 52,721 3.80 34,912 3.14 Other nondurable materials B53036 34,311 2.06 28,028 2.02 24,444 2.20 Energy materials B53538 161,525 9.68 152,893 11.02 207,936 18.71 Primary energy S53531 105,780 6.34 100,594 7.25 153,384 13.80 Converted fuel S53532 55,745 3.34 52,299 3.77 54,552 4.91 SPECIAL AGGREGATES: Total ex. autos and trucks Z50001 1,620,596 97.13 1,349,637 97.25 1,093,952 98.45 Total ex. motor vehicles and parts X50001 1,587,466 95.15 1,321,366 95.22 1,076,273 96.86 Total ex. computer and office equipment CB0001 1,639,173 98.25 1,355,346 97.67 1,087,383 97.86 Total ex. computers and semiconductors X5OCSC 1,596,148 95.67 1,326,043 95.55 1,067,106 96.03 Consumer goods ex. autos and trucks X51000 457,417 27.42 349,867 25.21 258,074 23.22 1,110 Consumer goods ex. energy products CBB510 436,709 26.18 334,628 24.11 234,715 21.12 1,014 Business equipment ex. autos & trucks X52001 200,429 12.01 158,990 11.46 147,840 13.30 450 Business equipment ex. computer and office equipment C52001 201,205 12.06 150,371 10.84 138,270 12.44 482 Materials ex. energy materials Z53010 496,780 29.78 411,805 29.67 282,628 25.43