Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Board Actions

Actions taken during the week ending December 1, 2012


Forms -- final Board review to extend without revision the Consolidated Bank Holding Company Report of Equity Investments in Nonfinancial Companies (FR Y-12) and the Annual Report of Merchant Banking Investments Held for an Extended Period (FR Y-12A).
-Approved, November 27, 2012

Regulations and Policies

Bank Secrecy Act Rules -- publication for comment of interagency amendments to the definitions of "funds transfer" and "transmittal of funds" in the regulations implementing the Bank Secrecy Act.
-Approved, October 18, 2012


Johnson Financial Group, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin, and Johnson Bank -- written agreement dated May 10, 2011, terminated November 26, 2012.
-Announced, November 29, 2012

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco