Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Board Actions

Actions taken during the week ending January 11, 2014

Board Operations

Board Budget and Compensation -- operating and capital budgets for 2014 and related compensation actions.
-Approved, December 20, 2013

Office of Inspector General -- 2014 operating and capital budgets.
-Approved, December 2, 2013


Forms -- final Board review to extend with revision the Interchange Transaction Fees Surveys:  Debit card issuer survey (FR 3064a) and Payment card network survey (FR 3064b).
-Approved, January 7, 2014

Forms -- final Board review to extend with revision the Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities (FR 2248).
-Approved, January 8, 2014

Monetary and Financial Policy

Term Deposit Facility -- fixed-rate offering of 28-day term deposits with full allotment of tenders on January 13, 2014.
-Announced, January 8, 2014

Regulations and Policies

Regulation HH (Designated Financial Market Utilities) -- publication for comment of (1) proposed amendments to the risk-management standards for certain systemically important financial market utilities, in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act, and (2) proposed revisions to part I of the Federal Reserve Policy on Payment System Risk.
-Approved, January 8, 2014

Reserve Bank Operations

Federal Reserve Bank Budgets -- operating and capital budgets for the Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve Information Technology, and Office of Employee Benefits for 2014.
-Approved, December 11, 2013


Commerce Bancshares, Inc., Catoosa, Oklahoma, and Bank of Commerce, Chelsea -- written agreement dated October 26, 2009, terminated December 20, 2013.
-Announced, January 7, 2014

Cornerstone Holding Company, Inc., Fargo, North Dakota -- written agreement dated May 27, 2011, terminated December 19, 2013.
-Announced, January 7, 2014

Tioga State Bank, Spencer, New York -- issuance of a consent order of assessment of a civil money penalty.
-Announced, January 9, 2014

TransPecos Banks, Pecos, Texas -- issuance of a consent order of assessment of a civil money penalty.
-Announced, January 9, 2014

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco