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Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Board Actions

Actions taken during the week ending December 22, 2018


Federal Reserve Notes -- currency operating budget for 2019 and multi-cycle capital budget.
-Approved, December 12, 2018


Forms -- initial Board review to extend with revision the Complex Institution Liquidity Monitoring Report (FR 2052A).
-Proposed, December 20, 2018


Division of Research and Statistics -- appointment of Gianni Amisano, Charles Fleischman, Li Geng, Paul Lengermann, Byron Lutz, Raven Molloy, Matthias Paustian, Gustavo Suarez, and Clara Vega as assistant directors and chiefs; and appointment of Norman Morin as assistant director.
-Announced, December 17, 2018

Regulations and Policies

Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Methodology -- publication of an interagency final rule to address CECL, including an option to phase in the day-one regulatory capital effects over three years, and make conforming changes to other regulations.
-Approved, December 20, 2018

Depository Institution Management Interlocks Rules -- publication with request for comment of an interagency notice of proposed rulemaking to raise the asset thresholds below which depository organizations may have management interlocks without prior approval.
-Approved, December 13, 2018

Expanded Examination Cycle -- publication of an interagency final rule to expand the number of insured depository institutions and U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks eligible for an 18-month on-site examination cycle, rather than a 12-month cycle, in accordance with the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.
-Approved, December 20, 2018

Volcker Rule Regulations -- publication with request for comment of an interagency notice of proposed rulemaking to amend the agencies' respective regulations implementing the proprietary trading, hedge fund, and private equity fund restrictions of the Volcker rule, in accordance with the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.
-Approved, December 14, 2018

Supervision and Regulation

Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Methodology and Stress Testing -- statement that the Board will maintain the current modeling framework for loan allowances in its supervisory stress test through 2021.
-Announced, December 21, 2018

Resolution Plans -- (1) determinations by the Board and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on the resolution plans submitted by four foreign-based banking organizations, Barclays Bank PLC, Credit Suisse Group A.G., Deutsche Bank AG, and UBS Group AG, under the Dodd-Frank Act and (2) publication of final guidance by the Board and FDIC for the 2019 and subsequent resolution plans to be submitted by the eight largest, most complex U.S. banking organizations.
-Approved, December 19, 2018


First Community Bank, Beemer, Nebraska -- issuance of a consent order of prohibition against Diane Ludwig, a former institution-affiliated party of First Community Bank.
-Announced, December 20, 2018

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco