Federal Reserve Statistical Release, E.15, Agricultural Finance Databook; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page
Release Date: September 30, 2006
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B.8. Average Loan-Deposit Ratios at Agricultural Banks in Selected Federal Reserve Districts
Period Total
(entire U.S.)
Cleveland Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Minimum
farm loan
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
of banks
Loans to
1995 3,352 .64 53 .72 118 .66 816 .65 375 .65 619 .68 959 .63 344 .49 53 .74 16.83
1996 3,239 .66 49 .77 113 .68 795 .68 363 .66 609 .70 928 .64 313 .49 52 .73 16.45
1997 3,101 .69 45 .75 113 .70 759 .72 346 .70 574 .72 890 .68 312 .52 49 .66 16.44
1998 2,968 .68 40 .76 99 .71 733 .71 321 .69 558 .71 868 .68 289 .53 48 .66 16.34
1999 2,866 .72 41 .85 93 .74 715 .75 300 .72 538 .74 838 .71 277 .56 48 .72 15.67
2000 2,767 .75 39 .86 92 .77 693 .78 293 .75 519 .76 796 .76 269 .62 50 .74 15.08
2001 2,683 .74 40 .79 83 .75 675 .75 283 .73 497 .76 776 .76 267 .61 45 .75 14.88
2002 2,591 .76 43 .80 84 .77 646 .76 281 .75 489 .78 746 .79 249 .61 41 .76 14.83
2003 2,549 .75 38 .76 76 .75 640 .75 286 .73 478 .77 736 .76 241 .61 42 .81 14.59
2004 2,470 .78 39 .81 75 .77 611 .78 278 .73 457 .82 726 .79 235 .64 36 .91 14.50
2005 2,429 .79 40 .81 78 .76 612 .81 271 .77 437 .84 722 .80 228 .62 30 .92 14.27
1999: Q4 2,866 .72 41 .85 93 .74 715 .75 300 .72 538 .74 838 .71 277 .56 48 .72 15.67
2000: Q1 2,842 .73 41 .86 97 .75 705 .76 288 .71 536 .76 831 .72 278 .57 50 .74 15.28
Q2 2,834 .76 43 .89 96 .78 707 .79 306 .76 529 .80 814 .76 268 .61 54 .78 15.49
Q3 2,790 .77 42 .88 93 .80 698 .80 306 .77 523 .79 796 .76 261 .61 54 .76 15.36
Q4 2,767 .75 39 .86 92 .77 693 .78 293 .75 519 .76 796 .76 269 .62 50 .74 15.08
2001: Q1 2,755 .75 40 .84 95 .75 696 .78 282 .73 514 .76 798 .76 266 .61 46 .76 14.95
Q2 2,736 .77 41 .84 95 .76 682 .78 291 .76 508 .80 791 .77 265 .62 44 .80 15.21
Q3 2,725 .77 43 .82 100 .77 683 .78 296 .76 506 .80 778 .77 256 .63 45 .79 15.10
Q4 2,683 .74 40 .79 83 .75 675 .75 283 .73 497 .76 776 .76 267 .61 45 .75 14.88
2002: Q1 2,653 .74 40 .79 84 .74 664 .76 273 .72 498 .77 770 .76 264 .60 43 .75 14.75
Q2 2,637 .77 40 .79 89 .77 654 .77 284 .75 494 .81 762 .78 254 .62 45 .77 15.07
Q3 2,625 .77 37 .79 89 .78 657 .78 289 .77 497 .82 753 .79 248 .64 44 .77 15.13
Q4 2,591 .76 43 .80 84 .77 646 .76 281 .75 489 .78 746 .79 249 .61 41 .76 14.83
2003: Q1 2,578 .75 39 .80 80 .75 646 .75 271 .72 490 .77 750 .78 249 .60 41 .78 14.60
Q2 2,595 .76 40 .80 88 .77 640 .76 281 .75 490 .81 742 .77 257 .62 43 .78 14.88
Q3 2,579 .76 44 .79 87 .79 644 .77 287 .75 485 .81 735 .78 240 .63 43 .76 14.90
Q4 2,549 .75 38 .76 76 .75 640 .75 286 .73 478 .77 736 .76 241 .61 42 .81 14.59
2004: Q1 2,512 .75 42 .77 76 .75 626 .76 267 .71 469 .80 732 .76 246 .60 43 .82 14.30
Q2 2,528 .78 43 .80 77 .76 623 .78 287 .75 468 .84 730 .78 245 .65 43 .86 14.63
Q3 2,510 .79 42 .83 79 .78 618 .79 291 .76 462 .86 724 .80 237 .67 42 .86 14.76
Q4 2,470 .78 39 .81 75 .77 611 .78 278 .73 457 .82 726 .79 235 .64 36 .91 14.50
2005: Q1 2,457 .78 42 .80 79 .76 603 .79 269 .73 451 .83 728 .78 239 .62 33 .97 14.18
Q2 2,466 .80 42 .82 78 .80 606 .81 281 .78 446 .87 724 .80 244 .65 32 .97 14.48
Q3 2,450 .81 42 .83 82 .79 610 .82 284 .79 443 .88 711 .81 235 .67 32 .96 14.53
Q4 2,429 .79 40 .81 78 .76 612 .81 271 .77 437 .84 722 .80 228 .62 30 .92 14.27
2006: Q1 2,412 .79 43 .84 80 .76 606 .82 268 .75 437 .86 716 .79 222 .61 28 .97 14.08
Q2 2,409 .82 42 .87 77 .79 608 .84 269 .79 429 .89 716 .81 226 .64 32 1.03 14.28
   Note. The loan-deposit ratio is defined as total loans divided by total deposits.  Agricultural banks are defined as banks with a farm loan ratio at least as great as that
shown in the last column, as described in the introduction to section B. Yearly data are as of December 31. Quarterly data are as of end of quarter.

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