Source and Description Tables

Release Date: June 28, 2024

Notes for Industrial Production Source and Description Tables - Market Groups PDF

1. Description of Columns

Groups and Series: Series with asterisks are included in the published totals but are not published separately. The following abbreviations are used: n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified; misc. = miscellaneous; pt. = part. The detailed market structure is shown on Table 1E of the G.17 Monthly Supplement. For information on the source data and beginning date of each individual series, see Table 1, Industry Structure of Industrial Production.


    Market classification codes are abbreviated as follows:

    • Consumer goods (C)
      • Durable consumer goods (Cd)
        • Cda—Automotive products
        • Cdo—Other durable goods
      • Nondurable consumer goods (Cn)
        • Cnn—Non-energy
        • Cne—Energy

    • Equipment (E)
      • Business equipment (Eb)
        • Ebt—Transit equipment
        • Ebi—Information processing and related equipment
        • Ebn—Industrial and other equipment
      • Oil and gas well drilling and manufactured homes (Es)
      • Defense and space equipment (Ed)

    • Nonindustrial supplies (S)
      • Sc—Construction
      • Sb—Business

    • Materials (M)
      • Non-energy (Mn)
        • Mnd—Durable goods materials
        • Mnn—Nondurable goods materials
      • Energy materials (Me)
        • Mep—Primary energy
        • Mec—Converted fuel materials

    NAICS codes are from the North American Industry Classification System, 2017 edition, published by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Value added and Gross value: These weights were estimated from information contained in the Annual Survey of Manufactures, Census of Manufactures and the Census of Mineral Industries, and reports from the Department of Energy, the Edison Electric Institute, and the American Gas Association. The figures may not add to totals because of rounding.

2. Individual and aggregate series have been compiled on a consistent NAICS basis back to 1972. Major aggregates and groupings were linked to their corresponding pre-1972 SIC-based counterparts. Many industries are apportioned among several market groups. The value added and gross value figures for these series (marked with #) are apportioned accordingly. For the total value added and gross value for a given industry, see Table 1, Industry Structure of Industrial Production.

3. The individual series that comprise the total index include those industries in mining, utilities, and manufacturing. Manufacturing comprises those industries in the North American Industrial Classification System, or NAICS, definition of manufacturing plus the logging and newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishing industries that have traditionally been considered manufacturing.

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Last Update: June 28, 2024