Federal Reserve Statistical Release, G.19, Consumer Credit; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: December 6, 1996

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  G.19                                                          CONSUMER CREDIT                            For release at 3 p.m.(Eastern Time)
  1                                                               October 1996                                                December 6, 1996

  Consumer credit outstanding grew at a 2.3 percent seasonally adjusted annual rate in October, following a small decline in September.
  Revolving credit growth remained subdued, while the level of auto credit was about unchanged.

  Seasonally adjusted
                                                1995                                                1996
                                       _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

                                          Oct.    Nov.    Dec.  Jan. r  Feb. r  Mar. r  Apr. r   May r  June r  July r  Aug. r Sept. r  Oct. p
                                       ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
  Percent change at annual rate 2
       Total                               8.9    12.9     9.8    11.1    12.3    11.9     8.5     6.9     7.6    12.9     6.0    -0.8     2.3
         Automobile                       10.8    10.8    12.5     7.2     9.6     9.5     8.6     3.8    15.7    19.6     0.2     1.8    -0.2
         Revolving                        15.2     8.4    19.2    14.8    19.2    15.8    18.1    15.3     4.5    18.9     6.7     2.0     4.0  
         Other 3                          -0.6    20.5    -4.2    10.8     6.7     9.5    -3.7    -0.4     3.2    -1.7    11.2    -7.1     2.8

  Amount: billions of dollars
       Total                           1,082.7 1,094.4 1,103.3 1,113.5 1,125.0 1,136.2 1,144.2 1,150.8 1,158.1 1,170.6 1,176.4 1,175.7 1,177.9
         Automobile                      344.1   347.2   350.8   352.9   355.8   358.6   361.2   362.3   367.0   373.0   373.1   373.6   373.6
         Revolving                       404.6   407.4   413.9   419.0   425.7   431.3   437.9   443.5   445.1   452.1   454.6   455.4   456.9
         Other 3                         334.0   339.7   338.6   341.6   343.5   346.2   345.2   345.1   346.0   345.5   348.7   346.7   347.5

  Percent except as noted: not seasonally adjusted
  Institution, terms, and type of loan
  Commercial banks
       Interest rates
         48-mo. new car                   n.a.    9.36    n.a.    n.a.    9.12    n.a.    n.a.    8.93    n.a.    n.a.    9.11    n.a.    n.a.
         24-mo. personal                  n.a.   13.80    n.a.    n.a.   13.63    n.a.    n.a.   13.52    n.a.    n.a.   13.37    n.a.    n.a.
         Credit card plan
           All accounts                   n.a.   15.81    n.a.    n.a.   15.82    n.a.    n.a.   15.44    n.a.    n.a.   15.65    n.a.    n.a.
           Accounts assessed interest     n.a.   15.71    n.a.    n.a.   15.41    n.a.    n.a.   15.41    n.a.    n.a.   15.64    n.a.    n.a.

  New car loans at auto finance companies
       Interest rates                    10.89   10.84   10.52    9.74    9.86    9.77    9.64    9.37    9.53    9.81   10.49   10.52   10.40
       Maturity (months)                  54.6    54.5    53.6    51.8    52.3    51.8    51.5    50.8    50.4    50.5    51.4    51.9    52.5
       Loan-to-value ratio                  92      92      92      92      91      91      91      91      91      91      92      91      89
       Amount financed (dollars)        16,430  16,583  17,034  16,698  16,627  16,520  16,605  16,686  16,854  16,926  16,927  17,182  17,435
  This release is issued around the fifth business day of each month. The exact date and time may be obtained by calling (202) 452 - 3206.
  Footnotes appear on reverse.

    (Billions of dollars)
    Not seasonally adjusted

                                               1995                                                1996
                                      _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

                                         Oct.    Nov.    Dec.  Jan. r  Feb. r  Mar. r  Apr. r   May r  June r  July r  Aug. r Sept. r  Oct. p
                                      ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

    Total                             1,084.1 1,101.4 1,131.9 1,123.8 1,122.1 1,125.8 1,133.4 1,141.0 1,151.0 1,160.8 1,173.3 1,179.7 1,179.7

    Major holders
    Commercial banks                    491.8   496.0   507.8   502.0   500.1   500.6   506.3   504.9   507.6   511.1   517.7   517.8   518.2
    Finance companies                   148.7   147.1   152.6   152.6   154.4   151.7   153.3   155.9   155.9   157.1   155.6   157.0   153.4  
    Credit unions                       130.3   130.9   131.9   131.5   131.2   131.5   132.8   134.6   136.1   138.2   140.6   142.0   143.7
    Savings institutions                 40.1    40.5    40.1    40.2    40.4    40.7    41.1    41.6    41.1    42.1    42.2    43.0    43.8
    Nonfinancial business                78.8    77.9    85.1    80.7    78.1    76.7    73.7    74.6    72.0    71.1    71.0    68.6    67.9
    Pools of securitized assets 5       194.5   208.9   214.4   216.8   217.9   224.6   226.2   229.5   238.3   241.2   246.1   251.4   252.6

    Major types of credit 6
    Automobile                          348.1   351.0   354.1   352.5   353.5   354.9   356.7   359.6   365.6   371.8   374.5   377.0   377.8
       Commercial banks                 150.1   148.0   149.1   148.2   147.7   148.5   150.1   150.5   152.9   154.6   156.0   155.4   155.6
       Finance companies                 70.8    68.2    70.6    71.4    73.3    72.1    73.8    74.3    74.3    75.7    74.4    76.3    75.9
       Pools of securitized assets 5     37.2    44.7    44.4    42.6    41.8    43.0    40.7    41.2    44.7    45.1    45.6    45.2    44.6

    Revolving                           404.0   410.5   435.7   426.0   424.6   426.0   431.1   437.6   440.2   445.7   451.7   455.3   456.4
       Commercial banks                 195.9   197.1   210.3   200.1   198.9   196.8   201.1   203.4   204.0   207.9   211.0   213.8   214.6
       Nonfinancial business             50.0    48.5    53.5    50.5    48.6    47.4    44.5    45.2    42.6    41.7    41.3    38.8    38.1
       Pools of securitized assets 5    135.7   141.9   147.9   151.6   153.4   157.9   161.4   164.5   168.8   171.0   174.0   177.4   178.1

    Other                               332.1   339.8   342.2   345.4   343.9   345.0   345.6   343.8   345.2   343.3   347.1   347.3   345.5
       Commercial banks                 145.7   150.9   148.4   153.7   153.5   155.3   155.1   150.9   150.6   148.5   150.7   148.5   147.9
       Finance companies                 77.9    78.9    82.0    81.2    81.1    79.6    79.5    81.6    81.6    81.4    81.1    80.6    77.5
       Nonfinancial business             28.8    29.4    31.5    30.2    29.5    29.3    29.2    29.5    29.4    29.4    29.8    29.8    29.8
       Pools of securitized assets 5     21.5    22.3    22.1    22.6    22.7    23.7    24.1    23.8    24.8    25.1    26.5    28.9    29.9

    1. Covers most short- and intermediate- term credit extended to individuals, excluding loans secured by real estate.
    2. Percent changes calculated from unrounded data.
    3. Comprises mobile home loans and all other loans not included in automobile or revolving credit, such as loans for education,
     boats, trailers, or vacations. These loans may be secured or unsecured.
    4. Interest rates are annual percentage rates (APR) as specified by the Federal Reserve's Regulation Z. Interest rates for new-car loans
    and personal loans at commercial banks are simple unweighted averages of each bank's most common rate charged during the first calendar
    week of the middle month of each quarter. For credit card accounts, the rate for all accounts is the stated APR averaged across all
    credit card accounts at all reporting banks. The rate for accounts assessed interest is the annualized ratio of total finance charges
    at all reporting banks to the total average daily balances against which the finance charges were assessed (excludes accounts for which
    no finance charges were assessed). Finance company data are from the subsidiaries of the three major U.S. automobile manufacturers and
    are volume-weighted averages covering all loans of each type purchased during the month.
    5. Outstanding balances of pools upon which securities have been issued; these balances are no longer carried on the balance sheets of
    the loan originators.
    6. Includes estimates for holders that do not separately report consumer credit holding by type.
    r=revised.  p=preliminary.

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Last update: December 6, 1996