Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.3, Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: October 18, 2001

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 H.3 (502)
 Table 1	                                                                                            For Release at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
                                                                                                                       October 18, 2001
 Adjusted for changes in reserve requirements1                                                                                              
 Averages of daily figures, seasonally adjusted unless noted otherwise
 Millions of dollars
                               Reserves of depository institutions                            Borrowings of depository institutions from
                                                                                                         the Federal Reserve, NSA
                      ---------------------------------------------------                 --------------------------------------------------
      Date             total2    nonborrowed3      required    excess NSA4     Monetary      total      adjustment    seasonal    extended
                                                                                base5                                              credit  
  2000-Sep.                39386        38908           38267         1119       578335          477           50          427            0
       Oct.                39021        38602           37874         1147       579696          418          119          299            0
       Nov.                39023        38739           37821         1201       581395          283          124          159            0
       Dec.                38507        38297           37182         1325       583958          210           99          111            0
  2001-Jan.                38827        38754           37574         1253       589387           73           39           34            0
       Feb.                38867        38815           37434         1432       591117           51           30           21            0
       Mar.                38258        38200           36873         1385       592420           58           38           20            0
       Apr.                38788        38737           37511         1277       595925           51           15           35            0
       May                 38888        38675           37869         1019       599089          213          134           79            0
       June                38774        38545           37414         1360       601882          229          110          120            0
       July                39600        39317           38194         1407       607685          283          109          174            0
       Aug.                39893        39710           38659         1234       615478          183           19          164            0
       Sep.                57857        54472           38799        19058       639743         3385         3292           93            0
 Two weeks ending
  2001-Aug. 22             39741        39557           38655         1086       614997          184            9          175            0
       Sep.  5             40224        40068           38699         1524       618943          156           29          127            0
            19             75922        69205           37738        38184       657795         6717         6622           95            0
       Oct.  3             42880        42268           40196         2685       626223          613          538           75            0
            17p            44075        43993           42960         1115       623302           82            8           74            0
 1. Reserves and monetary base figures incorporate adjustments for discontinuities, or "breaks", associated with regulatory changes in reserve 
    requirements. (For more information, see Table 3).
 2. Seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted total reserves equal seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted required reserves plus unadjusted excess 
    reserves. (Also, see footnote 2 on Table 2 and footnote 2 on Table 3.)
 3. Seasonally  adjusted, break-adjusted nonborrowed reserves equal seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted total reserves less unadjusted total
    borrowings of depository institutions from the Federal Reserve.
 4. Excess reserves NSA equals unadjusted total reserves (Table 2, column 1) less adjusted required reserves (Table 2, column 3).
 5. The seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted monetary base consists of (1) seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted total reserves plus (2)
    the seasonally adjusted currency component of the money stock plus (3), for all quarterly reporters on the "Report of Transaction 
    Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash" and for all those weekly reporters whose vault cash exceeds their required reserves, the 
    seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted difference between current vault cash and the amount applied to satisfy current reserve requirements. 
    (Also see footnote 3 on Table 2 and footnote 4 on Table 3.)
 p  preliminary
 H.3 (502)
 Table 2
 Not adjusted for changes in reserve requirements1 
 Averages of daily figures, not seasonally adjusted
 Millions of dollars
                    Reserves of depository institutions                                          Vault cash5
                  --------------------------------------                            --------------------------------------
                                                                            Reserve                  used to                 Net carryover
      Date              total2   nonborrowed     required  Monetary base3  balances       total      satisfy      surplus7    of reserve
                                                                           with F.R.                required                  balances8
                                                                            Banks4                  reserves6
  2000-Sep.                39168        38691        38050       583519         6852        44829        32316        12513
       Oct.                38776        38358        37629       585014         6778        45233        31998        13235
       Nov.                38786        38502        37584       589120         7156        44635        31629        13006
       Dec.                38540        38331        37216       597120         7159        45228        31381        13847
  2001-Jan.                39791        39718        38538       598377         7190        47683        32601        15083
       Feb.                39349        39298        37917       595586         6615        48518        32734        15784
       Mar.                37715        37657        36329       598195         6737        44105        30978        13128
       Apr.                38591        38540        37314       601835         6863        43657        31728        11929
       May                 39382        39169        38363       605481         7610        43263        31772        11491
       June                38233        38004        36873       608825         7058        43133        31175        11958
       July                39296        39013        37889       615558         7674        43908        31622        12286
       Aug.                39621        39437        38386       621995         7564        44007        32056        11950
       Sep.                57538        54153        38480       645725        25600        43461        31938        11523
 Two weeks ending
  2001-Aug. 22             39170        38986        38084       621714         7051        44325        32119        12207           17
       Sep.  5             40032        39876        38507       625134         8288        42882        31744        11138          -16
            19             75466        68749        37282       664856        44491        43029        30975        12054          207
       Oct.  3             42678        42065        39993       630736         9425        44274        33253        11021          597
            17p            43419        43337        42304       630986        11032        45729        32387        13342          226
 1. Reflects actual required reserves, with no adjustments to eliminate the effects of discontinuities, or "breaks", associated with 
    regulatory changes in reserve requirements.
 2. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements.
 3. The monetary base, not break-adjusted and not seasonally adjusted, consists of (1) total reserves plus (2) required clearing balances
    and adjustments to compensate for float at Federal Reserve Banks plus (3) the currency component of the money stock plus (4), for all 
    quarterly reporters on the "Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash" and for all those weekly reporters whose 
    vault cash exceeds their required reserves, the difference between current vault cash and the amount applied to satisfy current reserve 
    requirements. Currency and vault cash figures are measured over computation periods ending on Mondays.
 4. Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float and includes other off-balance sheet "as-of" adjustments.
 5. Vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements. It includes only vault cash held by those banks and thrifts that are not exempt
    from reserve requirements. Dates refer to the maintenance periods in which the vault cash can be used to satisfy reserve requirements.
 6. All vault cash held during the lagged computation period by "bound" institutions (i.e., those whose required reserves exceed their vault 
    cash) plus the amount of vault cash applied during the maintenance period by "nonbound" institutions (i.e., those whose vault cash 
    exceeds their required reserves) to satisfy current reserve requirements.
 7. Total vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements, held by depository institutions not exempt from reserve requirements, minus the
    amount used to satisfy reserve requirements.
 8. Consists of carryover only at depository institutions maintaining reserves on the basis of two-week maintenance periods. Reflects excess (+) 
    or deficit (-) reserves eligible to be carried forward into the two-week reserve maintenance period ending on the date shown.
 p  preliminary
 H.3 (502)
 Table 3
 Adjusted for changes in reserve requirements1 
 Averages of daily figures, not seasonally adjusted
 Millions of dollars
                      Reserves of depository institutions
      Date              total2   nonborrowed    required3    Monetary base4
  2000-Sep.                39224        38746        38105         576836
       Oct.                38837        38419        37690         578291
       Nov.                38846        38563        37645         582356
       Dec.                38596        38386        37271         590200
  2001-Jan.                39775        39702        38522         591498
       Feb.                39378        39327        37946         589036
       Mar.                37762        37705        36377         591364
       Apr.                38655        38605        37379         594915
       May                 39462        39249        38443         598571
       June                38331        38102        36971         601688
       July                39413        39130        38006         608225
       Aug.                39751        39568        38517         614514
       Sep.                57695        54310        38638         637978
 Two weeks ending
  2001-Aug. 22             39297        39113        38211         614285
       Sep.  5             40174        40018        38649         617536
            19             75615        68899        37431         657264
       Oct.  3             42852        42240        40168         622724
            17p            43608        43526        42493         622837
 1. Figures reflect adjustments for discontinuities, or "breaks", associated with 
    regulatory changes in reserve requirements.
 2. Break-adjusted total reserves equal break-adjusted required reserves (Table 3, 
    column 3) plus excess reserves NSA (Table 1, column 5).
 3. To adjust required reserves for discontinuities due to regulatory changes in 
    in reserve requirements, a multiplicative procedure is used to estimate what 
    required reserves would have been in past periods had current reserve 
    requirements been in effect. Break-adjusted required reserves are equal to 
    break-adjusted required reserves against transactions deposits.
 4. The break-adjusted monetary base equals (1) break-adjusted total reserves plus 
    (2) the (unadjusted) currency component of the money stock plus (3), for all 
    quarterly reporters on the "Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and 
    Vault Cash" and for all those weekly reporters whose vault cash exceeds their 
    required reserves, the break-adjusted difference between current vault cash and 
    the amount applied to satisfy current reserve requirements.
 p  preliminary		

 Note: Current and historical H.3 data are available each week on the Federal Reserve 
       Board's web site (http://www.federalreserve.gov/). Monthly data are available 
       back to January 1959, and weekly data are available back to January 1975 for most 
       series. For information about individual copies or subscriptions, contact 
       Publications Services at the Federal Reserve Board (phone 202-452-3245, 
       fax 202-728-5886). For paid electronic access to current and historical data, 
       call STAT-USA at 1-800-782-8872 or 202-482-1986. 

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Last update: October 18, 2001