Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.4.1, Factors Affecting Reserve Balances; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page
Release Date:  January 20, 2005
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FEDERAL RESERVE Statistical Release

Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks
January 20, 2005
1. Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions
Millions of dollars
Reserve Bank credit, related items, and
reserve balances of depository institutions at
Federal Reserve Banks
Averages of daily figures Wednesday
Jan 19, 2005
Week ended
Jan 19, 2005
Change from week ended
Jan 12, 2005 Jan 21, 2004
Reserve Bank Credit                                         783,308     +   2,628     +  45,056       782,994 
 Securities held outright                                   717,825     +       3     +  50,998       717,825 
    U.S. Treasury (1)                                       717,825     +       3     +  50,998       717,825 
       Bills (2)                                            262,970             0     +  17,950       262,970 
       Notes and bonds, nominal (2)                         436,429             0     +  30,256       436,429 
       Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed (2)                16,108             0     +   2,114        16,108 
       Inflation compensation (3)                             2,317     +       2     +     678         2,318 
    Federal agency (2)                                            0             0             0             0 
 Repurchase agreements(4)                                    24,786     +   1,893     -   5,821        22,500 
 Loans to depository institutions                                53     -      12     -     170            61 
    Primary credit                                               35     -      10     -     177            42 
    Secondary credit                                              0             0             0             0 
    Seasonal credit                                              19     -       1     +       8            19 
 Float                                                          943     +     300     +   1,119         3,188 
 Other Federal Reserve assets                               39,702    +     445    -   1,069       39,420 
Gold stock                                                   11,045             0     +       2        11,045 
Special drawing rights certificate account                    2,200             0             0         2,200 
Treasury currency outstanding (5)                            36,533     +      14     +   1,006        36,533 
Total factors supplying reserve funds                       833,086     +   2,643     +  46,064       832,772 
Currency in circulation(5)                                  748,943     -   1,181     +  37,739       748,954 
Reverse repurchase agreements (6)                            27,580     -   2,384     +   7,583        27,594 
   Foreign official and international accounts               27,580     -   2,384     +   7,583        27,594 
   Dealers                                                        0             0             0             0 
Treasury cash holdings                                          257     -      16     -      77           296 
Deposits with F.R.Banks, other than reserve balances         14,802     -     262     -   3,804        15,202 
  U.S. Treasury, general account                              4,781     -     364     -   2,593         5,142 
  Foreign official                                               81     +       2     -       5            79 
  Service-related                                             9,594     +       1     -   1,138         9,594 
     Required clearing balances                               9,593             0     -     591         9,593 
     Adjustments to compensate for float                          2     +       2     -     546             2 
  Other                                                         346     +      99     -      68           387 
Other liabilities and capital                                26,279     +     574     +   6,159        25,976 
Total factors, other than reserve balances,                                                       
   absorbing reserve funds                                  817,861     -   3,268     +  47,600       818,022 
Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks                  15,225     +   5,911     -   1,536        14,749 
Memo (off-balance-sheet items):                               
  Marketable securities held in custody for foreign           
         official and international accounts(2,7)         1,343,578     -   7,478     + 238,476     1,346,982 
     U.S. Treasury                                        1,068,838     -   2,722     + 183,870     1,073,699 
     Federal agency                                         274,740     -   4,756     +  54,606       273,283 
  Securities lent to dealers                                  2,164     -     505     +     971         2,057 
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.


1 Includes securities lent to dealers, which are fully collateralized by other U.S. Treasury securities.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities.
4 Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.
5 Estimated.
6 Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
7 Includes U.S. Treasury STRIPS and other zero coupon bonds at face value.


Sources: Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


2. Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks
Millions of Dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Eliminations
  Change Since
Jan 19, 2005
Jan 12, 2005
Jan 21, 2004
Gold certificate account                                         11,041                 0         +       2 
Special drawing rights certificate account                        2,200                 0                 0 
Coin                                                                751         +      14         -      28 
Securities, repurchase agreements, and loans                    740,387         +   4,264         +  31,423 
   Securities held outright                                     717,825         +       2         +  50,993 
      U.S. Treasury (1)                                         717,825         +       2         +  50,993 
         Bills (2)                                              262,970                 0         +  17,942 
         Notes and bonds, nominal (2)                           436,429                 0         +  30,256 
         Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed (2)                    16,108                 0         +   2,114 
         Inflation compensation (3)                               2,318         +       2         +     682 
      Federal agency (2)                                              0                 0                 0 
   Repurchase agreements (4)                                     22,500         +   4,250         -  19,500 
   Loans                                                             61         +      11         -      71 
Items in process of collection                    (1,260)        12,550         +   4,556         -     201 
Bank premises                                                     1,779         +       3         +     135 
Other assets (5)                                                 39,837         -     324         +     496 
      Total assets                                (1,260)       808,544         +   8,512         +  31,827 
Federal Reserve notes net of FR Bank holdings                  713,464         -     387         +  36,839 
Reverse repurchase agreements (6)                                27,594         +     363         +   7,859 
Deposits                                              (0)        32,148         +   6,116         -  16,668 
  Depository institutions                                        26,540         +   5,831         -  14,004 
  U.S. Treasury, general account                                  5,142         +     191         -   2,598 
  Foreign official                                                   79         -       9         -      37 
  Other                                               (0)           387         +     103         -      29 
Deferred availability cash items                  (1,260)         9,362         +   2,639         -   2,046 
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (7)                       2,784         -      19         +     542 
      Total liabilities                           (1,260)       785,352         +   8,712         +  26,527 
Capital Accounts                                     
Capital paid in                                                  12,015         +       7         +   3,140 
Surplus                                                          10,946         -       7         +   2,099 
Other capital accounts                                              231         -     200         +      61 
      Total capital                                              23,192         -     200         +   5,300 
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1 Includes securities lent to dealers, which are fully collateralized by other U.S. Treasury securities.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities.
4 Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securites.
5 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, which are revalued daily at market exchange rates.
6 Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
7 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.



3. Maturity Distribution of Loans and Securities, January 19, 2005
Millions of dollars
Maturity Loans U.S. Treasury
securities (1)
Federal agency
Holding Weekly
Holdings Week
Within 15 days              61        56,493    +  10,040             0            0        22,500        27,594
16 days to 90 days           0       154,007    -   9,088             0            0             0             0
91 days to 1 year            0       170,089    +     224             0            0      ------       ------   
Over 1 to 5 years     ------         209,683    +   1,413             0            0      ------       ------   
Over 5 to 10 years    ------          51,786    -   2,587             0            0      ------       ------   
Over 10 years         ------          75,767    +       1             0            0      ------       ------   
All                         61       717,825    +       2             0            0        22,500       27,594 
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
--- Not applicable.

1 Includes the original face value of inflation-indexed securities and compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face
value of such securities.
2 Cash value of agreements classified by remaining maturity of the agreements.



4. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank on January 19, 2005
Millions of dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas
Dallas San
Gold certificate account                      11,041         494       4,651         382         452         819         894         924         325         218         302         525       1,055 
Special drawing rights certificate acct.       2,200         115         874          83         104         147         166         212          71          30          66          98         234 
Coin                                             751          19          46          55          54          68          85         119          35          22          47          86         114 
Securities, repurchase agreements,                                 
      and loans                              740,387      33,707     333,776      21,358      30,673      54,560      48,408      64,673      21,089      15,661      18,864      32,729      64,890 
   Securities held outright                  717,825      33,707     311,259      21,350      30,673      54,558      48,408      64,661      21,089      15,657      18,863      32,729      64,872 
      U.S. Treasury (1)                      717,825      33,707     311,259      21,350      30,673      54,558      48,408      64,661      21,089      15,657      18,863      32,729      64,872 
         Bills (2)                           262,970      12,348     114,027       7,821      11,237      19,987      17,734      23,688       7,726       5,736       6,910      11,990      23,765 
         Notes and bonds(3)                  454,855      21,359     197,231      13,529      19,436      34,571      30,674      40,973      13,363       9,921      11,953      20,739      41,107 
         Federal agency (2)                        0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 
      Repurchase agreements(4)                22,500           0      22,500           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 
      Loans                                       61           0          17           8           0           2           0          12           0           4           1           0          18 
Items in process of collection                13,810         926       1,035         649       1,044         744       1,371       1,587         755         647       1,218         631       3,203 
Bank premises                                  1,779         100         196          53         157         144         277         158          67         123          82         256         167 
Other assets(5)                               39,837       1,817      14,223       1,157       2,473       6,289       2,305       3,608       1,041       1,180         815         999       3,929 
Interdistrict settlement account                   0     + 2,756     -17,682     + 3,204     +   307     -   946     + 8,513     -   994     +   943     - 1,219     + 1,218     +   934     + 2,966 
          Total Assets                       809,804      39,934     337,119      26,941      35,263      61,825      62,019      70,287      24,326      16,661      22,612      36,258      76,558 
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1 Includes securities lent to dealers, which are fully collateralized by other U.S. Treasury securities.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Includes the original face value of inflation-indexed securities and compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face
value of such securities.
4 Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.
5 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, which are revalued daily at market exchange rates.




4. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank on January 19, 2005
Millions of dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas
Dallas San
Federal Reserve notes outstanding             852,385      38,591     341,123      32,534      34,320      64,728      73,762      72,834      24,900      16,434      24,565      40,807      87,787 
  Less: notes held by F.R. Banks              138,921       4,624      41,103       8,214       5,597      12,626      18,189       9,587       3,058       2,023       4,648       7,512      21,740 
    Federal Reserve notes, net                713,464      33,968     300,020      24,320      28,723      52,102      55,572      63,247      21,842      14,411      19,917      33,295      66,047 
Reverse repurchase agreements (1)              27,594       1,296      11,965         821       1,179       2,097       1,861       2,486         811         602         725       1,258       2,494 
Deposits                                       32,148       1,183      16,087         537       1,864       2,298       2,348       2,200         608         454         961         863       2,746 
  Depository institutions                      26,540       1,175      10,664         536       1,861       2,141       2,346       2,196         605         453         959         862       2,742 
  U.S. Treasury, general account                5,142           0       5,142           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 
  Foreign official                                 79           2          56           1           2           7           2           3           1           1           1           0           4 
  Other                                           387           6         225           0           1         150           0           0           2           0           1           0           0 
Deferred availability cash items               10,622         778       1,068         569       1,444         800       1,055         510         307         601         601         415       2,473 
Other liabilities and accrued                                                 
  dividends (2)                                 2,784         155         987         101         147         252         222         263         108          85          94         142         229 
    Total liabilities                         786,612      37,379     330,127      26,348      33,357      57,549      61,057      68,706      23,675      16,154      22,298      35,973      73,989 
Capital paid in                                12,015       1,638       3,430         297       1,067       2,148         426         785         399         253         154         135       1,283 
Surplus                                        10,946         916       3,430         294         839       2,127         516         763         236         254         153         135       1,283 
Other capital                                     231           2         133           2           0           0          20          32          16           0           7          16           4 
     Total liabilities and capital            809,804      39,934     337,119      26,941      35,263      61,825      62,019      70,287      24,326      16,661      22,612      36,258      76,558 
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1 Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
2 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.


5. Collateral Held against Federal Reserve Notes: Federal Reserve Agents' Accounts
Millions of dollars
Federal Reserve notes and collateral Wednesday
Jan 19, 2005
Federal Reserve notes outstanding          852,385  
   Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks         
         not subject to collateralization   138,921  
      Federal Reserve Notes to be         
         collateralized                    713,464  
Collateral held against Federal Reserve             
   notes                                   713,464  
   Gold certificate account                 11,041  
   Special drawing rights                 
     certificate account                     2,200  
   U.S. Treasury and agency securities    
     pledged (1)                           700,224  
   Other assets pledged                          0  
Total U.S. Treasury and agency            
       securities (1)                      740,325  
   Less:face value of securities under    
         reverse repurchase agreements      27,609  
      U.S. Treasury and agency securities  
             eligible to be pledged        712,716  
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1 Includes face value of U.S. Treasury and agency securities held outright, compensation to adjust for the effect of inflation on the original face
value of inflation-indexed securities, and cash value of repurchase agreements.

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