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Release Date: October 10, 2013
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release
For Release at
4:30 P.M. EDT
June 12, 2014
Table 10 line items “Less: Face value of securities under reverse repurchase agreements” and “U.S. Treasury, agency debt, and mortgage-backed securities eligible to be pledged” have been corrected to include securities pledged as collateral for tri-party reverse repurchase agreements.
The revised data are reported at the following link:
Historical data incorporating this correction can be accessed through the Data Download Program (DDP) at
FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks October 10, 2013
1. Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions
Millions of dollars
Reserve Bank credit, related items, and Averages of daily figures Wednesday
reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Oct 9, 2013
Federal Reserve Banks Oct 9, 2013 Oct 2, 2013 Oct 10, 2012
Reserve Bank credit 3,710,900 + 13,748 + 941,061 3,715,319
Securities held outright (1) 3,485,813 + 12,866 + 910,120 3,489,552
U.S. Treasury securities 2,083,015 + 13,253 + 425,626 2,086,741
Bills (2) 0 0 0 0
Notes and bonds, nominal (2) 1,982,444 + 13,228 + 406,901 1,986,161
Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed (2) 87,209 0 + 15,425 87,209
Inflation compensation (3) 13,362 + 25 + 3,299 13,372
Federal agency debt securities (2) 60,652 - 429 - 22,659 60,652
Mortgage-backed securities (4) 1,342,147 + 43 + 507,154 1,342,159
Unamortized premiums on securities held outright (5) 204,053 - 80 + 48,248 204,039
Unamortized discounts on securities held outright (5) -7,470 - 336 - 5,783 -7,636
Repurchase agreements (6) 0 0 0 0
Loans 237 - 24 - 1,320 246
Primary credit 7 - 8 - 10 13
Secondary credit 0 0 0 0
Seasonal credit 130 - 15 + 44 132
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (7) 101 0 - 1,353 101
Other credit extensions 0 0 0 0
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC (8) 1,493 - 1 - 238 1,493
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane II LLC (9) 64 0 + 3 64
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane III LLC (10) 22 0 - 1 22
Net portfolio holdings of TALF LLC (11) 111 - 1 - 742 111
Float -728 - 40 + 19 -718
Central bank liquidity swaps (12) 232 - 279 - 12,719 186
Other Federal Reserve assets (13) 27,072 + 1,641 + 3,474 27,961
Foreign currency denominated assets (14) 24,319 + 143 - 1,542 24,237
Gold stock 11,041 0 0 11,041
Special drawing rights certificate account 5,200 0 0 5,200
Treasury currency outstanding (15) 45,343 + 14 + 694 45,343
Total factors supplying reserve funds 3,796,803 + 13,905 + 940,212 3,801,140
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. Footnotes appear at the end of the table.
1. Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions (continued)
Millions of dollars
Reserve Bank credit, related items, and Averages of daily figures Wednesday
reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Oct 9, 2013
Federal Reserve Banks Oct 9, 2013 Oct 2, 2013 Oct 10, 2012
Currency in circulation (15) 1,210,629 + 3,367 + 74,088 1,214,080
Reverse repurchase agreements (16) 98,251 - 15,522 + 11,470 99,085
Foreign official and international accounts 97,065 + 1,097 + 10,284 98,660
Others 1,186 - 16,619 + 1,186 425
Treasury cash holdings 178 + 9 + 49 179
Deposits with F.R. Banks, other than reserve balances 62,363 - 22,471 - 34,876 59,789
Term deposits held by depository institutions 11,662 0 + 8,622 11,662
U.S. Treasury, General Account 28,728 - 9,233 - 37,117 23,393
Foreign official 8,889 + 3 + 3,327 8,877
Other 13,084 - 13,241 - 9,707 15,857
Other liabilities and capital (17) 65,992 + 492 - 343 65,110
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 1,437,413 - 34,126 + 50,387 1,438,242
Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks 2,359,390 + 48,031 + 889,825 2,362,899
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight securities lending facility; refer to table
2. Face value of the securities.
3. Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of
inflation-indexed securities.
4. Guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The current face value shown is the
remaining principal balance of the securities.
5. Reflects the premium or discount, which is the difference between the purchase price and the face
value of the securities that has not been amortized. For U.S. Treasury and Federal agency debt
securities, amortization is on a straight-line basis. For mortgage-backed securities, amortization is on an
effective-interest basis.
6. Cash value of agreements.
7. Includes credit extended by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to eligible borrowers through the
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility.
8. Refer to table 4 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
9. Refer to table 5 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
10. Refer to table 6 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
11. Refer to table 7 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
12. Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used
when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This exchange rate equals the
market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank.
13. Includes accrued interest, which represents the daily accumulation of interest earned, and other
accounts receivable. Also, includes Reserve Bank premises and equipment net of allowances for
14. Revalued daily at current foreign currency exchange rates.
15. Estimated.
16. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency debt
securities, and mortgage-backed securities.
17. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, Maiden Lane III LLC, and TALF LLC
to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including liabilities that have recourse
only to the portfolio holdings of these LLCs. Refer to table 4 through table 7 and the note on
consolidation accompanying table 9. Also includes the liability for interest on Federal Reserve notes due
to U.S. Treasury. Refer to table 8 and table 9.
Sources: Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
1A. Memorandum Items
Millions of dollars
Memorandum item Averages of daily figures Wednesday
Week ended Change from week ended Oct 9, 2013
Oct 9, 2013 Oct 2, 2013 Oct 10, 2012
Securities held in custody for foreign official and
international accounts 3,293,612 + 2,393 + 113,264 3,294,669
Marketable U.S. Treasury securities (1) 2,936,898 + 1,918 + 128,935 2,937,483
Federal agency debt and mortgage-backed securities (2) 317,918 - 97 - 16,529 318,200
Other securities (3) 38,796 + 573 + 858 38,985
Securities lent to dealers 12,910 - 7,270 + 5,401 12,232
Overnight facility (4) 12,910 - 7,270 + 5,401 12,232
U.S. Treasury securities 11,862 - 7,313 + 4,826 11,094
Federal agency debt securities 1,047 + 42 + 574 1,138
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes securities and U.S. Treasury STRIPS at face value, and inflation compensation on TIPS.
Does not include securities pledged as collateral to foreign official and international account holders
against reverse repurchase agreements with the Federal Reserve presented in tables 1, 8, and 9.
2. Face value of federal agency securities and current face value of mortgage-backed securities, which
is the remaining principal balance of the securities.
3. Includes non-marketable U.S. Treasury securities, supranationals, corporate bonds, asset-backed
securities, and commercial paper at face value.
4. Face value. Fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
2. Maturity Distribution of Securities, Loans, and Selected Other Assets and Liabilities, October 9, 2013
Millions of dollars
Remaining Maturity Within 15 16 days to 91 days to Over 1 year Over 5 year Over 10 All
days 90 days 1 year to 5 years to 10 years years
Loans (1) 47 98 49 52 0 ... 246
U.S. Treasury securities (2)
Holdings 0 4 385 659,498 887,608 539,246 2,086,741
Weekly changes 0 0 0 + 4 + 6,854 + 2,957 + 9,814
Federal agency debt securities (3)
Holdings 1,572 3,423 15,651 37,597 62 2,347 60,652
Weekly changes + 1,085 + 479 - 1,564 0 0 0 0
Mortgage-backed securities (4)
Holdings 0 0 0 2 2,552 1,339,605 1,342,159
Weekly changes 0 0 0 0 + 1 + 25 + 26
Asset-backed securities held by
TALF LLC (5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements (6) 0 0 ... ... ... ... 0
Central bank liquidity swaps (7) 27 159 0 0 0 0 186
Reverse repurchase agreements (6) 99,085 0 ... ... ... ... 99,085
Term deposits 11,662 0 0 ... ... ... 11,662
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
...Not applicable.
1. Excludes the loans from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) to Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden
Lane II LLC, Maiden Lane III LLC, and TALF LLC. The loans were eliminated when preparing the FRBNY's
statement of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted accounting principles.
2. Face value. For inflation-indexed securities, includes the original face value and compensation
that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of such securities.
3. Face value.
4. Guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The current face value shown is the
remaining principal balance of the securities.
5. Face value of asset-backed securities held by TALF LLC, which is the remaining principal balance of
the underlying assets.
6. Cash value of agreements.
7. Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used
when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This exchange rate equals the
market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank.
3. Supplemental Information on Mortgage-Backed Securities
Millions of dollars
Account name Wednesday
Oct 9, 2013
Mortgage-backed securities held outright (1) 1,342,159
Commitments to buy mortgage-backed securities (2) 101,421
Commitments to sell mortgage-backed securities (2) 0
Cash and cash equivalents (3) 10
1. Guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The current face value shown is the
remaining principal balance of the securities.
2. Current face value. Generally settle within 180 days and include commitments associated with
outright transactions, dollar rolls, and coupon swaps.
3. This amount is included in other Federal Reserve assets in table 1 and in other assets in table 8
and table 9.
4. Information on Principal Accounts of Maiden Lane LLC
Millions of dollars
Account name Wednesday
Oct 9, 2013
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC (1) 1,493
Outstanding principal amount of loan extended by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Accrued interest payable to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on loan payable to JPMorgan Chase & Co. (3) 0
1. Fair value. Fair value reflects an estimate of the price that would be received upon selling an
asset if the transaction were to be conducted in an orderly market on the measurement date. Revalued
quarterly. This table reflects valuations as of June 30, 2013. Any assets purchased after this valuation
date are initially recorded at cost until their estimated fair value as of the purchase date becomes
2. Book value. This amount was eliminated when preparing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's
statement of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted accounting principles. Refer
to the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
3. Book value. The fair value of these obligations is included in other liabilities and capital in
table 1 and in other liabilities and accrued dividends in table 8 and table 9.
Note: On June 26, 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) extended credit to Maiden Lane LLC
under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. This limited liability company was formed to
acquire certain assets of Bear Stearns and to manage those assets through time to maximize repayment of the credit
extended and to minimize disruption to financial markets. Payments by Maiden Lane LLC from the proceeds of
the net portfolio holdings will be made in the following order: operating expenses of the LLC, principal due to
the FRBNY, interest due to the FRBNY, principal due to JPMorgan Chase & Co., and interest due to JPMorgan
Chase & Co. Any remaining funds will be paid to the FRBNY.
5. Information on Principal Accounts of Maiden Lane II LLC
Millions of dollars
Account name Wednesday
Oct 9, 2013
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane II LLC (1) 64
Outstanding principal amount of loan extended by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Accrued interest payable to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Deferred payment and accrued interest payable to subsidiaries of American International Group, Inc. (3) 0
1. Fair value. Fair value reflects an estimate of the price that would be received upon selling an
asset if the transaction were to be conducted in an orderly market on the measurement date. Revalued
quarterly. This table reflects valuations as of June 30, 2013. Any assets purchased after this valuation
date are initially recorded at cost until their estimated fair value as of the purchase date becomes
2. Book value. This amount was eliminated when preparing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's
statement of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted accounting principles. Refer
to the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
3. Book value. The deferred payment represents the portion of the proceeds of the net portfolio
holdings due to subsidiaries of American International Group, Inc. in accordance with the asset purchase
agreement. The fair value of this payment and accrued interest payable are included in other
liabilities and capital in table 1 and in other liabilities and accrued dividends in table 8 and table 9.
Note: On December 12, 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) began extending credit to Maiden
Lane II LLC under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. This limited liability company was
formed to purchase residential mortgage-backed securities from the U.S. securities lending reinvestment
portfolio of subsidiaries of American International Group, Inc. (AIG subsidiaries). Payments by Maiden Lane II LLC
from the proceeds of the net portfolio holdings will be made in the following order: operating expenses of
Maiden Lane II LLC, principal due to the FRBNY, interest due to the FRBNY, and deferred payment and interest due
to AIG subsidiaries. Any remaining funds will be shared by the FRBNY and AIG subsidiaries.
6. Information on Principal Accounts of Maiden Lane III LLC
Millions of dollars
Account name Wednesday
Oct 9, 2013
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane III LLC (1) 22
Outstanding principal amount of loan extended by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Accrued interest payable to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on loan payable to American International Group, Inc. (3) 0
1. Fair value. Fair value reflects an estimate of the price that would be received upon selling an
asset if the transaction were to be conducted in an orderly market on the measurement date. Revalued
quarterly. This table reflects valuations as of June 30, 2013. Any assets purchased after this valuation
date are initially recorded at cost until their estimated fair value as of the purchase date becomes
2. Book value. This amount was eliminated when preparing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's
statement of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted accounting principles. Refer
to the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
3. Book value. The fair value of these obligations is included in other liabilities and capital in
table 1 and in other liabilities and accrued dividends in table 8 and table 9.
Note: On November 25, 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) began extending credit to Maiden
Lane III LLC under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. This limited liability company was
formed to purchase multi-sector collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) on which the Financial Products group
of American International Group, Inc. (AIG) has written credit default swap (CDS) contracts. In connection
with the purchase of CDOs, the CDS counterparties will concurrently unwind the related CDS transactions. Payments
by Maiden Lane III LLC from the proceeds of the net portfolio holdings will be made in the following order:
operating expenses of Maiden Lane III LLC, principal due to the FRBNY, interest due to the FRBNY, principal due
to AIG, and interest due to AIG. Any remaining funds will be shared by the FRBNY and AIG.
7. Information on Principal Accounts of TALF LLC
Millions of dollars
Account name Wednesday
Oct 9, 2013
Asset-backed securities holdings (1) 0
Other investments, net 111
Net portfolio holdings of TALF LLC 111
Outstanding principal amount of loan extended by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Accrued interest payable to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 0
Funding provided by U.S. Treasury to TALF LLC, including accrued interest payable (3) 0
1. Fair value. Fair value reflects an estimate of the price that would be received upon selling an
asset if the transaction were to be conducted in an orderly market on the measurement date.
2. Book value. This amount was eliminated when preparing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's
statement of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted accounting principles. Refer
to the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
3. Book value. The fair value of these obligations is included in other liabilities and capital in
table 1 and in other liabilities and accrued dividends in table 8 and table 9.
Note: On November 25, 2008, the Federal Reserve announced the creation of the Term Asset-Backed Securities
Loan Facility (TALF) under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. The TALF is a facility
under which the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) extended loans with a term of up to five years to
holders of eligible asset-backed securities. The Federal Reserve closed the TALF for new loan extensions in 2010.
The loans provided through the TALF to eligible borrowers are non-recourse, meaning that the obligation of the
borrower can be discharged by surrendering the collateral to the FRBNY.
TALF LLC is a limited liability company formed to purchase and manage any asset-backed securities received
by the FRBNY in connection with the decision of a borrower not to repay a TALF loan. TALF LLC has committed,
for a fee, to purchase all asset-backed securities received by the FRBNY in conjunction with a TALF loan at a
price equal to the TALF loan plus accrued but unpaid interest. Prior to January 15, 2013, the U.S. Treasury's
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) committed backup funding to TALF LLC, providing credit protection to the
FRBNY. However, the accumulated fees and income collected through the TALF and held by TALF LLC now exceed the
remaining amount of TALF loans outstanding. Accordingly, the TARP credit protection commitment has been
terminated, and TALF LLC has begun to distribute excess proceeds to the Treasury and the FRBNY. Any remaining funds
will be shared by the FRBNY and the U.S. Treasury.
8. Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks
Millions of dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Eliminations Wednesday Change since
from Oct 9, 2013 Wednesday Wednesday
consolidation Oct 2, 2013 Oct 10, 2012
Gold certificate account 11,037 0 0
Special drawing rights certificate account 5,200 0 0
Coin 2,000 - 5 - 174
Securities, unamortized premiums and discounts,
repurchase agreements, and loans 3,686,200 + 9,321 + 958,751
Securities held outright (1) 3,489,552 + 9,840 + 918,065
U.S. Treasury securities 2,086,741 + 9,814 + 433,004
Bills (2) 0 0 0
Notes and bonds, nominal (2) 1,986,161 + 9,787 + 414,302
Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed (2) 87,209 0 + 15,425
Inflation compensation (3) 13,372 + 27 + 3,278
Federal agency debt securities (2) 60,652 0 - 22,094
Mortgage-backed securities (4) 1,342,159 + 26 + 507,154
Unamortized premiums on securities held outright
(5) 204,039 - 148 + 47,954
Unamortized discounts on securities held outright
(5) -7,636 - 361 - 5,954
Repurchase agreements (6) 0 0 0
Loans 246 - 8 - 1,313
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC (7) 1,493 0 - 239
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane II LLC (8) 64 0 + 3
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane III LLC (9) 22 0 - 1
Net portfolio holdings of TALF LLC (10) 111 - 1 - 742
Items in process of collection (0) 151 + 65 - 50
Bank premises 2,284 + 1 - 61
Central bank liquidity swaps (11) 186 - 325 - 12,765
Foreign currency denominated assets (12) 24,237 - 147 - 1,542
Other assets (13) 25,678 + 2,367 + 3,859
Total assets (0) 3,758,663 + 11,276 + 947,040
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. Footnotes appear at the end of the table.
8. Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks (continued)
Millions of dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Eliminations Wednesday Change since
from Oct 9, 2013 Wednesday Wednesday
consolidation Oct 2, 2013 Oct 10, 2012
Federal Reserve notes, net of F.R. Bank holdings 1,170,912 + 4,433 + 76,124
Reverse repurchase agreements (14) 99,085 + 3,700 + 10,750
Deposits (0) 2,422,687 + 2,959 + 861,012
Term deposits held by depository institutions 11,662 0 + 8,622
Other deposits held by depository institutions 2,362,899 + 33,743 + 893,104
U.S. Treasury, General Account 23,393 - 34,140 - 30,059
Foreign official 8,877 + 1 + 3,316
Other (0) 15,857 + 3,357 - 13,971
Deferred availability cash items (0) 869 - 14 - 490
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (15) 10,234 + 206 - 497
Total liabilities (0) 3,703,787 + 11,283 + 946,899
Capital accounts
Capital paid in 27,438 - 3 + 70
Surplus 27,438 - 3 + 70
Other capital accounts 0 0 0
Total capital 54,876 - 7 + 141
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight securities lending facility; refer to table
2. Face value of the securities.
3. Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of
inflation-indexed securities.
4. Guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The current face value shown is the
remaining principal balance of the securities.
5. Reflects the premium or discount, which is the difference between the purchase price and the face
value of the securities that has not been amortized. For U.S. Treasury and Federal agency debt
securities, amortization is on a straight-line basis. For mortgage-backed securities, amortization is on an
effective-interest basis.
6. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.
7. Refer to table 4 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
8. Refer to table 5 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
9. Refer to table 6 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
10. Refer to table 7 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 9.
11. Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used
when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This exchange rate equals the
market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank.
12. Revalued daily at current foreign currency exchange rates.
13. Includes accrued interest, which represents the daily accumulation of interest earned, and other
accounts receivable.
14. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency debt
securities, and mortgage-backed securities.
15. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, Maiden Lane III LLC, and TALF LLC
to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including liabilities that have recourse
only to the portfolio holdings of these LLCs. Refer to table 4 through table 7 and the note on
consolidation accompanying table 9. Also includes the liability for interest on Federal Reserve notes due
to U.S. Treasury.
9. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank, October 9, 2013
Millions of dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas Dallas San
City Francisco
Gold certificate account 11,037 391 3,925 397 512 856 1,421 792 310 190 309 728 1,206
Special drawing rights certificate acct. 5,200 196 1,818 210 237 412 654 424 150 90 153 282 574
Coin 2,000 35 89 129 136 341 207 287 28 49 161 188 352
Securities, unamortized premiums and
discounts, repurchase agreements,
and loans 3,686,200 96,385 2,044,114 106,798 94,137 229,201 244,868 199,196 59,334 35,023 69,755 143,144 364,247
Securities held outright (1) 3,489,552 91,248 1,935,100 101,107 89,120 216,983 231,806 188,563 56,148 33,113 66,018 135,508 344,837
U.S. Treasury securities 2,086,741 54,566 1,157,184 60,462 53,293 129,755 138,619 112,760 33,576 19,802 39,479 81,033 206,212
Bills (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Notes and bonds (3) 2,086,741 54,566 1,157,184 60,462 53,293 129,755 138,619 112,760 33,576 19,802 39,479 81,033 206,212
Federal agency debt securities (2) 60,652 1,586 33,634 1,757 1,549 3,771 4,029 3,277 976 576 1,147 2,355 5,994
Mortgage-backed securities (4) 1,342,159 35,096 744,282 38,888 34,277 83,457 89,158 72,526 21,596 12,736 25,392 52,119 132,632
Unamortized premiums on securities held
outright (5) 204,039 5,335 113,148 5,912 5,211 12,687 13,554 11,026 3,283 1,936 3,860 7,923 20,163
Unamortized discounts on securities
held outright (5) -7,636 -200 -4,235 -221 -195 -475 -507 -413 -123 -72 -144 -297 -755
Repurchase agreements (6) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loans 246 1 101 0 1 5 15 20 25 46 21 10 1
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden
Lane LLC (7) 1,493 0 1,493 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden
Lane II LLC (8) 64 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden
Lane III LLC (9) 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net portfolio holdings of TALF LLC (10) 111 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Items in process of collection 151 0 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank premises 2,284 118 427 72 112 228 211 202 127 100 248 233 204
Central bank liquidity swaps (11) 186 9 59 14 15 39 11 5 2 1 2 3 26
Foreign currency denominated assets (12) 24,237 1,191 7,751 1,874 1,890 5,089 1,380 691 202 101 245 384 3,437
Other assets (13) 25,678 709 13,818 750 666 1,775 1,731 1,388 472 307 508 1,038 2,514
Interdistrict settlement account 0 - 24,319 + 237,483 - 27,922 - 16,012 - 18,276 - 49,712 - 54,796 - 16,230 - 14,989 - 24,845 - 33,550 + 43,168
Total assets 3,758,663 74,715 2,311,174 82,323 81,692 219,665 200,922 148,190 44,394 20,872 46,536 112,449 415,730
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. Footnotes appear at the end of the table.
9. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank, October 9, 2013 (continued)
Millions of dollars
Assets, liabilities, and capital Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas Dallas San
City Francisco
Federal Reserve notes outstanding 1,476,160 46,444 544,094 44,437 61,752 111,849 181,130 95,186 37,011 23,317 38,801 121,167 170,971
Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks 305,249 12,179 79,103 8,821 9,632 13,531 32,203 23,217 4,575 10,664 12,938 59,143 39,243
Federal Reserve notes, net 1,170,912 34,264 464,991 35,616 52,120 98,319 148,927 71,969 32,436 12,653 25,864 62,024 131,728
Reverse repurchase agreements (14) 99,085 2,591 54,946 2,871 2,531 6,161 6,582 5,354 1,594 940 1,875 3,848 9,792
Deposits 2,422,687 34,987 1,768,004 39,340 22,372 102,989 40,825 68,848 9,690 6,777 18,038 45,301 265,518
Term deposits held by depository
institutions 11,662 0 8,130 750 0 30 710 1,100 10 77 150 105 600
Other deposits held by depository
institutions 2,362,899 34,983 1,712,076 38,559 22,368 102,719 40,103 67,725 9,680 6,699 17,887 45,194 264,905
U.S. Treasury, General Account 23,393 0 23,393 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign official 8,877 2 8,850 3 3 8 2 1 0 0 0 1 6
Other 15,857 1 15,556 27 0 232 10 21 0 0 1 1 7
Deferred availability cash items 869 0 0 0 0 0 767 0 0 102 0 0 0
Interest on Federal Reserve notes due
to U.S. Treasury (15) 1,715 48 964 45 39 91 117 100 28 17 33 69 163
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends (16) 8,519 229 4,795 274 272 673 502 405 181 150 164 295 579
Total liabilities 3,703,787 72,119 2,293,701 78,145 77,333 208,233 197,721 146,677 43,930 20,639 45,974 111,536 407,779
Capital paid in 27,438 1,298 8,737 2,089 2,180 5,716 1,600 757 232 116 281 457 3,975
Surplus 27,438 1,298 8,737 2,089 2,180 5,716 1,600 757 232 116 281 457 3,975
Other capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities and capital 3,758,663 74,715 2,311,174 82,323 81,692 219,665 200,922 148,190 44,394 20,872 46,536 112,449 415,730
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. Footnotes appear at the end of the table.
9. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank, October 9, 2013 (continued)
1. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight securities lending facility; refer to table 1A.
2. Face value of the securities.
3. Includes the original face value of inflation-indexed securities and compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of such securities.
4. Guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The current face value shown is the remaining principal balance of the securities.
5. Reflects the premium or discount, which is the difference between the purchase price and the face value of the securities that has not been amortized. For U.S. Treasury and Federal agency debt
securities, amortization is on a straight-line basis. For mortgage-backed securities, amortization is on an effective-interest basis.
6. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.
7. Refer to table 4 and the note on consolidation below.
8. Refer to table 5 and the note on consolidation below.
9. Refer to table 6 and the note on consolidation below.
10. Refer to table 7 and the note on consolidation below.
11. Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This exchange rate equals
the market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank.
12. Revalued daily at current foreign currency exchange rates.
13. Includes accrued interest, which represents the daily accumulation of interest earned, and other accounts receivable.
14. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency debt securities, and mortgage-backed securities.
15. Represents the estimated weekly remittances to U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes or, in those cases where the Reserve Bank's net earnings are not sufficient to equate surplus to
capital paid-in, the deferred asset for interest on Federal Reserve notes. The amount of any deferred asset, which is presented as a negative amount in this line, represents the amount of the
Federal Reserve Bank's earnings that must be retained before remittances to the U.S. Treasury resume. The amounts on this line are calculated in accordance with Board of Governors policy, which requires
the Federal Reserve Banks to remit residual earnings to the U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes after providing for the costs of operations, payment of dividends, and the amount
necessary to equate surplus with capital paid-in.
16. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, Maiden Lane III LLC, and TALF LLC to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including liabilities that have
recourse only to the portfolio holdings of these LLCs. Refer to table 4 through table 7 and the note on consolidation below.
Note on consolidation:
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) has extended loans to several limited liability companies under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. On June 26, 2008, a
loan was extended to Maiden Lane LLC, which was formed to acquire certain assets of Bear Stearns. On November 25, 2008, a loan was extended to Maiden Lane III LLC, which was formed to purchase
multi-sector collateralized debt obligations on which the Financial Products group of the American International Group, Inc. has written credit default swap contracts. On December 12, 2008, a
loan was extended to Maiden Lane II LLC, which was formed to purchase residential mortgage-backed securities from the U.S. securities lending reinvestment portfolio of subsidiaries of American
International Group, Inc. On November 25, 2008, the Federal Reserve Board authorized the FRBNY to extend credit to TALF LLC, which was formed to purchase and manage any asset-backed securities
received by the FRBNY in connection with the decision of a borrower not to repay a loan extended under the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility.
The FRBNY is the primary beneficiary of TALF LLC, because of the two beneficiaries of the LLC, the FRBNY and the U.S. Treasury, the FRBNY is primarily responsible for directing the financial
activities of TALF LLC. The FRBNY is the primary beneficiary of the other LLCs cited above because it will receive a majority of any residual returns of the LLCs and absorb a majority of any
residual losses of the LLCs. Consistent with generally accepted accounting principles, the assets and liabilities of these LLCs have been consolidated with the assets and liabilities of the
FRBNY in the preparation of the statements of condition shown on this release. As a consequence of the consolidation, the extensions of credit from the FRBNY to the LLCs are eliminated, the net
assets of the LLCs appear as assets on the previous page (and in table 1 and table 8), and the liabilities of the LLCs to entities other than the FRBNY, including those with recourse only to
the portfolio holdings of the LLCs, are included in other liabilities in this table (and table 1 and table 8).
10. Collateral Held against Federal Reserve Notes: Federal Reserve Agents' Accounts
Millions of dollars
Federal Reserve notes and collateral Wednesday
Oct 9, 2013
Federal Reserve notes outstanding 1,476,160
Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks not subject to collateralization 305,249
Federal Reserve notes to be collateralized 1,170,912
Collateral held against Federal Reserve notes 1,170,912
Gold certificate account 11,037
Special drawing rights certificate account 5,200
U.S. Treasury, agency debt, and mortgage-backed securities pledged (1,2) 1,154,675
Other assets pledged 0
Total U.S. Treasury, agency debt, and mortgage-backed securities (1,2) 3,489,552
Less: Face value of securities under reverse repurchase agreements 88,910
U.S. Treasury, agency debt, and mortgage-backed securities eligible to be pledged 3,400,642
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes face value of U.S. Treasury, agency debt, and mortgage-backed securities held outright,
compensation to adjust for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed
securities, and cash value of repurchase agreements.
2. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight securities lending facility; refer to table
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