Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.8, Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 14, 1997

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 H.8 (510)                                         pg.1
 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES (1)                                                                           For release at 4:15 p.m. Eastern Time  
 Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                           March 14, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,645.6   3,674.5   3,693.0   3,718.8   3,743.3   3,770.6   3,805.7   3,844.1   3,840.0    3,850.3    3,847.5    3,854.5

  2     Securities in bank credit                        1,000.1     972.1     968.9     970.4     982.3     992.5   1,005.5   1,022.5   1,024.2    1,027.5    1,020.0    1,015.1
  3        U.S. government securities                      710.9     702.2     703.4     703.9     707.9     707.4     706.1     703.2     705.2      700.7      702.2      702.5
  4        Other securities                                289.2     269.9     265.5     266.5     274.4     285.1     299.4     319.3     318.9      326.9      317.8      312.6

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,645.5   2,702.4   2,724.1   2,748.4   2,761.1   2,778.1   2,800.2   2,821.6   2,815.9    2,822.8    2,827.5    2,839.3
  6        Commercial and industrial                       724.2     746.9     761.0     770.6     776.2     787.0     791.1     800.9     797.3      803.2      805.0      806.3
  7        Real estate                                   1,090.9   1,109.4   1,112.2   1,116.1   1,120.8   1,125.9   1,131.7   1,137.3   1,137.6    1,136.9    1,137.0    1,144.1
  8          Revolving home equity                          79.7      80.5      81.2      83.2      84.2      85.3      85.8      86.4      86.2       86.4       86.6       86.7
  9          Other                                       1,011.2   1,028.9   1,031.0   1,032.9   1,036.7   1,040.7   1,045.9   1,051.0   1,051.4    1,050.5    1,050.4    1,057.4
  10        Consumer                                       497.4     512.8     515.8     518.1     518.8     519.0     521.1     519.0     518.5      519.8      519.9      516.4
  11        Security (3)                                    87.6      72.3      73.8      76.6      77.4      79.0      82.5      83.8      84.3       81.3       82.9       88.3
  12       Other loans and leases                          245.4     261.0     261.4     266.9     267.8     267.1     273.8     280.5     278.2      281.7      282.7      284.3

  13  Interbank loans                                      191.9     197.6     205.3     203.9     212.4     204.6     198.1     203.9     201.8      201.6      205.4      211.4

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      219.2     223.3     224.2     226.2     232.9     232.4     232.1     231.6     228.9      239.0      229.2      235.3

  15  Other assets (5)                                     233.7     257.8     260.1     254.4     262.0     271.6     266.3     280.1     276.2      281.8      285.5      295.2

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   4,233.8   4,295.8   4,323.8   4,338.4   4,385.9   4,414.7   4,438.2   4,498.2   4,483.3    4,508.4    4,511.3    4,540.1

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,678.6   2,751.0   2,772.3   2,782.3   2,822.8   2,859.1   2,876.1   2,899.6   2,885.5    2,920.8    2,886.8    2,915.4
  18    Transaction                                        764.7     733.3     725.4     715.3     719.7     719.1     715.1     705.6     696.3      725.4      694.0      694.2
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,913.9   2,017.6   2,046.8   2,067.0   2,103.1   2,140.0   2,161.0   2,194.0   2,189.2    2,195.5    2,192.8    2,221.2
  20       Large time                                      427.3     458.8     471.8     480.1     490.6     509.4     520.1     535.4     533.0      537.7      537.5      538.8
  21       Other                                         1,486.7   1,558.8   1,575.1   1,586.9   1,612.5   1,630.5   1,640.9   1,658.6   1,656.2    1,657.8    1,655.3    1,682.4

  22  Borrowings                                           694.3     701.5     706.4     688.3     708.6     707.3     727.9     743.4     755.3      739.4      736.0      745.5
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             295.2     290.1     295.4     290.3     303.1     308.3     305.1     311.5     325.2      306.6      295.8      326.6
  24    From others                                        399.1     411.4     411.0     398.0     405.5     399.1     422.8     431.9     430.1      432.8      440.2      418.8
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                 270.6     247.7     251.0     244.3     238.1     231.2     222.1     220.2     226.0      211.2      217.6      237.4

  26  Other liabilities                                    233.4     222.2     221.8     243.8     253.2     260.8     269.1     287.1     289.9      294.2      283.2      283.1

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,876.9   3,922.4   3,951.5   3,958.7   4,022.8   4,058.4   4,095.2   4,150.2   4,156.7    4,165.6    4,123.6    4,181.4

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               356.8     373.3     372.4     379.7     363.1     356.3     343.0     348.0     326.6      342.8      387.7      358.7

 H.8 (510)    pg.2
 Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,638.5   3,675.7   3,695.4   3,720.5   3,747.6   3,769.4   3,804.0   3,837.0   3,838.1    3,838.8    3,832.8    3,855.9

  2     Securities in bank credit                          996.3     976.5     969.6     970.3     980.9     978.4     996.7   1,019.1   1,023.1    1,021.9    1,014.0    1,021.4
  3        U.S. government securities                      708.7     704.5     704.4     704.4     708.3     703.2     700.1     701.9     704.5      699.5      700.4      705.4
  4        Other securities                                287.6     271.9     265.1     265.9     272.6     275.2     296.5     317.2     318.6      322.4      313.6      316.0

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,642.2   2,699.2   2,725.9   2,750.2   2,766.7   2,790.9   2,807.3   2,817.9   2,815.0    2,816.9    2,818.9    2,834.5
  6        Commercial and industrial                       723.8     743.0     755.9     767.0     774.4     784.0     788.8     800.6     796.8      801.9      804.9      808.2
  7        Real estate                                   1,087.8   1,110.9   1,115.2   1,119.2   1,125.1   1,130.8   1,133.7   1,134.3   1,136.7    1,132.7    1,131.6    1,139.0
  8          Revolving home equity                          79.3      80.8      81.8      83.7      84.6      85.4      85.8      86.0      86.0       86.0       86.1       86.2
  9          Other                                       1,008.6   1,030.1   1,033.4   1,035.5   1,040.5   1,045.4   1,047.9   1,048.3   1,050.8    1,046.7    1,045.6    1,052.8
  10        Consumer                                       498.1     513.1     517.9     518.3     519.2     523.8     526.7     519.7     520.2      520.5      519.0      513.0
  11        Security (3)                                    88.9      70.8      73.0      76.5      78.8      80.3      81.7      85.0      85.1       82.7       84.4       90.8
  12       Other loans and leases                          243.6     261.3     263.8     269.2     269.2     272.1     276.4     278.4     276.1      279.2      279.0      283.5

  13  Interbank loans                                      196.1     192.9     199.6     198.7     216.7     213.9     207.9     208.3     208.9      205.2      203.1      217.5

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      220.1     212.3     221.5     227.1     239.9     248.6     242.4     232.8     220.7      252.1      232.9      230.1

  15  Other assets (5)                                     234.1     260.8     262.6     251.8     260.8     271.5     266.9     279.9     275.9      279.9      284.1      294.7

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   4,232.2   4,284.2   4,320.0   4,333.3   4,400.0   4,438.7   4,457.3   4,496.5   4,479.8    4,511.6    4,496.7    4,542.0

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,664.3   2,740.4   2,772.8   2,787.1   2,839.9   2,891.2   2,880.0   2,884.6   2,866.0    2,909.1    2,866.2    2,912.9
  18    Transaction                                        757.0     720.4     723.9     713.0     729.9     752.2     726.5     698.6     684.1      723.8      683.0      692.5
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,907.3   2,020.0   2,048.9   2,074.1   2,110.0   2,139.1   2,153.4   2,185.9   2,181.9    2,185.3    2,183.2    2,220.4
  20       Large time                                      426.4     459.1     469.8     485.6     495.1     509.6     516.7     533.3     531.3      534.0      537.2      537.6
  21       Other                                         1,480.9   1,560.9   1,579.2   1,588.5   1,614.9   1,629.4   1,636.7   1,652.6   1,650.6    1,651.3    1,646.1    1,682.8

  22  Borrowings                                           684.4     707.2     710.7     680.6     698.4     699.7     722.1     727.0     725.3      727.1      728.9      722.8
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             289.6     295.4     297.9     283.7     296.8     303.0     299.3     299.1     298.9      297.6      296.7      307.9
  24    From others                                        394.7     411.8     412.8     397.0     401.5     396.7     422.8     427.9     426.4      429.5      432.2      415.0
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                 278.1     243.4     245.2     245.9     235.3     230.1     232.5     231.0     232.2      225.2      238.6      238.6

  26  Other liabilities                                    235.0     221.6     222.3     242.9     257.0     256.7     266.3     288.9     293.1      294.7      285.5      285.4

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,861.8   3,912.6   3,951.0   3,956.5   4,030.6   4,077.7   4,100.9   4,131.5   4,116.6    4,156.0    4,119.2    4,159.8

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               370.5     371.6     369.0     376.8     369.5     360.9     356.4     364.9     363.2      355.6      377.5      382.2

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)                --        --        --      62.3      65.5      69.5      88.2     103.0     104.6      107.5      100.2      101.5
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --        --        --      58.3      60.5      64.2      83.9      98.2     100.6      102.8       94.8       97.1

 H.8 (510)   pg.3
 Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,194.2   3,210.0   3,225.5   3,237.0   3,246.2   3,260.3   3,283.8   3,304.6   3,300.1    3,308.9    3,306.4    3,312.9

  2     Securities in bank credit                          853.4     824.6     822.4     821.0     822.6     825.2     834.0     843.0     842.8      846.3      841.1      839.7
  3        U.S. government securities                      640.0     621.3     620.4     620.8     619.9     618.2     623.2     616.7     618.5      614.0      614.4      616.2
  4        Other securities                                213.5     203.3     201.9     200.2     202.7     207.0     210.8     226.3     224.3      232.2      226.6      223.5

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,340.7   2,385.5   2,403.1   2,416.0   2,423.6   2,435.1   2,449.7   2,461.5   2,457.4    2,462.6    2,465.3    2,473.1
  6        Commercial and industrial                       540.1     552.6     560.3     563.5     565.3     569.5     571.1     577.4     575.1      578.3      580.3      580.4
  7        Real estate                                   1,056.5   1,076.4   1,079.4   1,083.3   1,088.1   1,093.4   1,099.2   1,104.4   1,104.7    1,103.9    1,104.0    1,111.0
  8          Revolving home equity                          79.7      80.5      81.2      83.2      84.2      85.3      85.8      86.4      86.2       86.4       86.6       86.7
  9          Other                                         976.8     995.8     998.2   1,000.0   1,003.9   1,008.2   1,013.4   1,018.0   1,018.5    1,017.5    1,017.4    1,024.2
  10        Consumer                                       497.4     512.8     515.8     518.1     518.8     519.0     521.1     519.0     518.5      519.8      519.9      516.4
  11        Security (3)                                    52.1      42.5      44.7      44.0      42.9      43.6      45.4      45.2      45.1       44.2       44.8       46.9
  12       Other loans and leases                          194.6     201.3     203.0     207.1     208.6     209.5     212.9     215.5     214.1      216.4      216.3      218.5

  13  Interbank loans                                      173.0     181.2     185.0     182.9     191.5     181.8     174.3     181.4     179.4      180.0      180.5      192.9

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      190.1     194.8     194.7     196.4     201.8     200.9     200.2     197.7     195.3      204.8      195.1      198.7

  15  Other assets (5)                                     184.7     214.1     219.0     220.6     225.5     234.2     227.0     237.3     233.6      239.0      243.0      248.2

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   3,685.4   3,742.8   3,765.5   3,772.1   3,800.5   3,812.8   3,821.5   3,859.7   3,845.0    3,868.6    3,868.9    3,896.6

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,510.2   2,570.7   2,586.3   2,584.5   2,617.8   2,637.9   2,645.7   2,655.5   2,643.3    2,673.7    2,641.0    2,667.0
  18    Transaction                                        754.3     722.9     715.7     704.8     709.2     708.3     704.3     695.2     686.3      714.0      684.1      683.6
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,756.0   1,847.9   1,870.6   1,879.7   1,908.6   1,929.6   1,941.5   1,960.3   1,957.0    1,959.7    1,956.9    1,983.4
  20       Large time                                      273.1     292.2     298.9     295.4     299.7     303.0     303.0     307.2     306.5      308.1      307.2      308.3
  21       Other                                         1,482.8   1,555.7   1,571.7   1,584.3   1,609.0   1,626.6   1,638.5   1,653.1   1,650.5    1,651.5    1,649.6    1,675.1

  22  Borrowings                                           575.7     572.9     583.6     569.6     580.4     581.7     594.4     596.2     611.5      589.1      587.2      599.1
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             265.0     255.6     261.4     256.9     267.6     272.0     273.4     273.1     289.6      267.1      257.8      282.6
  24    From others                                        310.7     317.3     322.1     312.7     312.7     309.6     321.1     323.2     321.9      322.0      329.4      316.4
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                  90.5      74.5      74.7      76.6      70.9      68.9      72.0      79.3      85.0       76.4       77.8       82.4

  26  Other liabilities                                    155.7     152.8     153.1     169.1     173.0     177.7     179.8     187.2     184.9      192.5      187.3      184.0

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,332.1   3,370.9   3,397.7   3,399.7   3,442.1   3,466.2   3,492.0   3,518.3   3,524.7    3,531.8    3,493.3    3,532.5

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               353.3     371.9     367.8     372.4     358.4     346.6     329.5     341.4     320.3      336.9      375.6      364.1

 H.8 (510)  pg.4
 Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,187.2   3,207.8   3,229.2   3,240.0   3,250.9   3,263.3   3,285.1   3,296.8   3,295.2    3,298.3    3,293.4    3,309.4

  2     Securities in bank credit                          849.5     825.8     824.2     821.0     821.6     817.7     829.3     838.7     839.4      840.0      835.6      840.9
  3        U.S. government securities                      637.0     622.1     622.6     621.9     620.3     616.5     616.2     613.7     615.6      611.0      611.8      615.7
  4        Other securities                                212.5     203.6     201.6     199.1     201.2     201.2     213.1     225.0     223.9      229.0      223.8      225.1

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,337.7   2,382.0   2,405.0   2,419.0   2,429.4   2,445.6   2,455.8   2,458.2   2,455.7    2,458.3    2,457.8    2,468.5
  6        Commercial and industrial                       539.8     548.6     556.4     561.1     563.5     566.1     569.0     577.1     574.0      577.7      580.3      582.8
  7        Real estate                                   1,053.4   1,077.8   1,082.3   1,086.2   1,091.9   1,098.1   1,101.2   1,101.3   1,103.7    1,099.8    1,098.7    1,105.7
  8          Revolving home equity                          79.3      80.8      81.8      83.7      84.6      85.4      85.8      86.0      86.0       86.0       86.1       86.2
  9          Other                                         974.1     997.0   1,000.5   1,002.4   1,007.3   1,012.7   1,015.4   1,015.3   1,017.8    1,013.8    1,012.6    1,019.5
  10        Consumer                                       498.1     513.1     517.9     518.3     519.2     523.8     526.7     519.7     520.2      520.5      519.0      513.0
  11        Security (3)                                    53.3      41.0      43.9      43.8      44.3      44.9      44.6      46.3      45.8       45.5       46.3       49.4
  12        Other loans and leases                          193.0     201.5     204.4     209.5     210.4     212.8     214.3     213.7     211.9      214.8      213.4      217.5

  13  Interbank loans                                      177.2     176.6     179.3     177.7     195.8     191.0     184.1     185.8     186.4      183.5      178.2      199.1

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      191.6     183.8     192.6     197.0     208.6     216.1     210.2     199.6     187.8      219.1      199.5      194.6

  15  Other assets (5)                                     184.2     216.3     221.1     218.3     224.0     233.3     228.3     236.2     232.0      236.8      240.6      246.8

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   3,683.8   3,726.9   3,763.2   3,768.3   3,814.5   3,839.2   3,844.0   3,857.2   3,837.9    3,873.6    3,855.8    3,893.9

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,497.7   2,561.6   2,587.2   2,583.9   2,632.3   2,667.4   2,649.4   2,643.7   2,626.8    2,667.4    2,622.6    2,667.7
  18    Transaction                                        746.3     710.2     713.7     702.4     719.4     740.7     715.6     688.1     673.9      712.1      672.9      682.1
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,751.4   1,851.5   1,873.5   1,881.5   1,913.0   1,926.6   1,933.8   1,955.6   1,952.9    1,955.3    1,949.6    1,985.6
  20       Large time                                      275.3     292.9     296.6     295.2     300.3     299.7     301.7     310.0     309.9      311.3      309.9      310.5
  21       Other                                         1,476.1   1,558.6   1,576.9   1,586.3   1,612.7   1,626.9   1,632.1   1,645.7   1,643.0    1,643.9    1,639.8    1,675.1

  22  Borrowings                                           571.1     573.6     586.7     565.3     573.5     575.0     591.7     586.6     585.7      586.8      590.0      579.9
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             261.2     260.3     264.6     252.8     261.3     266.0     266.3     263.1     264.3      262.2      262.7      266.0
  24    From others                                        309.9     313.3     322.2     312.5     312.2     309.1     325.4     323.6     321.4      324.6      327.4      313.9
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                  92.4      72.2      70.9      78.2      68.4      66.2      73.6      81.1      83.4       78.3       84.9       84.9

  26  Other liabilities                                    155.4     151.8     153.7     169.8     176.2     175.0     177.9     186.5     184.8      191.7      186.5      183.5

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,316.6   3,359.3   3,398.6   3,397.1   3,450.5   3,483.6   3,492.6   3,497.9   3,480.7    3,524.1    3,484.1    3,516.0

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               367.1     367.7     364.7     371.1     364.0     355.6     351.4     359.3     357.2      349.5      371.7      377.9

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)                --        --        --      32.4      33.1      36.2      47.4      55.8      55.4       58.7       54.7       55.4
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --        --        --      28.9      28.9      31.8      43.9      50.8      50.9       53.8       49.3       50.7
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                          --        --        --     236.8     238.8     242.3     245.7     244.4     245.9      242.1      244.4      244.0

H.8 (510)  pg.5
 Seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,825.5   1,788.5   1,797.4   1,806.5   1,809.8   1,817.8   1,831.5   1,850.4   1,847.6    1,853.9    1,850.0    1,858.6

  2     Securities in bank credit                          445.7     407.1     405.5     405.9     408.8     411.2     416.5     427.0     426.7      430.0      425.9      423.4
  3        U.S. government securities                      311.3     284.0     283.7     286.0     286.6     284.9     287.5     281.9     283.6      279.0      280.4      281.3
  3a         Trading account                                22.1      20.2      20.9      21.2      21.5      19.4      17.2      16.1      17.2       15.7       15.1       16.2
  3b         Investment account                            289.1     263.8     262.8     264.8     265.1     265.5     270.3     265.7     266.4      263.3      265.3      265.0
  4        Other securities                                134.4     123.2     121.8     119.9     122.2     126.3     129.0     145.1     143.1      151.1      145.5      142.1
  4a         Trading account                                63.4      56.9      56.4      55.1      57.8      60.9      64.5      79.8      78.0       85.4       80.3       76.3
  4b         Investment account                             71.0      66.2      65.5      64.8      64.4      65.5      64.5      65.3      65.1       65.7       65.2       65.8
  4c         State and local government                     21.5      20.5      20.3      20.2      20.2      20.3      20.5      21.0      21.1       21.0       20.9       20.8
  4d         Other                                          49.6      45.8      45.1      44.5      44.2      45.2      44.1      44.3      44.0       44.7       44.3       45.0
  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              1,379.8   1,381.4   1,391.9   1,400.7   1,401.0   1,406.6   1,415.0   1,423.4   1,420.9    1,423.8    1,424.1    1,435.2
  6        Commercial and industrial                       367.9     372.7     378.9     381.6     381.9     384.5     385.2     389.4     387.5      390.1      391.5      392.1
  7        Real estate                                     563.0     556.6     556.1     558.4     559.2     561.1     561.2     562.0     563.2      561.1      560.2      566.2
  8          Revolving home equity                          53.1      53.2      53.5      53.7      54.2      54.9      55.0      55.3      55.2       55.4       55.4       55.6
  9          Other                                         509.9     503.4     502.6     504.7     505.0     506.2     506.3     506.7     508.0      505.7      504.9      510.6
  10       Consumer                                        271.4     277.9     279.4     279.2     278.8     279.1     282.1     284.1     284.1      284.8      283.6      284.7
  11       Security (3)                                     46.4      37.3      39.5      39.0      37.8      38.5      40.3      39.9      39.9       38.8       39.5       41.3
  12a      State and local government                       11.3      11.1      10.8      10.9      11.1      11.3      11.1      11.0      11.0       11.1       11.0       10.9
  12b      All other                                       119.8     125.7     127.1     131.6     132.1     132.1     135.0     137.0     135.2      137.9      138.3      140.0

  13  Interbank loans                                      112.4     131.9     133.8     132.0     137.9     126.8     119.9     123.7     123.1      121.8      122.9      129.9

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      125.9     129.4     128.1     128.2     132.4     130.5     130.5     127.6     126.1      131.0      127.1      129.5

  15  Other assets (5)                                     134.4     158.0     161.6     163.5     167.6     175.5     168.7     175.5     172.6      178.0      179.9      178.6

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   2,161.7   2,171.2   2,183.1   2,186.2   2,204.1   2,207.2   2,207.9   2,237.0   2,227.2    2,241.7    2,245.0    2,261.4

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,311.3   1,339.1   1,345.6   1,355.1   1,366.5   1,373.6   1,366.0   1,364.2   1,355.7    1,373.2    1,355.0    1,376.3
  18    Transaction                                        420.0     400.3     392.7     387.0     387.3     385.6     382.4     373.3     367.1      386.1      363.5      368.4
  19    Nontransaction                                     891.3     938.8     952.9     968.1     979.1     987.9     983.6     991.0     988.5      987.1      991.5    1,007.9
  20       Large time                                      125.7     139.8     146.5     151.8     153.4     155.1     153.4     156.3     156.0      157.1      156.0      156.7
  21       Other                                           765.6     799.0     806.4     816.3     825.7     832.8     830.2     834.7     832.6      830.0      835.5      851.3

  22  Borrowings                                           436.4     411.9     420.5     404.3     414.4     415.8     426.1     427.1     439.2      419.4      422.7      427.9
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             188.7     172.9     177.7     170.6     181.4     188.2     187.1     186.4     199.6      180.2      175.9      193.6
  24    From others                                        247.7     239.0     242.8     233.7     233.0     227.6     239.0     240.7     239.5      239.2      246.8      234.3
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                  84.3      70.1      68.9      73.2      68.7      66.1      68.0      75.3      80.9       72.8       73.7       78.3

  26  Other liabilities                                    123.7     125.7     126.3     141.2     146.2     151.9     155.5     162.7     160.5      169.0      162.1      157.9

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  1,955.8   1,946.8   1,961.2   1,973.8   1,995.8   2,007.5   2,015.7   2,029.4   2,036.3    2,034.3    2,013.5    2,040.4

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               205.9     224.3     221.9     212.4     208.3     199.7     192.2     207.6     190.9      207.4      231.5      221.0

H.8 (510)  pg.6
 Not seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars

              Account                                     1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,824.2   1,786.7   1,797.1   1,807.0   1,812.9   1,818.1   1,834.7   1,848.2   1,847.3    1,849.7    1,842.8    1,861.4

  2     Securities in bank credit                          443.4     410.2     406.9     406.9     409.4     404.1     413.2     424.3     424.5      425.9      421.6      426.3
  3        U.S. government securities                      309.7     286.5     285.3     288.2     288.8     283.6     281.8     280.2     281.5      277.7      278.9      282.5
  3a         Trading account                                22.5      20.9      21.0      22.0      22.7      18.1      16.3     16.3      17.3       16.4       15.0       17.8
  3b         Investment account                            287.2     265.6     264.3     266.2     266.0     265.5     265.5     263.9     264.2      261.3      263.9      264.7
  4        Other securities                                133.7     123.7     121.6     118.8     120.6     120.5     131.4     144.1     143.0      148.2      142.8      143.7
  4a         Trading account                                62.6      57.8      56.1      53.5      55.4      54.4      66.4      78.7      77.8       82.5       77.5       77.9
  4b         Investment account                             71.1      65.9      65.5      65.3      65.3      66.1      65.0      65.4      65.3       65.7       65.2       65.8
  4c         State and local government                     21.4      20.3      20.3      20.2      20.3      20.4      20.5      21.0      21.1       21.0       20.9       20.8
  4d         Other                                          49.7      45.6      45.2      45.0      44.9      45.7      44.6      44.4      44.2       44.7       44.3       45.0
  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              1,380.8   1,376.5   1,390.2   1,400.1   1,403.5   1,413.9   1,421.5   1,423.9   1,422.8    1,423.8    1,421.2    1,435.2
  6        Commercial and industrial                       367.9     369.9     376.0     379.8     380.9     381.6     383.0     389.4     386.9      389.9      391.7      394.5
  7        Real estate                                     562.6     556.9     556.9     559.1     560.8     563.9     563.6     561.5     564.6      559.9      557.6      564.1
  8          Revolving home equity                          53.0      53.4      53.7      54.0      54.5      54.9      55.1      55.1      55.1       55.2       55.1       55.2
  9          Other                                         509.6     503.5     503.1     505.0     506.3     508.9     508.6     506.4     509.5      504.7      502.5      508.9
  10       Consumer                                        271.4     278.3     280.6     278.7     278.6     283.0     286.8     284.0     284.4      284.6      282.4      282.4
  11       Security (3)                                     47.5      35.9      38.9      38.9      39.0      39.5      39.4      40.9      40.4       40.1       41.1       43.5
  12a      State and local government                       11.2      11.2      10.9      10.9      11.2      11.2      11.0      11.0      10.9       11.1       11.0       10.9
  12b      All other                                       120.2     124.3     126.9     132.6     133.1     134.8     137.7     137.2     135.6      138.3      137.4      139.8

  13  Interbank loans                                      114.3     128.2     129.8     126.4     137.4     133.0     128.3     126.0     127.0      124.5      121.1      130.6

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      128.1     120.8     127.5     127.7     136.5     141.8     138.3     130.3     121.9      143.9      131.5      126.1

  15  Other assets (5)                                     132.6     160.0     163.1     161.4     165.5     174.1     169.1     173.0     170.4      174.1      176.5      176.6

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   2,162.7   2,158.9   2,179.5   2,178.7   2,208.5   2,223.4   2,227.9   2,237.3   2,224.2    2,249.1    2,236.9    2,259.5

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,308.7   1,332.9   1,344.5   1,352.2   1,373.3   1,389.6   1,372.3   1,362.2   1,352.2    1,376.8    1,348.1    1,379.0
  18    Tranlgdtion                                        416.4     391.1     391.5     384.1     393.9     406.9     390.1     369.9     360.3      388.2      358.6      366.4
  19    Nontranlgdtion                                     892.3     941.8     953.0     968.1     979.5     982.8     982.2     992.3     991.9      988.6      989.5    1,012.6
  20       Large time                                      127.3     140.7     144.5     151.2     153.7     152.7     153.4     158.4     158.8      159.6      157.6      158.3
  21       Other                                           765.0     801.1     808.5     816.9     825.7     830.0     828.8     833.9     833.2      829.0      831.9      854.3

  22  Borrowings                                           432.2     414.5     424.0     399.9     409.0     409.6     421.7     418.8     418.7      416.2      421.9      415.9
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             185.6     177.8     180.1     167.0     176.8     182.6     180.3     178.3     180.0      175.8      177.9      183.3
  24    From others                                        246.6     236.7     244.0     232.8     232.2     227.0     241.4     240.5     238.7      240.4      244.0      232.6
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                  86.2      67.8      65.0      74.8      66.2      63.4      69.7      77.1      79.3       74.7       80.8       80.8

  26  Other liabilities                                    122.8     124.6     127.2     141.9     149.5     149.7     153.3     161.8     159.8      167.9      161.0      157.2

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  1,950.0   1,939.8   1,960.7   1,968.8   1,998.1   2,012.4   2,016.9   2,019.8   2,010.0    2,035.5    2,011.8    2,032.8

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               212.8     219.1     218.8     209.9     210.3     211.1     211.0     217.5     214.2      213.6      225.1      226.7

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet itens(8)                 --        --        --      32.4      33.1      36.2      47.4      55.8      55.4       58.7       54.7       55.4
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet itens (8)               --        --        --      28.9      28.9      31.8      43.9      50.8      50.9       53.8       49.3       50.7
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                          --        --        --     187.1     188.5     190.9     192.7     191.9     193.2      189.4      192.3      191.8

 H.8 (510)  pg.7
 Seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,368.7   1,421.5   1,428.1   1,430.4   1,436.4   1,442.5   1,452.3   1,454.1   1,452.5    1,455.0    1,456.4    1,454.3

  2     Securities in bank credit                          407.8     417.4     416.9     415.2     413.8     414.0     417.5     416.0     416.0      416.2      415.2      416.3
  3        U.S. government securities                      328.7     337.3     336.8     334.8     333.3     333.3     335.7     334.8     334.9      335.1      334.0      335.0
  4        Other securities                                 79.1      80.1      80.1      80.3      80.5      80.6      81.8      81.2      81.2       81.2       81.1       81.4

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                960.9   1,004.1   1,011.2   1,015.3   1,022.6   1,028.5   1,034.7   1,038.1   1,036.5    1,038.8    1,041.2    1,038.0
  6        Commercial and industrial                       172.2     179.9     181.4     181.9     183.3     185.0     185.9     188.0     187.6      188.2      188.8      188.3
  7        Real estate                                     493.4     519.8     523.3     524.9     528.9     532.3     537.9     542.4     541.4      542.9      543.7      544.8
  8          Revolving home equity                          26.5      27.3      27.8      29.5      30.0      30.4      30.8      31.1      31.0       31.0       31.2       31.2
  9          Other                                         466.9     492.5     495.5     495.4     498.9     502.0     507.1     511.3     510.5      511.8      512.5      513.6
  10       Consumer                                        226.0     234.8     236.3     239.0     239.9     239.9     239.0     234.9     234.4      235.0      236.4      231.7
  11       Security (3)                                      5.7       5.1       5.2       5.0       5.1       5.2       5.1       5.3       5.2        5.3        5.3        5.6
  12       Other loans and leases                          63.5      64.5      65.0      64.6      65.4      66.1      66.8      67.5      67.8       67.4       67.0       67.6

  13  Interbank loans                                       60.6      49.4      51.2      51.0      53.5      54.9      54.5      57.7      56.3       58.2       57.6       63.0

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       64.2      65.4      66.6      68.2      69.4      70.4      69.6      70.1      69.2       73.8       68.1       69.3

  15  Other assets (5)                                      50.3      56.2      57.4      57.1      57.9      58.7      58.3      61.8      61.0       61.0       63.1       69.6

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   1,523.8   1,571.6   1,582.4   1,585.9   1,596.4   1,605.6   1,613.6   1,622.7   1,617.9    1,626.9    1,624.0    1,635.3

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,198.9   1,231.6   1,240.6   1,229.4   1,251.4   1,264.3   1,279.7   1,291.3   1,287.7    1,300.5    1,286.0    1,290.7
  18    Transaction                                        334.2     322.5     322.9     317.7     321.8     322.7     321.8     322.0     319.2      327.9      320.6      315.3
  19    Nontransaction                                     864.7     909.1     917.7     911.6     929.5     941.6     957.8     969.3     968.5      972.6      965.4      975.4
  20       Large time                                      147.4     152.4     152.3     143.6     146.2     147.9     149.6     150.9     150.5      151.0      151.2      151.6
  21       Other                                           717.3     756.7     765.4     768.0     783.3     793.8     808.3     818.4     818.0      821.6      814.1      823.8

  22  Borrowings                                           139.3     161.0     163.1     165.3     166.0     165.8     168.3     169.1     172.3      169.7      164.5      171.2
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              76.3      82.7      83.7      86.2      86.2      83.8      86.2      86.6      90.0       86.9       81.9       89.0
  24    From others                                         63.0      78.3      79.4      79.0      79.8      82.0      82.0      82.5      82.3       82.8       82.6       82.2
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                   6.1       4.4       5.9       3.4       2.2       2.7       4.0       4.0       4.1        3.6        4.1        4.1

  26  Other liabilities                                     32.0      27.1      26.8      27.9      26.9      25.8      24.3      24.4      24.4       23.6       25.2       26.1

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  1,376.3   1,424.1   1,436.4   1,425.9   1,446.3   1,458.7   1,476.3   1,488.8   1,488.5    1,497.4    1,479.8    1,492.1

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               147.5     147.5     146.0     160.0     150.0     146.9     137.3     133.8     129.4      129.5      144.1      143.2

 H.8 (510) pg.8
 Not seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,363.0   1,421.1   1,432.1   1,433.0   1,438.0   1,445.2   1,450.4   1,448.6   1,447.8    1,448.6    1,450.6    1,447.9

  2     Securities in bank credit                          406.1     415.6     417.2     414.1     412.2     413.6     416.1     414.4     414.9      414.1      414.0      414.6
  3        U.S. government securities                      327.3     335.6     337.3     333.7     331.6     332.9     334.5     333.4     334.1      333.2      333.0      333.2
  4        Other securities                                 78.8      79.9      80.0      80.4      80.6      80.7      81.6      80.9      80.8       80.9       81.0       81.4

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                956.9   1,005.6   1,014.9   1,018.9   1,025.8   1,031.7   1,034.3   1,034.2   1,032.9    1,034.5    1,036.6    1,033.4
  6        Commercial and industrial                       171.9     178.6     180.4     181.3     182.6     184.5     186.0     187.7     187.1      187.8      188.7      188.3
  7        Real estate                                     490.8     520.9     525.5     527.1     531.1     534.3     537.5     539.8     539.1      539.9      541.1      541.6
  8          Revolving home equity                          26.3      27.4      28.1      29.7      30.1      30.4      30.7      30.9      30.8       30.8       31.0       31.0
  9          Other                                         464.5     493.5     497.4     497.4     501.0     503.8     506.8     509.0     508.3      509.1      510.1      510.6
  10       Consumer                                        226.8     234.9     237.3     239.6     240.6     240.8     239.9     235.7     235.8      235.9      236.6      230.6
  11       Security (3)                                      5.8       5.1       5.1       4.9       5.3       5.4       5.2       5.4       5.4        5.4        5.3        5.9
  12       Other loans and leases                           61.6      66.0      66.6      66.0      66.2      66.7      65.6      65.6      65.5       65.4       65.0       66.9

  13  Interbank loans                                       62.9      48.4      49.5      51.3      58.4      58.0      55.8      59.7      59.4       59.0       57.2       68.5

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       63.5      63.1      65.1      69.3      72.1      74.3      71.8      69.4      65.9       75.2       68.1       68.5

  15  Other assets (5)                                      51.6      56.3      57.9      56.8      58.5      59.2      59.2      63.2      61.6       62.7       64.1       70.2

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   1,521.0   1,568.1   1,583.7   1,589.6   1,606.1   1,615.7   1,616.1   1,620.0   1,613.7    1,624.5    1,618.9    1,634.3

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,189.0   1,228.8   1,242.8   1,231.6   1,259.0   1,277.7   1,277.2   1,281.5   1,274.6    1,290.5    1,274.4    1,288.7
  18    Transaction                                        329.9     319.1     322.2     318.3     325.5     333.9     325.6     318.1     313.7      323.9      314.4      315.7
  19    Nontransaction                                     859.1     909.6     920.5     913.4     933.5     943.9     951.6     963.3     960.9      966.6      960.1      973.0
  20       Large time                                      148.0     152.2     152.1     144.0     146.6     147.0     148.3     151.5     151.1      151.7      152.3      152.2
  21       Other                                           711.1     757.5     768.4     769.4     786.9     796.9     803.3     811.8     809.8      814.9      807.8      820.8

  22  Borrowings                                           138.9     159.1     162.7     165.4     164.5     165.4     170.0     167.9     167.0      170.6      168.2      164.0
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              75.6      82.5      84.5      85.7      84.5      83.3      86.0      84.8      84.3       86.4       84.8       82.6
  24    From others                                         63.3      76.6      78.2      79.7      80.0      82.1      84.0      83.1      82.7       84.2       83.4       81.4
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                   6.1       4.4       5.9       3.4       2.2       2.7       4.0       4.0       4.1        3.6        4.1        4.1

  26  Other liabilities                                     32.6      27.2      26.5      27.9      26.7      25.4      24.6      24.8      25.0       23.8       25.5       26.3

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  1,366.7   1,419.5   1,437.9   1,428.3   1,452.4   1,471.2   1,475.7   1,478.1   1,470.7    1,488.6    1,472.3    1,483.1

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               154.4     148.6     145.8     161.3     153.7     144.5     140.4     141.8     143.0      136.0      146.6      151.2
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                          --        --        --      49.7      50.3      51.4      53.0      52.5      52.7       52.7       52.1       52.2

 H.8 (510) pg.9
 Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                          451.4     464.5     467.6     481.9     497.1     510.3     521.9     539.5     539.9      541.4      541.1      541.6

  2     Securities in bank credit                          146.7     147.5     146.5     149.4     159.7     167.3     171.5     179.5     181.4      181.3      178.9      175.4
  3        U.S. government securities                       70.9      80.9      82.9      83.1      88.0      89.2      82.9      86.5      86.8       86.7       87.8       86.3
  4        Other securities                                 75.8      66.6      63.6      66.3      71.7      78.1      88.5      93.0      94.6       94.6       91.1       89.1

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                304.8     316.9     321.1     332.5     337.4     343.0     350.5     360.1     358.5      360.2      362.2      366.2
  6        Commercial and industrial                       184.0     194.3     200.7     207.1     211.0     217.5     220.0     223.5     222.2      224.9      224.7      225.9
  7        Real estate                                      34.4      33.1      32.8      32.9      32.8      32.5      32.6      33.0      32.9       32.9       33.0       33.2
  11       Security (3)                                     35.6      29.8      29.1      32.7      34.5      35.4      37.1      38.7      39.3       37.1       38.0       41.3
  12       Other loans and leases                           50.8      59.7      58.4      59.8      59.2      57.6      60.9      65.0      64.2       65.2       66.5       65.8

  13  Interbank loans                                       18.9      16.4      20.3      20.9      20.9      22.9      23.8      22.5      22.4       21.7       24.8       18.5

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       29.1      28.5      29.5      29.8      31.1      31.4      31.9      33.9      33.6       34.2       34.1       36.5

  15  Other assets (5)                                      49.0      43.7      41.1      33.9      36.5      37.4      39.3      42.8      42.5       42.7       42.5       47.0

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                     548.3     553.0     558.4     566.3     585.4     601.8     616.7     638.5     638.2      639.8      642.4      643.4

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                             168.4     180.3     186.0     197.9     205.0     221.1     230.4     244.1     242.1      247.1      245.8      248.3
  18    Transaction                                         10.4      10.5       9.7      10.5      10.6      10.8      10.9      10.3       9.9       11.3        9.9       10.6
  19    Nontransaction                                     158.0     169.8     176.2     187.3     194.4     210.4     219.5     233.8     232.2      235.8      236.0      237.8
  20       Large time                                      154.1     166.7     172.9     184.7     190.9     206.4     217.1     228.3     226.6      229.5      230.3      230.4
  21       Other                                             3.8       3.1       3.4       2.6       3.5       4.0       2.4       5.5       5.6        6.3        5.7        7.3

  22  Borrowings                                           118.7     128.6     122.8     118.8     128.2     125.7     133.5     147.1     143.8      150.3      148.8      146.4
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              30.2      34.6      34.0      33.4      35.5      36.2      31.8      38.5      35.6       39.5       38.0       44.0
  24    From others                                         88.4      94.1      88.8      85.3      92.8      89.4     101.7     108.7     108.2      110.8      110.8      102.4
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                 180.2     173.2     176.3     167.7     167.2     162.3     150.1     140.8     141.0      134.8      139.8      155.0

  26  Other liabilities                                     77.7      69.4      68.7      74.7      80.1      83.0      89.3      99.9     105.0      101.7       95.9       99.2

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                    544.8     551.5     553.8     559.0     580.6     592.2     603.3     632.0     631.9      633.9      630.4      648.9

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)                 3.5       1.5       4.6       7.3       4.8       9.7      13.5       6.6       6.3        5.9       12.1       -5.5

 H.8 (510) pg.10
 Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars

               Account                                    1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1996      1997      1997                 Week ending
                                                           Feb       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Jan       Feb      Feb 12     Feb 19     Feb 26      Mar 5 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------   -------    -------    -------    -------
             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                         451.3     467.9     466.2     480.6     496.7     506.1     519.0     540.1     542.9      540.5      539.5      546.5

  2     Securities in bank credit                         146.8     150.7     145.4     149.3     159.4     160.8     167.4     180.4     183.7      181.9      178.4      180.6
  3        U.S. government securities                      71.7      82.4      81.9      82.6      88.0      86.7      83.9      88.3      88.9       88.5       88.6       89.6
  3a         Trading account                                 --        --        --      18.8      22.0      20.2      16.9      21.3      21.8       21.3       21.8       21.6
  3b         Investment account                              --        --        --      63.7      66.0      66.5      67.0      67.0      67.1       67.2       66.7       68.0
  4        Other securities                                75.1      68.3      63.5      66.7      71.4      74.1      83.5      92.1      94.8       93.4       89.8       90.9
  4a         Trading account                                 --        --        --      48.2      52.3      54.9      61.2      69.1      71.4       70.5       66.9       67.5
  4b         Investment account                              --        --        --      18.5      19.1      19.2      22.3      23.0      23.3       22.9       23.0       23.4
  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)               304.5     317.2     320.8     331.3     337.3     345.3     351.6     359.7     359.3      358.6      361.1      366.0
  6        Commercial and industrial                      184.0     194.4     199.5     205.9     210.8     217.9     219.9     223.5     222.8      224.2      224.6      225.4
  7        Real estate                                     34.5      33.1      32.9      33.1      33.2      32.7      32.5      33.0      33.0       32.9       32.9       33.3
  11       Security (3)                                    35.6      29.8      29.1      32.7      34.5      35.4      37.1      38.7      39.3       37.1       38.0       41.3
  12       Other loans and leases                          50.5      59.8      59.3      59.7      58.8      59.3      62.1      64.6      64.1       64.4       65.6       66.0

  13  Interbank loans                                      18.9      16.4      20.3      20.9      20.9      22.9      23.8      22.5      22.4       21.7       24.8       18.5

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      28.4      28.5      28.8      30.1      31.3      32.5      32.3      33.1      32.9       32.9       33.3       35.5

  15  Other assets (5)                                     49.9      44.5      41.5      33.6      36.8      38.2      38.5      43.7      43.9       43.1       43.4       47.9

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                    548.5     557.3     556.8     565.0     585.5     599.5     613.4     639.2     641.9      638.0      640.9      648.1

         L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                            166.5     178.8     185.6     203.2     207.6     223.9     230.5     240.9     239.2      241.7      243.6      245.2
  18    Transaction                                        10.6      10.3      10.1      10.6      10.6      11.4      10.9      10.6      10.2       11.7       10.0       10.3
  19    Nontransaction                                    155.9     168.5     175.4     192.6     197.0     212.4     219.6     230.3     229.1      230.0      233.6      234.8
  20       Large time                                     151.1     166.2     173.2     190.4     194.8     209.9     215.1     223.4     221.4      222.7      227.3      227.1
  21       Other                                            4.8       2.3       2.3       2.2       2.3       2.5       4.6       7.0       7.7        7.4        6.3        7.7

  22  Borrowings                                          113.3     133.6     123.9     115.4     124.9     124.7     130.4     140.4     139.6      140.4      138.8      143.0
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             28.4      35.1      33.3      30.9      35.6      37.0      33.1      36.0      34.6       35.5       34.1       41.9
  24    From others                                        84.8      98.5      90.6      84.5      89.3      87.6      97.4     104.4     105.0      104.9      104.8      101.1
  25    Net due to related foreign offices                185.8     171.2     174.3     167.7     166.9     163.9     158.9     149.9     148.8      146.9      153.7      153.7

  26  Other liabilities                                    79.6      69.8      68.6      73.1      80.8      81.7      88.4     102.4     108.3      103.0       98.9      102.0

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                   545.1     553.3     552.4     559.4     580.1     594.1     608.3     633.6     635.9      631.9      635.1      643.8

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)                3.3       3.9       4.4       5.6       5.4       5.3       5.1       5.6       6.0        6.0        5.8        4.3

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --        --        --      29.9      32.4      33.3      40.8      47.2      49.2       48.8       45.5       46.1
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)              --        --        --      29.4      31.6      32.5      40.0      47.4      49.7       49.0       45.5       46.4

H.8 (510) pg.11
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars.  Data are as of      March 5, 1997.
                                                                            Federal Reserve Distict
                                                   National ___________________________________________________________
                                                    total         Boston    New York    Philadelphia   Cleveland  Richmond    Atlanta
  1  Bank credit                                      1,861.4        92.0       352.0       100.8       163.3       182.3       208.8
  2     Securities in bank credit (14)                  426.3                                                                        
  3        U.S. government securities (14)              282.5                                                                        
  3a         Trading account (14)                        17.8                                                                        
  3b         Investment account                         264.7        16.7        77.6         5.0        23.1        30.3        29.4
  3c           Mortgage-backed                          173.0         7.3        56.0         1.9        17.7        18.7        18.9
  3d           Other                                     91.8         9.4        21.6         3.0         5.4        11.6        10.6
  3e             1 year or less                          24.1         3.6         3.5         0.9         1.0         3.1         2.6
  3f             Between 1 and 5 years                   51.9         5.2        12.2         1.7         3.4         7.5         6.1
  3g             More than 5 years                       15.8         0.6         5.9         0.4         1.0         0.9         1.9
  4        Other securities (14)                        143.7                                                                        
  4a         Trading account (14)                        77.9                                                                        
  4b         Investment account                          65.8         5.5        20.8         2.1         6.2         4.5         8.2
  4c           State and local government                20.8         1.9         7.3         0.6         0.7         1.0         2.0
  4d           Other                                     45.0         3.5        13.5         1.6         5.5         3.5         6.2
  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)           1,435.2        69.9       253.6        93.7       133.9       147.5       171.1
  6        Commerical and industrial                    394.5        26.6        67.3        15.3        39.8        35.3        39.4
  6a         Bankers accep and commercial paper           1.4         0.1         0.7         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
  6b         Other                                      393.1        26.5        66.6        15.3        39.8        35.3        39.4
  7        Real estate                                  564.1        19.9       100.4        28.3        48.3        74.9        81.9
  8          Revolving home equtiy                       55.2         3.1         7.9         3.3         5.7         6.9         6.0
  9a         Other residential                          328.0         8.6        64.5        20.4        28.1        46.3        47.7
  9b         Commercial                                 180.9         8.2        28.0         4.6        14.5        21.6        28.3
  10       Consumer                                     282.4         7.1        35.3        43.2        30.9        19.0        37.0
  11       Security (3)                                  43.5         7.5        18.2         0.1         0.9         3.6         1.2
  11a        Fed funds and RPs with broker/dealer        28.5         7.1        10.4         0.0         0.0         3.4         0.8
  11b        Other                                       14.9         0.4         7.8         0.1         0.9         0.2         0.4
  12a      State and local government                    10.9         0.2         1.5         0.7         1.2         2.0         2.1
  12b      Agricultural                                   7.5         0.0         0.2         0.1         0.2         0.5         0.4
  12c      Fed funds and RPs with others                  4.8         0.3         2.0         0.0         0.1         1.0         0.4
  12d      All other loans                               61.2         3.5        16.1         1.6         2.6         5.0         3.4
  12e      Lease financing receivables                   66.3         4.8        12.6         4.5         9.8         6.1         5.3
  13    Interbank loans                                 130.6         5.9        45.1         3.9         7.9        11.6        13.8
  13a     Fed funds and RPs with banks                   83.4         3.5        26.3         3.8         4.8         8.5        11.0
  13b     Other                                          47.1         2.5        18.9         0.1         3.0         3.1         2.9
  14    Cash assets(4)                                  126.1         6.3        25.2         4.8         8.7         9.6        13.7
  15    Other assets (12)                               202.2        16.6       123.1        14.1        14.2        33.9        14.7
  16    TOTAL ASSETS (6)                              2,285.1       119.3       534.0       121.4       191.1       235.2       248.0

H.8 (510) pg.12
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars.  Data are as of      March 5, 1997.

                                                                            Federal Reserve Distict
                                                   National ___________________________________________________________
                                                    total         Boston    New York   Philadelphia  Cleveland  Richmond    Atlanta

  17  Deposits                                        1,379.0        66.6       280.1        68.2       120.2       125.2       175.2
  18   Transaction                                      366.4        22.9        69.9        14.8        27.6        27.2        37.0
  19   Nontransaction                                 1,012.6        43.6       210.2        53.4        92.7        98.0       138.2
  20      Large time                                    158.3         6.7        43.6        11.9         9.4        14.9        19.1
  21      Other                                         854.3        36.9       166.6        41.5        83.2        83.1       119.1
  22  Borrowings                                        415.9        27.6        83.5        31.4        44.2        59.5        37.1
  23      From banks in the U.S.                          183.3         9.6        23.8        14.9        17.9        28.9        21.4
  24      From others                                   232.6        18.0        59.8        16.5        26.4        30.6        15.7
  26  Other liabilities (13)                            263.6        14.5       103.9         9.7        12.2        33.7        14.6
  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                               2,058.4       108.6       467.6       109.2       176.6       218.5       226.8

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities (13)            226.7        10.7        66.5        12.2        14.5        16.7        21.1

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8,14)        55.4                                                                        
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8,14)       50.7                                                                        
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                    191.8         7.9        59.6         3.2        19.7        19.9        22.4
  31a   Pass-through                                    134.6         5.7        46.8         1.7        12.6        16.8        14.3
  31b   CMO, REMIC and other                             57.3         2.2        12.8         1.5         7.2         3.1         8.2
  32  Net unrealized ganis (losses)                       3.0                                                                        
         on available-for-sale securities (10,14)
  33  Offshore credit to  U.S. residents (11,14)         32.8                                                                        

H.8 (510) pg.13
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars.  Data are as of      March 5, 1997.

                                                                            Federal Reserve Distict
                                                       Chicago   St.Louis  Minneapolis   Kansac City    Dallas     San Francisco
  1  Bank credit                                        192.5        40.4         39.8         24.6         71.8        297.3
  2     Securities in bank credit (14)                                                                                       
  3        U.S. government securities (14)                                                                                   
  3a         Trading account (14)                                                                                            
  3b         Investment account (14)                     27.1         5.7          3.8          5.2         13.1         27.8
  3c           Mortgage-backed                           13.0         3.1          2.1          3.8         11.0         19.6
  3d           Other                                     14.1         2.6          1.7          1.5          2.2          8.2
  3e             1 year or less                           6.5         0.4          0.0          0.3          0.2          1.8
  3f             Between 1 and 5 years                    5.9         1.7          0.2          1.1          1.7          5.2
  3g             More than 5 years                        1.6         0.4          1.4          0.0          0.3          1.2
  4        Other securities (14)                                                                                             
  4a         Trading account (14)                                                                                            
  4b         Investment accout (14)                       6.4         1.1          0.6          0.8          2.2          7.4
  4c           State and local government                 3.5         0.7          0.2          0.5          0.6          1.7
  4d           Other                                      2.9         0.4          0.4          0.2          1.5          5.7
  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)             159.1        33.7         35.5         18.6         56.5        262.0
  6        Commerical and industrial                     67.4         8.6          8.5          5.1         25.2         56.0
  6a         Bankers accep and commercial paper           0.2         0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0          0.4
  6b         Other                                       67.1         8.6          8.5          5.1         25.1         55.7
  7        Real estate                                   48.2        15.0          7.4          6.8         14.5        118.6
  8          Revolving home equtiy                        4.9         1.3          0.4          0.4          0.3         15.1
  9a         Other residential                           22.1        10.0          4.7          3.4          9.7         62.5
  9b         Commercial                                  21.3         3.8          2.3          2.9          4.5         41.1
  10       Consumer                                      23.4         5.2         15.1          4.6         10.0         51.6
  11       Security (3)                                   5.0         2.7          1.5          0.0          0.6          2.2
  11a        Fed funds and RPs with broker/dealer         2.1         2.4          1.0          0.0          0.3          1.0
  11b        Other                                        2.9         0.3          0.5          0.0          0.3          1.2
  12a      State and local government                     1.2         0.2          0.1          0.1          0.1          1.4
  12b      Agricultural                                   0.4         0.1          0.2          0.5          0.2          4.5
  12c      Fed funds and RPs with others                  0.6         0.0          0.0          0.0          0.3          0.1
  12d      All other loans                                8.5         0.9          1.6          1.3          4.4         12.4
  12e      Lease financing receivables                    4.4         1.0          0.9          0.3          1.3         15.2
  13    Interbank loans                                   6.2         5.2          4.0          2.4          5.6         18.8
  13a     Fed funds and RPs with banks                    5.7         5.2          3.7          2.2          2.2          6.7
  13b     Other                                           0.5         0.1          0.3          0.3          3.3         12.2
  14    Cash assets(4)                                   15.1         3.1          2.3          3.0         11.7         22.7
  15    Other assets (12)                                21.9         5.0          3.0          2.7          6.4         42.3
  16    TOTAL ASSETS                                    232.8        53.3         48.4         32.4         94.6        374.6

H.8 (510) pg.14
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars.  Data are as of      March 5, 1997.

                                                                            Federal Reserve Distict
                                                   Chicago      St.Louis    Minneapolis  Kansas City   Dallas    San Francisco

  17  Deposits                                          139.5        30.0         22.4         24.3         68.2        259.1
  18   Transaction                                       39.3         6.7          6.9          6.4         21.4         86.4
  19   Nontransaction                                   100.2        23.3         15.5         17.8         46.9        172.8
  20      Large time                                     18.6         2.6          1.3          1.5          4.6         24.2
  21      Other                                          81.7        20.7         14.3         16.4         42.3        148.6
  22  Borrowings                                         43.9        15.5         16.3          3.4         12.6         41.0
  23      From banks in the U.S.                           17.0        11.7         12.6          2.0          4.7         19.1
  24      From others                                    26.9         3.8          3.7          1.4          7.9         21.9
  26  Other liabilities (13)                             27.5         2.7          5.5          1.0          5.5         32.7

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                 210.9        48.1         44.2         28.7         86.3        332.8

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities (13)             21.8         5.2          4.2          3.7          8.3         41.8

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8,14)                                                                            
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8,14)                                                                           
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                     15.0         3.2          2.2          3.8         11.8         22.9
  31a   Pass-through                                      7.6         1.4          1.9          2.9          9.9         12.9
  31b   CMO, REMIC and other                              7.4         1.8          0.3          0.9          1.9         10.0
  32  Net unrealized ganis (losses)                                                                                          
         on available-for-sale securities (10,14)
  33  Offshore credit to  U.S. residents (11,14)                                                                             

H.8 (510)       Footnotes

Note: This release is available on the Federal Reserve Board's web site: http://www.bog.frb.fed.us/. Current and historical
data are available on the Commerce Department's economic bulletin board. For information call 202-482-1986.

1.  Covers the following types of institutions in the fifty states and the District of Columbia: domestically chartered
    commercial banks that submit a weekly report of condition (large domestic); other domestically chartered commercial banks
    (small domestic); branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act and Agreement corporations (foreign-related
    institutions). Excludes International Banking Facilities. Data are Wednesday values or pro rata averages of Wednesday
    values. Large domestic banks constitute a universe; data for small domestic banks and foreign-related institutions are
    estimates based on weekly samples and on quarter-end condition reports. Data are adjusted for breaks caused by
    reclassifications of assets and liabilities.
    The data for large and small domestic banks presented on pages 5 to 8 are
    adjusted to remove the estimated effects of mergers between these two groups. The adjustment for mergers changes past
    levels to make them comparable with current levels. Estimated quantities of balance sheet items acquired in mergers
    are removed from past data for the bank group that contained the acquired bank and put into past data for the group
    containing the acquiring bank. Balance sheet data for acquired banks are obtained from call reports, and a ratio procedure
    is used to adjust past levels.
2.  Excludes federal funds sold to, reverse RPs with, and loans made to commercial banks in the United States, all of which
    are included in line 13.
3.  Consists of reverse RPs with brokers and dealers and loans to purchase and carry securities.
4.  Includes vault cash, cash items in process of collection, balances due from depository institutions, and balances due
    from Federal Reserve Banks.
5.  Excludes the due-from position with related foreign offices, which is included in line 25.
6.  Excludes unearned income, reserves for losses on loans and leases, and reserves for transfer risk. Loans are reported
    gross of these items.
7.  This balancing item is not intended as a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis. On a seasonally
    adjusted basis this item reflects any differences in the seasonal patterns estimated for total assets and total
8.  Fair value of derivative contracts (interest rate, foreign exchange rate, other commodity and equity contracts) in a
    gain/loss position, as determined under FASB  Interpretation No. 39.
9.  Includes mortgage-backed securities issued by U.S. government agencies, U.S. government-sponsored enterprises, and private entities.
10. Difference between fair value and historical cost for securities classified as available-for-sale under FASB Statement
    No. 115. Data are reported net of tax effects. Data shown are restated to include an estimate of these tax effects.
11. Mainly commercial and industrial loans, but also includes an unknown amount of credit extended to other than
    non-financial businesses.
12. Includes the due-from position with related foreign offices.
13. Includes the due-to position with related foreign offices.
14. Disaggregation by District not available. The trading account components of securities (lines 3a and 4a) are included
    in line 15.
    NOTE: Large domestically chartered commercial banks acquired $7.1 billion in assets and liabilities of thrift institutions in the
 week ending March 5, 1997.  The major asset  items affected were (in billions):  cash assets, $0.1; U.S. government securities investment
 account mortgage-backed securities, $0.2; other securities, investment account, other, $0.7; real estate loans, revolving home equity, $0.2;
 real estate loans, commercial, $0.4; real estate loans, other $5.1; consumer loans, $0.1; and other assets, $0.3.  The major liability items
 affected were: transaction deposits, $0.4; nontransaction large time deposits, $0.3; nontransaction deposits, other, $3.7;  borrowings from 
 banks in the U.S., $0.3; other liabilities, $1.9; and residual (assets less liabilities), $0.4.  The major memo item affected was 
 mortgage-backed securities, pass-through, $0.1.

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Last update: March 14, 1997