Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.8, Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: October 3, 1997

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 H.8 (510)
ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES (1)                                                                              For use at 4:15 p.m. Eastern Time
Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                                           October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,677.9   3,840.4   3,860.1   3,900.9   3,909.3   3,931.8   3,961.3   3,972.1       3,981.8   3,992.1   3,991.2   3,991.0

  2     Securities in bank credit                          974.3   1,020.1   1,014.3   1,034.1   1,015.9   1,012.7   1,032.5   1,026.2       1,031.2   1,029.8   1,025.3   1,039.6
  3        U.S. government securities                      703.5     703.6     708.3     723.6     723.4     726.7     727.8     715.4         724.1     720.8     715.3     727.3
  4        Other securities                                270.8     316.6     305.9     310.4     292.4     285.9     304.6     310.8         307.2     309.0     310.0     312.3

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,703.6   2,820.2   2,845.8   2,866.8   2,893.4   2,919.1   2,928.8   2,945.9       2,950.6   2,962.2   2,965.9   2,951.4
  6        Commercial and industrial                       746.6     793.1     797.5     804.6     810.2     816.0     819.2     827.3         832.4     837.4     839.1     840.1
  7        Real estate                                   1,109.7   1,140.5   1,154.1   1,167.2   1,178.1   1,187.5   1,192.1   1,197.8       1,201.6   1,205.4   1,204.2   1,199.1
  8          Revolving home equity                          81.0      86.5      87.9      89.7      90.9      92.4      93.3      94.1          94.9      95.0      95.1      95.4
  9          Other                                       1,028.7   1,054.0   1,066.2   1,077.5   1,087.2   1,095.2   1,098.8   1,103.7       1,106.7   1,110.4   1,109.1   1,103.7
  10       Consumer                                        514.0     520.5     518.1     516.2     519.1     521.7     521.4     522.0         521.3     520.7     521.0     514.2
  11       Security (3)                                     72.1      83.9      88.2      89.7      89.1      94.0      95.3      95.1          93.1      98.1      96.5      92.8
  12       Other loans and leases                          261.3     282.3     288.0     289.2     296.9     299.9     300.9     303.7         302.2     300.6     305.1     305.1

  13  Interbank loans                                      198.1     204.7     220.0     215.9     218.6     191.7     186.1     192.8         195.2     196.7     198.6     200.5

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      225.2     233.4     240.0     246.5     244.0     248.3     245.0     262.6         270.9     249.5     250.6     252.0

  15  Other assets (5)                                     252.7     265.0     272.7     277.2     277.7     282.6     277.5     280.7         282.5     282.0     280.9     284.0

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   4,296.5   4,487.4   4,536.6   4,584.0   4,593.0   4,597.4   4,612.7   4,651.0       4,673.4   4,663.3   4,664.2   4,670.3

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,753.6   2,892.6   2,916.1   2,949.7   2,937.2   2,971.4   2,992.6   3,018.4       3,049.3   3,012.9   3,027.4   3,025.8
  18    Transaction                                        733.9     705.1     699.7     701.8     689.9     693.8     688.7     696.0         699.6     659.0     674.5     688.9
  19    Nontransaction                                   2,019.6   2,187.6   2,216.3   2,247.9   2,247.3   2,277.6   2,303.8   2,322.4       2,349.6   2,353.9   2,352.9   2,336.9
  20       Large time                                      452.7     542.5     548.8     568.2     563.7     581.2     600.3     606.6         618.4     623.7     626.0     617.4
  21       Other                                         1,567.0   1,645.0   1,667.6   1,679.8   1,683.6   1,696.4   1,703.5   1,715.9       1,731.3   1,730.1   1,726.9   1,719.5

  22  Borrowings                                           705.4     735.3     748.0     763.7     766.8     737.1     735.4     748.4         749.2     765.5     756.7     766.1
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             290.6     304.9     313.0     312.4     301.9     269.8     264.9     276.3         281.3     289.5     273.5     275.4
  24    From others                                        414.8     430.4     435.1     451.3     464.9     467.3     470.6     472.0         467.9     476.0     483.2     490.6

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                   247.4     217.7     209.1     211.5     233.7     229.5     215.7     206.6         207.5     221.8     218.5     198.6

  26  Other liabilities                                    219.9     286.2     277.6     270.3     262.5     263.2     276.6     282.5         281.3     273.5     268.8     271.2

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,926.3   4,131.8   4,150.8   4,195.3   4,200.3   4,201.2   4,220.4   4,256.0       4,287.4   4,273.7   4,271.4   4,261.7

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               370.2     355.6     385.8     388.7     392.8     396.2     392.3     395.1         386.0     389.6     392.9     408.6      


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 2
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                                       October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,679.1   3,833.2   3,850.5   3,900.4   3,913.9   3,935.5   3,957.0   3,973.4       3,991.6   3,990.9   3,997.7   3,984.2

  2     Securities in bank credit                          978.7   1,016.8   1,016.9   1,036.6   1,024.9   1,019.1   1,029.7   1,031.5       1,039.9   1,032.7   1,025.2   1,034.6
  3        U.S. government securities                      705.8     702.3     713.0     726.4     725.9     726.5     723.7     718.2         728.4     723.6     717.3     725.7
  4        Other securities                                272.9     314.4     304.0     310.2     299.0     292.6     306.0     313.3         311.5     309.1     307.9     308.9

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,700.4   2,816.5   2,833.6   2,863.8   2,889.0   2,916.3   2,927.3   2,941.9       2,951.6   2,958.2   2,972.5   2,949.7
  6        Commercial and industrial                       742.7     792.8     800.1     811.9     817.0     819.4     820.4     823.1         826.3     828.4     834.7     834.5
  7        Real estate                                   1,111.2   1,137.4   1,148.1   1,162.7   1,173.7   1,185.8   1,192.2   1,199.5       1,203.9   1,209.2   1,208.1   1,201.2
  8          Revolving home equity                          81.2      86.1      87.1      88.9      90.7      92.4      93.3      94.4          95.5      95.6      95.8      96.1
  9          Other                                       1,029.9   1,051.3   1,061.0   1,073.7   1,083.0   1,093.5   1,098.8   1,105.1       1,108.5   1,113.6   1,112.3   1,105.1
  10       Consumer                                        514.4     521.2     513.5     513.7     517.0     518.9     519.0     522.5         523.4     522.3     523.8     517.0
  11       Security (3)                                     70.6      85.0      87.8      90.2      89.5      93.6      93.8      93.2          92.0      95.8      98.4      91.4
  12       Other loans and leases                          261.6     280.1     284.1     285.3     291.7     298.6     301.9     303.7         306.0     302.5     307.4     305.5

  13  Interbank loans                                      193.4     209.1     216.4     214.3     214.1     189.2     183.9     188.4         197.2     195.3     193.3     187.8

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      214.3     234.5     230.8     241.8     241.8     245.0     241.3     249.0         284.7     250.5     246.4     240.4

  15  Other assets (5)                                     255.6     264.9     268.1     274.9     280.0     282.7     279.6     284.0         292.1     288.2     281.9     282.5

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   4,284.9   4,485.8   4,509.7   4,574.8   4,593.2   4,595.3   4,604.7   4,637.4       4,708.1   4,667.5   4,661.9   4,637.8

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,743.0   2,877.6   2,904.8   2,947.2   2,928.5   2,966.6   2,983.9   3,008.3       3,078.4   3,031.8   3,026.7   2,993.1
  18    Transaction                                        721.0     698.1     687.5     705.0     680.0     688.2     682.5     683.4         723.2     669.0     674.7     662.9
  19    Nontransaction                                   2,022.0   2,179.5   2,217.3   2,242.2   2,248.5   2,278.5   2,301.4   2,324.9       2,355.3   2,362.7   2,352.0   2,330.3
  20       Large time                                      452.2     542.1     548.9     563.8     568.5     581.0     595.9     605.7         613.6     618.1     618.9     613.1
  21       Other                                         1,569.8   1,637.4   1,668.4   1,678.4   1,680.0   1,697.5   1,705.5   1,719.2       1,741.7   1,744.6   1,733.1   1,717.2

  22  Borrowings                                           711.1     719.8     728.5     764.7     776.6     756.3     748.7     752.7         755.4     753.6     766.2     782.3
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             295.8     293.1     301.3     311.2     309.9     282.6     272.8     280.6         287.3     285.6     277.8     281.2
  24    From others                                        415.3     426.7     427.3     453.5     466.7     473.7     475.9     472.1         468.0     468.0     488.4     501.2

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                   243.1     228.6     218.3     210.1     236.7     220.0     211.9     202.2         197.8     208.1     202.6     202.6

  26  Other liabilities                                    219.3     288.1     275.8     270.6     266.2     265.5     275.0     281.6         282.5     275.8     268.0     269.5

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,916.5   4,114.2   4,127.4   4,192.6   4,208.0   4,208.5   4,219.5   4,244.8       4,314.1   4,269.3   4,263.5   4,247.5

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               368.4     371.6     382.3     382.2     385.2     386.8     385.2     392.6         394.0     398.2     398.4     390.3

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)                --     101.8      90.4      90.1      81.4      76.1      84.3      86.1          82.2      79.7      78.7      77.7
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --      98.5      86.9      88.0      85.7      80.7      88.4      90.1          87.1      83.3      82.4      81.2


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 3
Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                                           October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------       -------  -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,212.4   3,309.8   3,334.8   3,367.2   3,369.3   3,389.1   3,415.4   3,430.5       3,430.5   3,445.8   3,448.0   3,445.9

  2     Securities in bank credit                          824.9     843.2     841.4     856.0     840.3     835.2     847.5     843.4         836.6     843.2     840.8     853.1
  3        U.S. government securities                      622.2     618.2     624.7     635.8     633.5     634.4     634.2     626.8         626.6     630.8     628.0     639.4
  4        Other securities                                202.7     225.0     216.6     220.3     206.8     200.8     213.3     216.6         210.0     212.5     212.8     213.7

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,387.5   2,466.6   2,493.4   2,511.2   2,529.0   2,553.9   2,567.9   2,587.1       2,593.9   2,602.6   2,607.2   2,592.8
  6        Commercial and industrial                       552.7     576.2     581.5     588.1     590.7     595.9     599.2     605.9         610.4     614.0     614.7     615.3
  7        Real estate                                   1,076.8   1,108.4   1,122.6   1,135.8   1,147.5   1,157.9   1,163.5   1,169.6       1,173.9   1,177.7   1,176.6   1,171.6
  8          Revolving home equity                          81.0      86.5      87.9      89.7      90.9      92.4      93.3      94.1          94.9      95.0      95.1      95.4
  9          Other                                         995.8   1,021.9   1,034.7   1,046.1   1,056.6   1,065.5   1,070.2   1,075.5       1,078.9   1,082.6   1,081.5   1,076.2
  10       Consumer                                        514.0     520.5     518.1     516.2     519.1     521.7     521.4     522.0         521.3     520.7     521.0     514.2
  11       Security (3)                                     42.4      44.1      48.4      46.5      45.6      48.0      50.5      51.4          50.2      53.6      52.1      48.8
  12       Other loans and leases                          201.7     217.4     222.7     224.5     226.1     230.4     233.4     238.2         238.1     236.6     242.9     242.9

  13  Interbank loans                                      181.1     183.8     197.2     197.0     197.9     171.8     166.5     174.2         179.6     177.3     181.4     181.7

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      196.2     200.5     207.6     213.8     210.1     212.6     211.0     228.1         235.8     212.5     215.2     218.2

  15  Other assets (5)                                     214.1     223.9     231.7     238.1     238.9     241.4     234.5     237.7         237.0     236.9     241.2     243.6

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   3,746.5   3,862.2   3,915.4   3,959.8   3,959.8   3,958.2   3,970.4   4,013.4       4,026.2   4,015.8   4,029.0   4,032.6

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,574.2   2,654.7   2,673.4   2,691.8   2,684.9   2,712.8   2,721.1   2,746.3       2,770.8   2,734.7   2,748.8   2,756.2
  18    Transaction                                        723.6     695.4     689.3     691.0     678.6     682.7     677.5     684.0         687.6     647.4     663.4     677.7
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,850.6   1,959.3   1,984.1   2,000.8   2,006.3   2,030.1   2,043.6   2,062.4       2,083.2   2,087.3   2,085.4   2,078.6
  20       Large time                                      285.8     318.3     320.1     323.6     325.2     336.2     342.7     349.3         356.5     359.7     361.3     361.6
  21       Other                                         1,564.8   1,641.0   1,664.0   1,677.1   1,681.1   1,693.9   1,700.9   1,713.1       1,726.8   1,727.6   1,724.1   1,716.9

  22  Borrowings                                           575.8     592.1     608.0     623.8     623.2     596.1     598.0     608.7         611.4     624.6     622.5     619.8
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             256.6     271.0     278.2     280.0     269.3     239.9     235.0     245.6         249.7     257.4     244.5     237.8
  24    From others                                        319.1     321.1     329.8     343.8     353.9     356.2     362.9     363.1         361.7     367.2     378.0     382.0

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                    74.2      78.2      68.0      77.1      85.1      80.8      85.6      79.1          76.6      90.3      89.1      79.8

  26  Other liabilities                                    154.9     186.4     183.7     178.3     173.2     173.1     180.0     184.9         178.1     174.8     176.0     179.0

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,379.0   3,511.4   3,533.1   3,571.0   3,566.4   3,562.7   3,584.8   3,619.1       3,636.9   3,624.4   3,636.3   3,634.9

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               367.5     350.8     382.3     388.8     393.4     395.5     385.6     394.3         389.3     391.5     392.7     397.7


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 4
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                                       October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        3,210.2   3,302.1   3,325.4   3,366.6   3,371.3   3,392.4   3,410.7   3,427.7       3,436.5   3,445.8   3,456.8   3,444.6

  2     Securities in bank credit                          826.1     838.9     843.4     858.0     844.4     841.0     845.9     845.0         841.7     846.1     842.9     852.8
  3        U.S. government securities                      623.0     615.1     626.4     639.0     635.4     635.5     632.8     628.0         629.7     633.7     630.9     640.3
  4        Other securities                                203.0     223.7     217.0     219.0     209.0     205.5     213.1     217.0         212.0     212.4     212.0     212.5

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              2,384.1   2,463.2   2,482.0   2,508.6   2,526.9   2,551.4   2,564.7   2,582.7       2,594.8   2,599.7   2,613.9   2,591.8
  6        Commercial and industrial                       548.8     575.9     584.5     594.7     597.3     598.6     599.3     601.5         605.2     607.0     611.6     611.3
  7        Real estate                                   1,078.2   1,105.3   1,116.6   1,131.7   1,143.3   1,156.3   1,163.7   1,171.2       1,176.0   1,181.3   1,180.5   1,173.6
  8          Revolving home equity                          81.2      86.1      87.1      88.9      90.7      92.4      93.3      94.4          95.5      95.6      95.8      96.1
  9          Other                                         997.0   1,019.2   1,029.5   1,042.8   1,052.7   1,064.0   1,070.4   1,076.8       1,080.6   1,085.7   1,084.7   1,077.5
  10       Consumer                                        514.4     521.2     513.5     513.7     517.0     518.9     519.0     522.5         523.4     522.3     523.8     517.0
  11       Security (3)                                     40.9      45.2      48.1      47.0      46.0      47.6      48.9      49.5          49.2      51.3      53.9      47.4
  12       Other loans and leases                          201.9     215.6     219.3     221.3     223.2     230.0     233.8     237.9         241.0     237.8     244.1     242.6

  13  Interbank loans                                      176.4     188.2     193.7     195.3     193.5     169.3     164.2     169.8         181.6     175.9     176.1     169.1

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      185.2     202.4     199.0     209.9     207.8     208.5     207.1     214.6         250.2     214.9     212.3     207.1

  15  Other assets (5)                                     216.2     223.0     227.7     237.2     240.1     241.6     237.4     240.1         245.5     241.4     242.1     242.6

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   3,730.6   3,859.9   3,889.9   3,952.8   3,956.3   3,955.0   3,962.6   3,995.0       4,056.7   4,020.7   4,030.1   4,006.5

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           2,565.0   2,642.8   2,662.3   2,695.6   2,675.7   2,707.6   2,715.4   2,738.5       2,803.7   2,758.0   2,752.1   2,722.7
  18    Transaction                                        710.9     688.2     677.3     694.6     669.2     677.1     671.2     671.7         711.0     657.3     663.1     650.8
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,854.1   1,954.7   1,985.0   2,000.9   2,006.5   2,030.5   2,044.2   2,066.7       2,092.7   2,100.6   2,089.0   2,071.8
  20       Large time                                      286.5     321.1     320.1     325.1     329.0     335.5     341.4     350.4         355.4     358.5     358.7     357.2
  21       Other                                         1,567.6   1,633.5   1,664.9   1,675.8   1,677.5   1,695.0   1,702.9   1,716.4       1,737.3   1,742.1   1,730.3   1,714.7

  22  Borrowings                                           576.4     583.2     594.4     622.3     633.1     610.1     602.2     607.7         613.5     608.9     626.9     637.3
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             261.4     261.5     268.1     278.6     277.8     250.9     241.3     249.3         254.4     252.3     248.4     247.0
  24    From others                                        315.1     321.7     326.2     343.7     355.3     359.2     360.9     358.4         359.1     356.6     378.5     390.3

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                    71.9      79.9      72.5      78.8      92.3      79.6      83.0      76.6          71.6      84.1      80.5      80.5

  26  Other liabilities                                    153.9     185.8     182.0     178.8     174.2     174.4     180.5     183.5         178.2     175.5     175.8     178.6

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  3,367.3   3,491.8   3,511.2   3,575.5   3,575.3   3,571.7   3,581.1   3,606.2       3,667.0   3,626.5   3,635.4   3,619.1

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               363.4     368.1     378.7     377.4     381.0     383.3     381.5     388.8         389.7     394.3     394.8     387.4

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)                --      55.9      49.0      49.5      42.0      38.5      44.3      45.1          39.5      38.3      38.2      37.4
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --      50.9      43.2      44.6      43.4      40.2      45.7      46.5          41.7      40.0      40.6      39.8
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                          --     243.5     245.3     248.8     249.0     250.3     251.8     253.5         253.8     252.7     251.7     259.1


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 5
Seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars                                                                                                     October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,884.8   1,945.9   1,958.0   1,976.3   1,968.2   1,979.0   1,997.7   2,000.2       1,995.2   2,011.1   2,012.4   2,013.7

  2     Securities in bank credit                          425.8     444.3     438.7     449.8     433.2     429.3     441.9     437.6         431.0     437.0     436.1     450.4
  3        U.S. government securities                      302.6     299.0     303.3     312.7     309.5     310.8     310.2     302.8         302.9     306.5     305.1     318.3
  3a         Trading account                                20.3      16.2      18.3      20.3      19.4      23.1      24.9      21.8          23.6      26.4      22.1      27.9
  3b         Investment account                            282.3     282.8     285.0     292.3     290.1     287.7     285.3     281.0         279.2     280.1     283.0     290.4
  4        Other securities                                123.2     145.2     135.4     137.1     123.8     118.5     131.7     134.8         128.1     130.5     131.0     132.1
  4a         Trading account                                56.9      80.0      69.4      72.0      58.4      51.8      64.2      63.7          57.8      60.2      60.1      60.2
  4b         Investment account                             66.3      65.3      66.0      65.1      65.4      66.7      67.5      71.2          70.3      70.3      70.9      71.9
  4c           State and local government                   20.5      21.1      20.8      20.8      21.1      21.7      22.1      22.3          22.1      22.0      22.0      22.1
  4d           Other                                        45.8      44.1      45.2      44.3      44.3      45.0      45.3      48.9          48.2      48.3      48.8      49.9

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              1,459.1   1,501.7   1,519.3   1,526.5   1,535.0   1,549.7   1,555.8   1,562.6       1,564.3   1,574.1   1,576.3   1,563.3
  6        Commercial and industrial                       386.8     402.5     406.6     412.1     413.1     416.5     417.8     422.4         425.7     429.8     430.2     430.4
  6a         Bankers acceptances                             1.7       1.6       1.7       1.6       1.6       1.6       1.6       1.5           1.4       1.5       1.5       1.5
  6b         Other                                         385.1     400.9     404.9     410.5     411.5     414.9     416.2     420.9         424.3     428.3     428.7     428.9
  7        Real estate                                     597.6     603.0     609.0     612.3     618.9     623.7     622.9     623.1         625.3     627.2     625.2     621.2
  8          Revolving home equity                          57.4      59.8      60.6      61.2      62.1      63.4      64.1      64.7          65.5      65.6      65.5      65.7
  9          Other                                         540.2     543.2     548.4     551.0     556.7     560.3     558.8     558.4         559.8     561.7     559.7     555.5
  10       Consumer                                        296.2     302.5     301.1     299.7     301.0     301.3     301.7     299.5         298.8     299.6     299.0     294.9
  11       Security (3)                                     37.8      39.4      43.6      41.9      41.0      43.3      45.7      46.5          45.2      48.8      47.0      43.7
  11a        Fed funds and RPs with broker/dealer           23.9      24.0      27.1      23.8      23.4      26.5      28.6      30.0          30.2      31.2      28.7      26.9
  11b        Other                                          13.9      15.4      16.5      18.1      17.6      16.9      17.1      16.6          15.0      17.6      18.3      16.7
  12a      State and local government                       11.7      11.6      11.6      11.2      11.1      11.2      11.2      11.3          11.3      11.4      11.4      11.3
  12b      Agricultural                                      8.9       8.7       8.8       8.8       8.9       8.8       8.7       8.7           8.7       8.9       8.9       8.9
  12c      Fed funds and RPs with others                     5.0       5.3       6.3       7.4       5.8       6.3       7.3       6.3           4.8       5.8       6.6       6.8
  12d      All other loans                                  60.8      62.9      65.0      64.1      64.8      66.3      66.0      68.7          67.7      66.0      71.1      68.8
  12e      Lease financing receivables                      54.3      65.8      67.4      69.1      70.5      72.2      74.3      76.1          76.7      76.7      76.8      77.2

  13  Interbank loans                                      140.1     133.9     143.5     149.0     149.7     121.6     115.3     121.1         125.3     126.2     126.4     125.4
  13a   Fed funds and RPs with banks                        93.4      84.1      92.2      96.9      93.4      69.9      69.6      73.8          78.0      78.2      79.8      79.3
  13b   Other                                               46.7      49.9      51.3      52.1      56.3      51.7      45.7      47.3          47.3      47.9      46.6      46.1

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      136.8     135.7     140.7     145.5     143.3     143.1     142.2     155.7         159.5     143.2     143.9     144.8

  15  Other assets (5)                                     167.9     173.5     174.6     179.8     181.6     179.3     172.8     173.9         176.1     174.4     178.4     179.1

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   2,291.5   2,352.6   2,380.2   2,413.8   2,406.2   2,386.3   2,391.2   2,414.3       2,419.9   2,418.6   2,424.9   2,426.7


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 6
Seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars (continued)                                                                                         October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,421.5   1,448.6   1,456.5   1,468.8   1,458.8   1,474.5   1,468.8   1,482.6       1,500.6   1,477.3   1,483.9   1,482.6
  18    Transaction                                        421.6     393.3     386.3     386.2     375.6     378.7     372.8     377.5         381.0     351.9     361.1     366.8
  19    Nontransaction                                     999.9   1,055.3   1,070.2   1,082.7   1,083.1   1,095.8   1,096.1   1,105.1       1,119.6   1,125.5   1,122.8   1,115.8
  20       Large time                                      145.9     163.4     164.1     168.5     168.7     176.9     181.5     187.0         192.4     195.6     197.0     198.1
  21       Other                                           854.0     891.9     906.1     914.2     914.5     918.9     914.6     918.1         927.2     929.9     925.8     917.6

  22  Borrowings                                           426.7     439.5     453.2     466.3     466.9     438.6     437.6     446.0         448.9     462.7     460.4     460.1
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             173.1     187.4     193.9     195.1     183.9     160.3     159.6     169.1         174.4     182.7     172.4     165.9
  24    From others                                        253.6     252.1     259.3     271.3     283.0     278.3     278.0     276.9         274.6     280.0     288.0     294.2

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                    69.8      74.2      64.1      72.7      80.9      77.0      80.8      74.6          72.1      85.3      84.1      74.8

  26  Other liabilities                                    129.7     162.0     158.0     152.9     146.9     145.9     153.6     157.5         149.9     146.1     147.2     151.9

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  2,047.7   2,124.4   2,131.8   2,160.7   2,153.5   2,136.0   2,140.9   2,160.7       2,171.6   2,171.5   2,175.6   2,169.4

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               243.9     228.3     248.4     253.1     252.8     250.3     250.3     253.6         248.2     247.1     249.3     257.2


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 7
Not seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars                                                                                                 October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,883.0   1,943.7   1,953.1   1,975.3   1,970.4   1,981.5   1,992.5   1,997.7       2,001.0   2,008.8   2,016.3   2,007.4

  2     Securities in bank credit                          428.9     441.6     439.4     448.3     435.6     433.3     441.1     441.0         437.9     440.4     437.2     448.0
  3        U.S. government securities                      305.1     297.4     303.8     312.7     309.9     310.1     309.6     305.5         307.4     309.7     307.0     317.0
  3a         Trading account                                21.0      16.4      19.4      20.5      19.6      21.6      23.8      22.5          24.9      27.1      23.0      26.5
  3b         Investment account                            284.1     280.9     284.5     292.2     290.2     288.4     285.8     283.0         282.5     282.6     284.0     290.5
  3c           Mortgage-backed                                --     182.2     184.0     186.5     186.3     186.7     188.2     187.7         187.8     186.6     185.8     192.5
  3d           Other                                          --      98.8     100.5     105.7     103.9     101.7      97.6      95.3          94.7      96.0      98.2      98.0
  3e             1 year or less                               --      26.6      26.9      29.4      27.8      27.8      26.1      26.0          25.8      26.5      27.9      27.1
  3f             Between 1 and 5 years                        --      56.9      57.0      58.2      57.4      55.0      51.0      48.5          47.7      48.3      49.0      48.4
  3g             More than 5 years                            --      15.2      16.6      18.1      18.7      19.0      20.6      20.8          21.3      21.2      21.4      22.5
  4        Other securities                                123.7     144.2     135.5     135.6     125.7     123.3     131.5     135.5         130.5     130.7     130.2     131.0
  4a         Trading account                                57.8      78.8      69.8      70.8      60.6      57.0      64.9      64.8          60.2      60.4      59.2      59.4
  4b         Investment account                             65.9      65.4      65.7      64.8      65.1      66.3      66.6      70.7          70.2      70.3      71.0      71.6
  4c           State and local government                   20.3      21.1      20.8      20.9      21.2      21.8      21.7      22.0          22.0      22.0      22.0      22.1
  4d           Other                                        45.7      44.2      44.9      43.8      43.9      44.5      44.8      48.7          48.2      48.3      48.9      49.5

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)              1,454.2   1,502.1   1,513.7   1,527.0   1,534.8   1,548.1   1,551.4   1,556.8       1,563.1   1,568.4   1,579.1   1,559.4
  6        Commercial and industrial                       384.0     402.5     409.0     417.5     418.2     418.1     417.9     419.2         422.0     424.2     427.9     427.2
  6a         Bankers acceptances                             1.7       1.6       1.6       1.5       1.5       1.6       1.5       1.5           1.5       1.5       1.5       1.5
  6b         Other                                         382.3     400.9     407.4     415.9     416.7     416.5     416.4     417.7         420.5     422.7     426.4     425.6
  7        Real estate                                     597.9     602.5     606.1     610.9     616.2     622.3     622.7     623.6         626.1     629.2     626.7     620.9
  8          Revolving home equity                          57.5      59.6      60.1      60.8      62.0      63.4      64.1      64.9          65.8      65.9      65.9      66.1
  9a         Other residential                                --     330.8     332.8     340.4     342.8     346.0     345.9     346.9         348.4     350.9     347.9     341.7
  9b         Commercial                                       --     212.1     213.2     209.8     211.4     213.0     212.6     211.8         212.0     212.5     213.0     213.2
  10       Consumer                                        296.6     302.3     298.3     297.6     299.4     300.3     299.6     300.0         300.7     300.8     300.7     296.6
  11       Security (3)                                     36.4      40.4      43.2      42.4      41.6      43.1      44.3      44.7          44.0      46.3      49.1      42.7
  11a        Fed funds and RPs with broker/dealer           22.8      24.3      26.8      24.8      24.1      26.0      27.9      28.5          29.1      29.8      30.7      26.3
  11b        Other                                          13.6      16.1      16.4      17.6      17.4      17.0      16.5      16.2          15.0      16.5      18.4      16.3
  12a      State and local government                       11.8      11.6      11.5      11.2      11.1      11.2      11.2      11.4          11.4      11.4      11.5      11.4
  12b      Agricultural                                      9.1       8.4       8.5       8.6       8.9       8.9       9.0       9.0           9.0       9.1       9.1       9.1
  12c      Fed funds and RPs with others                     4.9       6.1       6.2       7.1       5.9       6.5       7.5       6.2           5.1       6.5       7.8       7.5
  12d      All other loans                                  59.8      61.9      63.2      62.8      63.2      65.8      65.4      67.5          68.9      65.1      70.2      67.7
  12e      Lease financing receivables                      53.7      66.4      67.8      68.9      70.4      72.0      73.8      75.2          75.8      75.9      76.1      76.4

  13  Interbank loans                                      136.4     136.2     139.9     146.9     148.7     121.9     115.6     117.7         125.3     120.7     123.8     120.1
  13a   Fed funds and RPs with banks                        90.1      86.1      90.2      96.9      94.4      71.3      69.0      70.7          78.1      73.4      78.2      74.6
  13b   Other                                               46.4      50.2      49.7      50.0      54.3      50.6      46.7      47.0          47.2      47.3      45.6      45.4

  14  Cash assets (4)                                      128.1     138.4     134.3     142.9     141.3     140.4     138.8     144.5         169.3     144.5     144.0     139.0

  15  Other assets (5)                                     170.0     171.3     171.6     179.9     183.4     181.6     175.7     176.3         180.6     176.9     179.6     179.6

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   2,279.3   2,353.1   2,362.4   2,408.5   2,407.2   2,388.5   2,386.0   2,399.5       2,439.6   2,414.2   2,427.0   2,409.6


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 8
Not seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars (continued)                                                                                     October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,415.2   1,446.6   1,450.4   1,470.4   1,452.1   1,471.2   1,466.6   1,477.3       1,520.2   1,486.9   1,486.8   1,458.7
  18    Transaction                                        412.3     390.0     378.6     389.5     369.6     374.7     368.7     368.4         395.4     354.3     362.6     350.5
  19    Nontransaction                                   1,002.9   1,056.6   1,071.8   1,080.9   1,082.6   1,096.5   1,097.9   1,108.9       1,124.8   1,132.5   1,124.2   1,108.2
  20       Large time                                      146.8     165.6     163.3     169.0     171.6     176.7     180.9     188.3         192.2     194.9     194.8     193.2
  21       Other                                           856.1     891.1     908.5     911.9     910.9     919.8     916.9     920.6         932.5     937.6     929.5     915.0

  22  Borrowings                                           429.3     431.9     445.1     467.3     472.9     449.0     441.8     446.5         453.4     452.0     467.9     473.5
  23    From banks in the U.S.                             178.0     179.7     187.6     194.5     190.0     168.4     164.2     172.9         179.3     179.4     176.0     171.7
  24    From others                                        251.3     252.2     257.5     272.8     282.9     280.6     277.5     273.6         274.1     272.6     291.9     301.7

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                    67.5      76.0      68.6      74.4      88.1      75.8      78.2      72.1          67.1      79.1      75.5      75.5

  26  Other liabilities                                    128.6     161.0     155.9     153.1     148.1     147.7     153.9     155.9         150.5     147.3     147.4     151.8

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  2,040.7   2,115.5   2,120.0   2,165.2   2,161.3   2,143.7   2,140.4   2,151.7       2,191.2   2,165.2   2,177.6   2,159.5

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               238.6     237.6     242.4     243.4     245.9     244.8     245.5     247.7         248.4     249.0     249.3     250.1

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)                --      55.9      49.0      49.5      42.0      38.5      44.3      45.1          39.5      38.3      38.2      37.4
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --      50.9      43.2      44.6      43.4      40.2      45.7      46.5          41.7      40.0      40.6      39.8
  31  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                          --     202.0     202.7     204.5     204.0     203.9     204.3     204.0         203.9     202.8     202.0     208.9
  31a   Pass-through                                          --     138.0     139.1     140.5     140.9     141.8     142.4     141.6         141.1     140.0     139.6     146.5
  31b   CMO, REMIC, and other                                 --      64.0      63.6      64.0      63.0      62.1      61.9      62.4          62.8      62.7      62.4      62.4
  32  Net unrealized gains (losses) on                        --       2.7       2.7       1.8       2.1       2.6       3.1       3.7           3.4       3.1       3.3       3.3
        available-for-sale securities (10)
  33  Offshore credit to U.S. residents (11)                28.4      32.1      32.9      33.3      33.6      33.4      33.7      34.0          34.6      34.0      34.1      34.1


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                   Page 9
Seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars                                                                                                     October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,327.6   1,363.9   1,376.8   1,390.9   1,401.1   1,410.0   1,417.7   1,430.3       1,435.3   1,434.8   1,435.6   1,432.2

  2     Securities in bank credit                          399.1     399.0     402.7     406.3     407.1     405.9     405.6     405.8         405.7     406.3     404.7     402.7
  3        U.S. government securities                      319.6     319.1     321.4     323.1     324.0     323.6     324.0     324.0         323.7     324.3     322.9     321.1
  4        Other securities                                 79.5      79.8      81.2      83.2      83.0      82.3      81.6      81.8          81.9      82.0      81.8      81.6

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                928.4     964.9     974.1     984.6     994.0   1,004.1   1,012.1   1,024.5       1,029.6   1,028.5   1,030.9   1,029.5
  6        Commercial and industrial                       166.0     173.6     175.0     176.0     177.7     179.3     181.4     183.5         184.6     184.3     184.5     184.8
  7        Real estate                                     479.2     505.4     513.6     523.5     528.6     534.2     540.6     546.4         548.6     550.4     551.4     550.4
  8          Revolving home equity                          23.6      26.7      27.3      28.4      28.7      29.0      29.2      29.4          29.4      29.4      29.6      29.6
  9          Other                                         455.7     478.8     486.3     495.1     499.9     505.2     511.4     517.0         519.2     521.0     521.8     520.8
  10       Consumer                                        217.7     218.0     217.0     216.5     218.1     220.4     219.6     222.5         222.5     221.1     222.0     219.3
  11       Security (3)                                      4.5       4.7       4.9       4.6       4.6       4.7       4.7       4.9           5.0       4.8       5.1       5.1
  12       Other loans and leases                           61.0      63.1      63.7      63.9      64.9      65.6      65.7      67.1          68.8      67.9      68.0      69.8

  13  Interbank loans                                       41.0      49.9      53.8      48.0      48.2      50.2      51.2      53.1          54.4      51.2      55.0      56.3

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       59.4      64.8      67.0      68.3      66.8      69.6      68.8      72.4          76.4      69.2      71.3      73.4

  15  Other assets (5)                                      46.2      50.4      57.1      58.3      57.3      62.0      61.7      63.8          60.9      62.6      62.8      64.5

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   1,454.9   1,509.6   1,535.3   1,546.0   1,553.6   1,571.9   1,579.2   1,599.1       1,606.4   1,597.2   1,604.1   1,605.9

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,152.7   1,206.1   1,216.9   1,223.0   1,226.1   1,238.3   1,252.3   1,263.7       1,270.2   1,257.3   1,264.8   1,273.6
  18    Transaction                                        302.1     302.1     303.0     304.8     303.0     304.0     304.7     306.5         306.6     295.5     302.3     310.8
  19    Nontransaction                                     850.7     904.0     913.9     918.1     923.1     934.3     947.6     957.3         963.6     961.8     962.6     962.8
  20       Large time                                      139.9     154.9     156.0     155.1     156.5     159.3     161.3     162.3         164.1     164.1     164.3     163.5
  21       Other                                           710.7     749.1     757.9     763.0     766.6     775.0     786.3     794.9         799.6     797.7     798.2     799.3

  22  Borrowings                                           149.0     152.6     154.8     157.5     156.3     157.5     160.4     162.8         162.4     162.0     162.1     159.7
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              83.5      83.6      84.3      84.9      85.3      79.5      75.5      76.5          75.3      74.7      72.1      71.9
  24    From others                                         65.5      69.0      70.5      72.6      70.9      77.9      84.9      86.3          87.2      87.2      90.0      87.8

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                     4.4       4.0       3.9       4.4       4.2       3.8       4.8       4.5           4.5       4.9       5.0       5.0

  26  Other liabilities                                     25.2      24.4      25.7      25.5      26.3      27.1      26.4      27.5          28.1      28.7      28.8      27.1

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  1,331.3   1,387.0   1,401.3   1,410.3   1,412.9   1,426.7   1,443.9   1,458.5       1,465.2   1,452.9   1,460.7   1,465.4

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               123.6     122.5     134.0     135.7     140.6     145.2     135.3     140.7         141.1     144.3     143.4     140.5


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                  Page 10
Not seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars                                                                                                 October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                        1,327.1   1,358.4   1,372.3   1,391.3   1,400.9   1,410.9   1,418.1   1,430.0       1,435.5   1,437.0   1,440.6   1,437.2

  2     Securities in bank credit                          397.2     397.3     404.0     409.7     408.9     407.7     404.8     404.0         403.8     405.6     405.7     404.8
  3        U.S. government securities                      317.9     317.8     322.6     326.3     325.5     325.4     323.2     322.5         322.2     324.0     323.9     323.3
  4        Other securities                                 79.3      79.5      81.4      83.5      83.3      82.2      81.7      81.6          81.6      81.7      81.8      81.5

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                929.9     961.1     968.3     981.5     992.0   1,003.2   1,013.3   1,025.9       1,031.7   1,031.3   1,034.9   1,032.4
  6        Commercial and industrial                       164.8     173.3     175.5     177.2     179.1     180.5     181.4     182.3         183.2     182.8     183.7     184.1
  7        Real estate                                     480.4     502.9     510.5     520.8     527.1     534.0     541.0     547.6         549.9     552.1     553.7     552.7
  8          Revolving home equity                          23.7      26.5      27.0      28.2      28.6      29.0      29.2      29.5          29.7      29.7      29.9      30.0
  9          Other                                         456.7     476.4     483.5     492.7     498.5     505.0     511.8     518.1         520.3     522.4     523.8     522.7
  10       Consumer                                        217.8     218.9     215.2     216.2     217.6     218.6     219.5     222.5         222.8     221.5     223.1     220.4
  11       Security (3)                                      4.5       4.8       4.9       4.6       4.4       4.5       4.6       4.8           5.1       5.0       4.9       4.7
  12       Other loans and leases                           62.6      61.2      62.2      62.7      63.7      65.6      66.8      68.7          70.7      69.8      69.4      70.5

  13  Interbank loans                                       40.0      52.0      53.7      48.4      44.8      47.4      48.6      52.1          56.3      55.2      52.3      49.0

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       57.1      64.0      64.8      67.0      66.6      68.2      68.4      70.0          80.9      70.4      68.3      68.1

  15  Other assets (5)                                      46.3      51.7      56.1      57.3      56.8      60.1      61.7      63.8          64.9      64.5      62.6      63.1

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                   1,451.3   1,506.8   1,527.6   1,544.3   1,549.2   1,566.5   1,576.6   1,595.6       1,617.1   1,606.5   1,603.2   1,596.9

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                           1,149.8   1,196.2   1,211.9   1,225.2   1,223.6   1,236.4   1,248.9   1,261.1       1,283.6   1,271.1   1,265.3   1,264.0
  18    Transaction                                        298.6     298.2     298.7     305.1     299.7     302.4     302.5     303.3         315.6     303.0     300.5     300.3
  19    Nontransaction                                     851.2     898.0     913.2     920.1     923.9     934.0     946.4     957.8         967.9     968.1     964.8     963.7
  20       Large time                                      139.7     155.6     156.9     156.2     157.4     158.8     160.4     162.1         163.2     163.6     163.9     164.0
  21       Other                                           711.5     742.4     756.4     763.9     766.5     775.2     786.0     795.8         804.7     804.5     800.8     799.7

  22  Borrowings                                           147.1     151.3     149.3     155.0     160.2     161.2     160.4     161.2         160.1     156.9     159.0     163.8
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              83.3      81.8      80.5      84.1      87.8      82.6      77.0      76.4          75.1      72.9      72.5      75.2
  24    From others                                         63.7      69.6      68.8      70.9      72.4      78.6      83.3      84.8          85.0      84.0      86.5      88.6

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                     4.4       4.0       3.9       4.4       4.2       3.8       4.8       4.5           4.5       4.9       5.0       5.0

  26  Other liabilities                                     25.3      24.8      26.1      25.7      26.0      26.6      26.6      27.6          27.7      28.3      28.4      26.8

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  1,326.6   1,376.3   1,391.2   1,410.3   1,414.1   1,428.0   1,440.7   1,454.5       1,475.8   1,461.3   1,457.7   1,459.6

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)               124.7     130.5     136.3     134.0     135.1     138.5     135.9     141.1         141.3     145.3     145.4     137.3

  29  Mortgage-backed securities (9)                          --      41.5      42.6      44.3      45.1      46.4      47.5      49.5          49.9      49.9      49.7      50.2


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                  Page 11
Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                                           October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                          465.5     530.5     525.3     533.7     540.0     542.7     545.9     541.6         551.3     546.2     543.1     545.1

  2     Securities in bank credit                          149.4     176.9     172.9     178.0     175.6     177.5     185.0     182.8         194.6     186.6     184.5     186.5
  3        U.S. government securities                       81.3      85.4      83.6      87.9      90.0      92.4      93.6      88.6          97.4      90.1      87.3      87.8
  4        Other securities                                 68.1      91.5      89.3      90.2      85.6      85.1      91.3      94.2          97.2      96.5      97.2      98.7

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                316.1     353.6     352.4     355.7     364.4     365.2     361.0     358.8         356.7     359.6     358.7     358.6
  6        Commercial and industrial                       193.9     217.0     215.9     216.4     219.5     220.1     220.0     221.4         222.0     223.3     224.4     224.9
  7        Real estate                                      32.9      32.0      31.5      31.4      30.6      29.6      28.6      28.2          27.7      27.8      27.6      27.5
  11       Security (3)                                     29.7      39.8      39.7      43.2      43.5      46.0      44.9      43.6          42.8      44.5      44.5      44.0
  12       Other loans and leases                           59.6      64.9      65.3      64.7      70.8      69.5      67.6      65.5          64.1      64.0      62.2      62.2

  13  Interbank loans                                       17.0      20.9      22.7      18.9      20.6      19.9      19.6      18.7          15.6      19.4      17.2      18.8

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       29.1      32.9      32.4      32.7      34.0      35.7      34.0      34.5          35.1      37.0      35.4      33.8

  15  Other assets (5)                                      38.6      41.1      41.0      39.1      38.9      41.2      43.0      43.0          45.5      45.1      39.7      40.4

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                     550.1     625.2     621.2     624.2     633.2     639.2     642.3     637.6         647.2     647.5     635.2     637.8

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                             179.4     238.0     242.7     258.0     252.3     258.6     271.5     272.1         278.4     278.2     278.7     269.6
  18    Transaction                                         10.3       9.7      10.4      10.8      11.3      11.1      11.3      12.0          12.0      11.6      11.1      11.3
  19    Nontransaction                                     169.1     228.2     232.2     247.2     241.0     247.5     260.2     260.0         266.4     266.6     267.5     258.3
  20       Large time                                      166.9     224.3     228.7     244.6     238.5     245.0     257.6     257.2         261.9     264.0     264.7     255.8
  21       Other                                             2.2       4.0       3.6       2.6       2.5       2.5       2.6       2.8           4.5       2.6       2.8       2.5

  22  Borrowings                                           129.7     143.2     140.0     139.9     143.6     141.1     137.5     139.7         137.8     140.9     134.2     146.3
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              33.9      33.9      34.7      32.4      32.6      30.0      29.9      30.8          31.6      32.1      28.9      37.6
  24    From others                                         95.7     109.3     105.3     107.5     111.1     111.1     107.6     108.9         106.2     108.8     105.2     108.6

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                   173.2     139.4     141.0     134.4     148.6     148.7     130.1     127.5         130.9     131.5     129.4     118.8

  26  Other liabilities                                     65.0      99.8      94.0      92.0      89.3      90.1      96.6      97.6         103.3      98.7      92.9      92.2

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                    547.3     620.4     617.7     624.3     633.9     638.5     635.6     636.8         650.5     649.4     635.1     626.9

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)                 2.7       4.8       3.5      -0.1      -0.6       0.7       6.7       0.8          -3.3      -1.9       0.2      10.9


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

H.8 (510)                                                                                                                                                                  Page 12
Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars                                                                                                                       October 3, 1997

               Account                                    1996      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997      1997                      Week ending
                                                           Aug       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug          Sep 3    Sep 10    Sep 17    Sep 24 
                                                        --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------      -------   -------   -------   -------

             A S S E T S

  1   Bank credit                                          469.0     531.2     525.1     533.8     542.6     543.1     546.3     545.7         555.1     545.1     540.8     539.6

  2     Securities in bank credit                          152.6     177.9     173.5     178.5     180.5     178.1     183.8     186.5         198.2     186.6     182.3     181.7
  3        U.S. government securities                       82.7      87.2      86.6      87.3      90.5      91.0      90.9      90.2          98.7      89.9      86.4      85.4
  3a         Trading account                                  --      21.4      20.0      18.6      18.8      18.8      18.2      19.2          26.5      17.4      16.8      15.1
  3b         Investment account                               --      65.8      66.6      68.8      71.7      72.3      72.7      71.0          72.2      72.5      69.6      70.3
  4        Other securities                                 69.9      90.7      87.0      91.2      90.0      87.1      92.9      96.3          99.5      96.7      95.9      96.4
  4a         Trading account                                  --      65.2      60.4      61.1      59.7      58.2      60.9      62.3          65.2      62.2      61.1      61.9
  4b         Investment account                               --      25.5      26.6      30.0      30.3      28.9      32.0      34.0          34.3      34.5      34.7      34.4

  5     Loans and leases in bank credit (2)                316.4     353.3     351.6     355.2     362.1     365.0     362.5     359.2         356.9     358.5     358.5     357.9
  6        Commercial and industrial                       194.0     216.9     215.6     217.2     219.7     220.9     221.2     221.6         221.1     221.4     223.1     223.3
  7        Real estate                                      32.9      32.1      31.5      30.9      30.4      29.5      28.5      28.2          27.9      27.9      27.7      27.6
  11       Security (3)                                     29.7      39.8      39.7      43.2      43.5      46.0      44.9      43.6          42.8      44.5      44.5      44.0
  12       Other loans and leases                           59.8      64.5      64.8      64.0      68.5      68.6      68.0      65.8          65.0      64.8      63.3      63.0

  13  Interbank loans                                       17.0      20.9      22.7      18.9      20.6      19.9      19.6      18.7          15.6      19.4      17.2      18.8

  14  Cash assets (4)                                       29.0      32.1      31.8      31.9      34.0      36.5      34.2      34.4          34.5      35.7      34.2      33.3

  15  Other assets (5)                                      39.3      41.9      40.4      37.7      39.9      41.1      42.2      43.9          46.5      46.8      39.8      39.9

  16  TOTAL ASSETS (6)                                     554.3     625.8     619.8     622.0     636.9     640.3     642.1     642.4         651.4     646.7     631.8     631.3

            L I A B I L I T I E S

  17  Deposits                                             177.9     234.8     242.5     251.6     252.8     259.1     268.5     269.8         274.7     273.8     274.5     270.5
  18    Transaction                                         10.1       9.9      10.2      10.4      10.7      11.1      11.3      11.7          12.2      11.7      11.6      12.0
  19    Nontransaction                                     167.8     224.9     232.3     241.2     242.1     248.0     257.2     258.1         262.5     262.1     263.0     258.4
  20       Large time                                      165.7     221.0     228.7     238.7     239.5     245.5     254.6     255.3         258.1     259.6     260.2     255.9
  21       Other                                             2.2       3.9       3.6       2.6       2.5       2.5       2.6       2.8           4.4       2.5       2.8       2.5

  22  Borrowings                                           134.7     136.7     134.1     142.4     143.5     146.2     146.6     145.0         141.9     144.7     139.3     145.0
  23    From banks in the U.S.                              34.5      31.7      33.1      32.7      32.1      31.7      31.5      31.3          32.9      33.3      29.4      34.2
  24    From others                                        100.2     105.0     101.0     109.8     111.3     114.5     115.0     113.7         109.0     111.4     109.9     110.8

  25  Net due to related foreign offices                   171.2     148.6     145.7     131.3     144.3     140.4     128.9     125.6         126.2     124.0     122.1     122.0

  26  Other liabilities                                     65.4     102.3      93.8      91.8      92.0      91.1      94.4      98.1         104.3     100.3      92.2      90.9

  27  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                    549.2     622.4     616.2     617.1     632.6     636.8     638.4     638.6         647.1     642.8     628.1     628.4

  28  Residual (assets less liabilities) (7)                 5.1       3.5       3.6       4.9       4.3       3.5       3.7       3.8           4.3       3.9       3.7       2.9

  29  Reval. gains on off-bal. sheet items (8)                --      45.9      41.4      40.5      39.4      37.6      40.0      41.1          42.7      41.4      40.5      40.3
  30  Reval. losses on off-bal. sheet items (8)               --      47.6      43.7      43.4      42.3      40.5      42.7      43.6          45.4      43.3      41.8      41.4


  Footnotes appear on page 13.

  H.8 (510)       Footnotes                                                                                                                                                Page 13
                                                                                                                                                                   October 3, 1997

  Note: This release and historical data are available on the Federal Reserve Board's web site: http://www.bog.frb.fed.us/. 

  1.  Covers the following types of institutions in the fifty states and the District of Columbia: domestically chartered commercial banks that submit a weekly report of
      condition (large domestic); other domestically chartered commercial banks (small domestic); branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act and Agreement corporations
      (foreign-related institutions). Excludes International Banking Facilities. Data are Wednesday values or pro rata averages of Wednesday values. Large domestic banks
      constitute a universe; data for small domestic banks and foreign-related institutions are estimates based on weekly samples and on quarter-end condition reports. Data are
      adjusted for breaks caused by reclassifications of assets and liabilities.
      The data for large and small domestic banks presented on pages 5 to 10 are adjusted to remove the estimated effects of mergers between these two groups. The adjustment for
      mergers changes past levels to make them comparable with current levels. Estimated quantities of balance sheet items acquired in mergers are removed from past data for the
      bank group that contained the acquired bank and put into past data for the group containing the acquiring bank. Balance sheet data for acquired banks are obtained from
      call reports, and a ratio procedure is used to adjust past levels.
  2.  Excludes federal funds sold to, reverse RPs with, and loans made to commercial banks in the United States, all of which are included in line 13.
  3.  Consists of reverse RPs with brokers and dealers and loans to purchase and carry securities.
  4.  Includes vault cash, cash items in process of collection, balances due from depository institutions, and balances due from Federal Reserve Banks.
  5.  Excludes the due-from position with related foreign offices, which is included in line 25.
  6.  Excludes unearned income, reserves for losses on loans and leases, and reserves for transfer risk. Loans are reported gross of these items.
  7.  This balancing item is not intended as a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis. On a seasonally adjusted basis this item reflects any differences
      in the seasonal patterns estimated for total assets and total liabilities.
  8.  Fair value of derivative contracts (interest rate, foreign exchange rate, other commodity and equity contracts) in a gain/loss position, as determined under FASB
      Interpretation No. 39.
  9.  Includes mortgage-backed securities issued by U.S. government agencies, U.S. government-sponsored enterprises, and private entities.
  10. Difference between fair value and historical cost for securities classified as available-for-sale under FASB Statement No. 115. Data are reported net of tax effects. Data
      shown are restated to include an estimate of these tax effects.
  11. Mainly commercial and industrial loans, but also includes an unknown amount of credit extended to other than nonfinancial businesses.
   NOTE: Domestically chartered commercial banks acquried $1.3 billion in assets and liabilities of thrift institutions in the week ending September 24, 1997.  The major asset items 
   affected were (in billions):  U. S. government securities, $0.3;  real estate loans, revolving home equity, $0.1; real estate loans, other, $0.7; and commercial and industrial loans, 
   $0.1.  The major liability item affected was nontransaction, deposits, other, $1.3.

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Last update: October 3, 1997