Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: December 8, 2005
Release dates | Coded tables | Historical data
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D.3 Debt Outstanding by Sector1
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors
Domestic nonfinancial sectors
Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors
State and


 1972   1711.2 339.4 1371.8 557.4 345.4 168.8 633.7 427.9 180.7 162.8 61.1
 1973   1895.5 346.3 1549.2 627.9 385.1 193.0 726.5 492.6 194.8 209.8 67.4
 1974   2069.9 358.2 1711.7 683.0 422.0 201.9 820.5 548.9 208.2 258.3 81.2
 1975   2261.8 443.9 1817.9 736.3 461.0 207.0 862.2 569.4 219.4 260.4 95.6
 1976   2505.3 513.1 1992.2 820.6 518.7 229.0 933.8 610.4 237.8 283.9 116.0
 1977   2826.6 569.4 2257.2 948.3 604.6 264.9 1052.7 685.5 256.2 337.8 129.4
 1978   3211.2 621.9 2589.4 1107.2 710.5 311.3 1186.5 759.5 295.6 412.5 157.6
 1979   3603.0 657.7 2945.3 1277.0 827.6 354.6 1346.1 842.9 322.2 504.9 174.3
 1980   3953.5 735.0 3218.5 1397.1 927.6 358.0 1477.0 909.1 344.4 578.1 198.9
 1981   4361.7 820.5 3541.2 1508.0 999.0 377.9 1661.2 1026.5 372.1 682.4 222.8
 1982   4783.4 981.8 3801.7 1577.3 1032.0 396.7 1810.6 1116.6 413.8 778.1 212.6
 1983   5359.2 1167.0 4192.3 1733.4 1117.6 444.9 1997.8 1229.1 461.1 882.7 229.8
 1984   6146.2 1364.2 4782.0 1944.5 1244.0 526.6 2323.9 1437.1 513.6 1052.4 238.0
 1985   7127.3 1589.9 5537.5 2272.5 1444.3 610.6 2587.0 1615.5 677.9 1257.3 239.3
 1986   7970.6 1805.9 6164.8 2531.1 1642.1 666.4 2881.5 1839.5 752.1 1593.6 241.0
 1987   8673.9 1949.8 6724.1 2748.5 1821.2 698.6 3134.6 2033.9 841.0 1895.5 247.4
 1988   9458.1 2104.9 7353.2 3035.9 2046.2 745.2 3422.2 2234.2 895.0 2145.8 254.8
 1989   10162.1 2251.2 7910.9 3329.7 2269.6 809.3 3636.0 2401.1 945.2 2399.3 265.0
 1990   10845.2 2498.1 8347.1 3592.9 2499.8 824.4 3761.9 2533.1 992.3 2613.6 288.8
 1991   11306.2 2776.4 8529.9 3781.6 2677.8 815.6 3670.6 2477.3 1077.7 2769.6 304.0
 1992   11821.9 3080.3 8741.5 3980.3 2849.2 824.8 3666.7 2502.9 1094.5 3024.1 318.7
 1993   12400.4 3336.5 9063.9 4216.3 3006.0 886.2 3695.3 2549.8 1152.2 3321.0 388.5
 1994   12975.4 3492.3 9483.1 4535.9 3172.1 1021.0 3841.2 2682.9 1105.9 3791.1 377.5
 1995   13656.6 3636.7 10019.9 4858.1 3326.3 1168.4 4116.8 2909.6 1045.0 4232.7 456.0
 1996   14368.4 3781.7 10586.7 5185.8 3532.5 1272.4 4371.8 3092.3 1029.1 4745.5 544.1
 1997   15129.1 3804.8 11324.3 5490.9 3749.4 1341.8 4762.7 3382.3 1070.7 5295.8 608.1
 1998   16149.9 3752.2 12397.7 5910.1 4043.2 1437.6 5349.3 3778.8 1138.3 6315.5 645.4
 1999   17215.3 3681.0 13534.3 6398.4 4410.6 1550.5 5959.1 4189.3 1176.9 7325.4 664.6
 2000   18051.6 3385.1 14666.5 6960.6 4770.1 1729.8 6513.6 4535.4 1192.3 8104.8 727.6
 2001   19146.8 3379.5 15767.3 7561.1 5221.4 1862.0 6908.1 4756.7 1298.1 8982.3 683.9
 2002   20465.9 3637.0 16828.9 8297.3 5844.0 1949.1 7089.6 4781.9 1442.0 9805.6 754.6
 2003   22149.6 4033.1 18116.5 9142.9 6564.2 2037.5 7413.9 4942.3 1559.7 10800.8 808.9
 2004   24090.5 4395.0 19695.5 10169.4 7466.3 2128.6 7848.2 5200.5 1678.0 11614.7 891.1
 1999Q1 16447.7 3727.9 12719.8 6040.8 4142.2 1470.2 5523.7 3905.6 1155.2 6610.8 651.9
 1999Q2 16658.1 3701.9 12956.2 6154.6 4225.2 1497.2 5640.8 3985.3 1160.8 6855.4 644.4
 1999Q3 16964.6 3673.0 13291.6 6291.7 4329.6 1527.0 5826.3 4116.3 1173.6 7122.6 661.6
 1999Q4 17215.3 3681.0 13534.3 6398.4 4410.6 1550.5 5959.1 4189.3 1176.9 7325.4 664.6
 2000Q1 17450.7 3627.5 13823.2 6529.3 4499.0 1584.2 6115.8 4295.9 1178.1 7483.7 696.8
 2000Q2 17660.3 3516.9 14143.4 6678.0 4596.4 1628.5 6289.6 4406.3 1175.8 7687.5 692.8
 2000Q3 17836.9 3447.2 14389.7 6822.6 4685.8 1681.9 6384.8 4460.0 1182.3 7877.9 712.4
 2000Q4 18051.6 3385.1 14666.5 6960.6 4770.1 1729.8 6513.6 4535.4 1192.3 8104.8 727.6
 2001Q1 18322.7 3388.4 14934.3 7102.1 4871.9 1765.4 6613.2 4593.4 1219.0 8319.6 725.8
 2001Q2 18543.0 3302.9 15240.1 7265.5 5003.2 1794.4 6732.8 4666.4 1241.9 8515.5 711.0
 2001Q3 18842.2 3352.2 15490.1 7405.0 5115.7 1812.0 6822.1 4715.7 1262.9 8768.2 681.8
 2001Q4 19146.8 3379.5 15767.3 7561.1 5221.4 1862.0 6908.1 4756.7 1298.1 8982.3 683.9
 2002Q1 19435.6 3414.1 16021.5 7740.5 5369.5 1884.8 6961.1 4773.8 1319.8 9178.2 714.7
 2002Q2 19763.6 3499.3 16264.4 7908.7 5510.3 1913.8 6999.2 4770.0 1356.5 9381.7 730.7
 2002Q3 20073.2 3567.9 16505.3 8084.0 5668.7 1935.3 7025.1 4757.8 1396.1 9563.3 735.9
 2002Q4 20465.9 3637.0 16828.9 8297.3 5844.0 1949.1 7089.6 4781.9 1442.0 9805.6 754.6
 2003Q1 20829.7 3687.9 17141.8 8507.1 6032.0 1966.8 7168.3 4827.2 1466.3 10066.3 774.9
 2003Q2 21371.5 3850.7 17520.8 8741.4 6223.1 1999.0 7273.1 4894.9 1506.3 10284.9 784.5
 2003Q3 21773.0 3939.1 17834.0 8965.9 6421.5 2026.5 7335.1 4912.1 1533.0 10547.3 782.4
 2003Q4 22149.6 4033.1 18116.5 9142.9 6564.2 2037.5 7413.9 4942.3 1559.7 10800.8 808.9
 2004Q1 22658.2 4158.8 18499.4 9399.0 6787.0 2059.9 7501.6 4994.2 1598.8 10978.5 830.0
 2004Q2 23083.4 4250.6 18832.8 9641.2 6989.6 2075.4 7580.1 5027.1 1611.5 11210.0 814.1
 2004Q3 23578.9 4317.2 19261.7 9921.8 7253.5 2105.8 7692.1 5092.5 1647.8 11406.7 838.4
 2004Q4 24090.5 4395.0 19695.5 10169.4 7466.3 2128.6 7848.2 5200.5 1678.0 11614.7 891.1
 2005Q1 24668.4 4552.7 20115.8 10401.7 7676.5 2143.0 7985.5 5288.3 1728.5 11764.4 895.5
 2005Q2 25168.0 4554.1 20613.9 10691.3 7932.3 2164.3 8167.6 5395.8 1754.9 12089.9 917.4
 2005Q3 25742.1 4612.1 21130.0 11000.3 8208.9 2193.5 8319.6 5486.3 1810.1 12260.9 945.3

  1.  Data shown are on an end-of-period basis. Return to text

Release dates | Coded tables | Historical data
Current release | Screen reader | PDF (450 KB)

Statistical releases