Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: June 10, 2010
Release dates | Coded tables | Historical data
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F.100 Households and Nonprofit Organizations1
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates


Households and nonprofit organizations personal income (NIPA) 9937.2 10485.9 11268.1 11894.1 12238.8 12019.0 11952.7 12048.8 12005.2 12069.4 12178.9 1
Households and nonprofit organizations personal current taxes (NIPA) 1047.8 1208.6 1352.4 1490.9 1432.4 1101.7 1187.3 1082.6 1071.0 1066.1 1083.0 2
Households and nonprofit organizations disposable personal income (NIPA) 8889.4 9277.3 9915.7 10403.1 10806.4 10917.3 10765.4 10966.2 10934.3 11003.3 11095.9 3
Households and nonprofit organizations total personal outlays (NIPA) 8585.7 9149.6 9680.7 10224.3 10520.0 10458.7 10362.3 10370.5 10502.8 10599.3 10723.7 4
Households and nonprofit organizations net personal saving, excluding consumer durable goods (NIPA concept, NIPA data) (NIPA) 303.7 127.7 235.0 178.9 286.4 458.6 403.1 595.7 431.5 403.9 372.3 5
Federal government insurance and pension reserves 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.1 -0.6 0.5 0.8 -0.2 -1.5 2.8 -4.5 6
Households and nonprofit organizations consumer durable goods, current cost basis 242.2 239.0 227.6 221.7 135.0 82.5 78.2 63.1 94.1 94.9 107.5 7
Households and nonprofit organizations consumption of fixed capital, total equipment, software, structures, and consumer durables, current cost basis (fixed asset account basis) 973.0 1034.3 1092.3 1139.0 1170.8 1164.3 1162.9 1161.8 1165.5 1166.9 1174.5 8
Households and nonprofit organizations net capital transfers paid (NIPA) 10.2 3.7 16.8 3.1 -2.9 -5.1 -3.0 -2.5 -2.2 -12.6 -12.4 9
Households and nonprofit organizations gross saving less net capital transfers 1508.7 1398.0 1538.3 1536.6 1594.5 1711.0 1647.9 1823.0 1691.9 1681.1 1662.1 10
Households and nonprofit organizations gross investment 1583.6 1336.6 1284.3 1799.5 2294.9 1465.1 1357.7 1020.5 1892.7 1589.7 1442.7 11
Households and nonprofit organizations gross fixed investment, total (includes consumer durables) 1678.3 1803.1 1821.3 1728.2 1534.5 1369.1 1373.8 1335.4 1381.8 1385.5 1397.0 12
Households and nonprofit organizations (includes farm houses) gross fixed investment residential equipment, software, and structures 594.4 681.9 670.1 541.9 401.1 301.4 313.0 288.7 299.6 304.4 296.2 13
Households and nonprofit organizations gross fixed investment, expenditures on consumer durable goods (NIPA) 993.1 1028.2 1051.9 1079.6 1021.9 965.8 956.7 943.9 981.0 981.7 1001.0 14
Nonprofit organizations gross fixed investment, nonresidential equipment, software, and structures 90.8 93.0 99.3 106.7 111.5 101.9 104.1 102.8 101.2 99.4 99.7 15
Households and nonprofit organizations net financial investment -94.7 -466.5 -537.0 71.3 760.5 96.0 -16.1 -315.0 511.0 204.2 45.7 16
Households and nonprofit organizations total financial assets asset 1054.6 689.3 723.3 993.0 654.6 -100.7 -304.5 -483.6 281.3 104.1 -280.2 17
Households and nonprofit organizations private foreign deposits asset 5.4 2.4 5.2 15.8 -21.2 -12.1 -16.4 -18.8 -7.2 -6.2 1.5 18
Households and nonprofit organizations checkable deposits and currency asset -54.3 -127.2 -43.8 -71.8 194.2 16.3 -89.6 137.0 12.4 5.2 -347.2 19
Households and nonprofit organizations total time and savings deposits asset 463.5 487.1 486.5 477.2 179.5 47.4 -123.7 -125.2 -39.9 478.4 209.1 20
Households and nonprofit organizations money market mutual fund share holdings asset -56.1 45.2 165.2 232.2 235.2 -268.6 68.6 -165.7 -577.9 -399.4 -264.0 21
Households and nonprofit organizations credit market instruments, excluding corporate equities asset 193.9 220.3 108.1 518.4 6.0 -411.1 -126.8 -1227.5 270.8 -560.8 -345.1 22
Nonprofit organizations commercial paper asset 6.4 14.7 19.0 -10.2 -101.3 -1.4 -1.6 -2.0 -0.8 -1.0 -0.2 23
Households and nonprofit organizations total U.S. government securities asset 17.7 -102.6 -83.1 -42.5 171.2 370.5 794.6 210.4 507.4 -30.3 271.1 24
Federal government U.S. savings bonds liability 0.6 0.7 -2.7 -6.0 -2.4 -2.8 -0.3 -1.0 -2.8 -6.9 -4.0 25
Households and nonprofit organizations total Treasury securities, excluding U.S. savings bonds asset 17.1 -103.3 -80.3 -36.6 173.6 373.3 794.9 211.4 510.2 -23.4 275.1 26
Households and nonprofit organizations U.S. government agency securities asset 78.2 99.3 -59.5 345.5 98.5 -650.8 -895.9 -1204.9 -60.7 -441.5 -208.0 27
Households and nonprofit organizations municipal securities and loans asset 38.6 78.6 50.8 23.9 11.2 91.7 131.4 19.0 114.1 102.3 93.1 28
Households and nonprofit organizations corporate and foreign bonds asset 39.6 119.6 197.6 206.3 -187.2 -207.7 -139.5 -234.9 -274.0 -182.3 -496.8 29
Households and nonprofit organizations other loans and advances (syndicated loans) asset 2.8 2.7 0.4 8.5 12.2 -5.3 -9.4 -7.2 -5.7 1.3 1.6 30
Households and nonprofit organizations total mortgages asset 10.4 8.1 -17.3 -13.0 1.4 -8.3 -6.4 -7.8 -9.5 -9.2 -5.8 31
Households and nonprofit organizations corporate directly held equities asset -269.9 -372.5 -585.1 -852.3 -53.5 79.8 440.4 279.2 -126.5 -273.9 -125.2 32
Households and nonprofit organizations mutual fund share holdings asset 219.4 213.9 207.2 256.8 16.8 393.1 -211.6 679.4 545.5 559.1 439.5 33
Households and nonprofit organizations security credit asset 103.0 -3.0 80.4 210.8 -123.8 -74.1 -305.2 -36.2 57.7 -12.6 43.9 34
Households and nonprofit organizations life insurance reserves asset 33.1 16.1 65.6 34.2 67.0 27.8 66.4 8.0 0.8 36.1 14.7 35
Households and nonprofit organizations pension fund reserves asset 303.8 235.3 209.1 150.6 108.2 81.0 -17.1 13.5 121.7 205.8 35.2 36
Households and nonprofit organizations proprietors' investment in unincorporated business asset 60.4 -86.3 -12.6 -45.1 -9.2 -2.5 22.3 -36.1 -3.8 7.6 37.6 37
Households and nonprofit organizations total miscellaneous financial claims asset 52.5 58.0 37.4 66.1 55.2 22.4 -11.8 8.8 27.8 64.7 19.7 38
Households and nonprofit organizations total financial liabilities liability 1149.3 1155.8 1260.4 921.6 -105.9 -196.7 -288.4 -168.6 -229.7 -100.1 -326.0 39
Households and nonprofit organizations credit and equity market instruments liability 1049.7 1173.3 1186.6 872.6 35.9 -240.9 -170.5 -223.4 -349.1 -220.4 -330.0 40
Households and nonprofit organizations home mortgages liability 926.0 1039.0 990.7 673.5 -46.6 -162.6 -8.7 -168.5 -359.6 -113.5 -389.8 41
Households and nonprofit organizations consumer credit liability 117.2 100.4 95.4 139.3 38.8 -115.3 -102.3 -123.8 -79.5 -155.4 -39.3 42
Nonprofit organizations municipal net long-term loans liability 11.4 16.0 18.9 17.1 8.1 15.0 12.0 21.7 21.2 5.1 10.1 43
Households and nonprofit organizations bank loans not elsewhere classified liability (with mortgages and consumer credit discrepancies) -23.0 9.7 49.9 13.4 18.0 30.0 -68.4 48.3 85.6 54.6 102.1 44
Households and nonprofit organizations other loans and advances liability 0.3 0.0 4.8 3.2 6.2 0.5 1.4 1.7 -3.9 2.9 2.3 45
Nonprofit organizations commercial mortgages liability 17.8 8.1 26.9 26.0 11.4 -8.6 -4.5 -2.8 -12.9 -14.1 -15.5 46
Households and nonprofit organizations security credit liability 81.5 -31.6 59.7 33.4 -160.7 38.1 -122.3 53.6 104.4 116.9 -26.5 47
Nonprofit organizations trade debt liability 16.5 13.0 13.6 14.6 15.7 10.9 6.4 7.9 16.5 12.9 20.4 48
Life insurance companies premiums liability 1.6 1.0 0.5 1.0 3.2 -4.9 -2.0 -6.7 -1.5 -9.5 10.1 49
Households and nonprofit organizations sector discrepancy -74.9 61.4 254.0 -263.0 -700.4 245.8 290.2 802.5 -200.9 91.4 219.4 50

  1.  Sector includes farm households and domestic hedge funds.  Supplementary tables (tables F.100.a and L.100.a) show estimates of annual flows and year-end outstandings of nonprofit organizations. Return to text

Release dates | Coded tables | Historical data
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Statistical releases