Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: December 9, 2010
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F.106.c Consolidated Statement for Federal, State, and Local Governments
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates


Consolidated governments; current receipts, NIPA basis 3995.2 4197.0 4074.0 3726.9 3745.5 3674.6 3702.5 3785.0 3904.0 3947.8 4028.4 1
Consolidated governments; personal current taxes 1352.4 1488.7 1438.2 1140.0 1213.4 1112.5 1117.0 1117.2 1134.7 1149.1 1178.6 2
Consolidated governments; taxes on production and imports, receivable (SNA) 986.8 1027.2 1045.1 1024.7 1016.7 1018.7 1028.2 1035.2 1045.9 1054.6 1060.6 3
Consolidated governments; taxes on corporate income (accrual basis) 454.2 420.6 280.2 231.4 198.0 200.1 233.1 294.6 379.2 381.3 412.3 4
Federal government; taxes from the rest of the world 14.0 14.7 16.8 13.2 14.2 13.2 12.9 12.4 12.6 12.8 11.8 5
Consolidated governments; contributions for government social insurance received 926.4 964.2 992.1 975.1 969.0 976.4 975.4 979.5 992.9 1007.1 1014.9 6
Consolidated governments; property income (received) 129.6 144.2 146.9 162.2 156.0 164.0 162.1 166.8 159.3 162.2 166.4 7
Consolidated governments; other current transfers received 136.0 149.2 171.4 193.5 194.0 204.0 185.5 190.5 191.4 193.9 198.0 8
Consolidated governments; operating surplus, net -4.2 -11.8 -16.7 -13.2 -15.8 -14.2 -11.7 -11.3 -12.1 -13.1 -14.1 9
Consolidated governments; current expenditures 4147.9 4430.0 4737.7 4998.8 4790.3 5045.0 5078.4 5081.5 5189.6 5268.6 5316.4 10
Consolidated governments; consumption expenditures 2093.3 2217.8 2382.8 2411.5 2373.8 2413.0 2425.3 2434.0 2464.7 2485.2 2503.7 11
Consolidated governments; social contributions paid 1596.1 1701.2 1857.8 2112.3 2002.2 2139.6 2139.0 2168.2 2224.6 2265.2 2295.3 12
Consolidated governments; other current transfers paid 34.9 42.2 44.8 52.7 44.0 56.9 63.1 46.8 62.5 53.8 56.7 13
Consolidated governments; interest paid 372.2 414.3 399.4 362.0 313.5 378.3 382.0 374.1 380.3 405.9 402.3 14
Consolidated governments; subsidies paid 51.4 54.6 52.8 60.3 56.8 57.2 69.1 58.4 57.4 58.5 58.5 15
Consolidated governments; wage accruals less disbursements 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16
Consolidated governments; net saving including net capital transfers paid -152.7 -233.0 -663.6 -1271.8 -1044.8 -1370.3 -1375.9 -1296.4 -1285.7 -1320.8 -1288.0 17
Consolidated governments; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis 269.3 291.3 312.3 325.3 324.3 324.9 325.1 326.8 329.6 333.0 336.5 18
Federal government; life insurance and pension fund reserves, adjustment to convert NIPA to FOF savings; liability 0.1 0.1 -0.6 0.5 1.0 -0.4 -1.4 2.7 -4.0 -0.8 -2.0 19
Households and nonprofit organizations; adjustment to contributions for government social insurance paid for U.S. affiliated areas 4.6 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.2 20
Consolidated governments; net capital transfers paid excluding payments under the financial stabilization program -14.7 -2.6 3.0 14.5 4.5 11.6 16.5 25.6 17.7 36.4 26.8 21
Consolidated governments; gross saving less net capital transfers paid 126.6 56.1 -358.6 -966.4 -730.7 -1061.4 -1070.6 -1002.7 -974.9 -1028.6 -981.4 22
Consolidated governments; gross investment 233.9 124.0 -424.6 -890.2 -812.6 -1129.5 -832.6 -786.0 -940.4 -1295.8 -543.1 23
Consolidated governments; gross fixed investment 425.1 456.5 495.5 503.4 498.2 506.3 508.5 500.5 491.0 505.6 519.8 24
Consolidated governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net) -2.2 12.5 -5.3 6.3 -13.6 10.6 15.1 13.1 13.7 13.4 16.3 25
Consolidated governments; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -189.0 -345.0 -914.9 -1399.8 -1297.2 -1646.4 -1356.2 -1299.6 -1445.0 -1814.9 -1079.3 26
Consolidated governments; total financial assets 214.1 205.3 578.8 310.8 233.3 506.2 497.6 5.9 387.1 259.9 515.3 27
Federal government; U.S. official reserve assets -2.7 -0.4 4.2 51.9 3.5 14.3 195.3 -5.4 2.7 0.5 0.6 28
Consolidated governments; checkable deposits and currency; asset 2.7 20.4 321.6 -154.9 -342.0 215.2 -229.3 -263.4 154.7 209.5 81.5 29
Consolidated governments; total time and savings deposits; asset 26.4 37.6 17.9 11.2 64.6 -14.3 20.5 -26.0 37.3 -36.9 9.0 30
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; money market mutual fund shares; asset 6.8 4.4 -2.4 4.5 0.7 5.4 7.5 4.5 7.2 -3.0 9.0 31
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; asset 13.5 8.7 -4.7 8.9 1.3 10.7 14.8 8.9 14.1 -5.9 17.7 32
Consolidated governments; credit market instruments; asset 88.5 39.3 -3.4 274.5 254.2 294.5 328.1 221.3 120.7 -0.2 273.4 33
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; commercial paper; asset 17.6 -8.7 -66.2 -53.3 -78.3 -86.0 -20.6 -28.3 -21.6 -47.8 -16.8 34
Consolidated governments; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset 38.3 24.6 41.0 156.5 231.5 183.5 106.1 104.9 20.0 -36.9 30.4 35
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; municipal securities and loans; asset 0.5 0.3 -0.2 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 -0.2 0.6 36
Consolidated governments; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 12.1 7.8 -4.2 8.6 1.2 11.1 14.1 8.1 12.8 -5.1 16.4 37
Consolidated governments; total mortgages; asset 18.2 11.4 8.4 22.2 5.0 33.3 47.1 3.3 9.9 -1.2 11.8 38
Federal government; consumer credit, student loans; asset 1.9 6.7 12.6 75.0 36.4 57.0 86.7 119.9 84.6 57.2 228.2 39
Consolidated governments; other loans and advances; asset -0.0 -2.9 5.2 65.2 58.4 95.2 94.2 13.1 14.4 33.7 2.7 40
Consolidated governments; corporate equities; asset -4.4 7.6 279.2 18.3 301.5 -100.3 94.5 -222.6 -63.0 86.1 -25.6 41
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; mutual fund shares; asset -1.3 2.0 14.3 -7.2 14.5 -19.3 -18.3 -5.6 -5.2 -4.6 -9.9 42
Consolidated governments; trade receivables; asset 2.2 10.1 -0.7 17.0 1.6 13.6 19.2 33.7 21.3 -19.1 4.8 43
Consolidated governments; taxes receivable; asset 5.1 -34.7 -68.8 7.8 -53.5 54.2 7.7 22.8 10.7 47.9 49.6 44
Consolidated governments; total miscellaneous assets 77.3 110.3 21.6 78.6 -13.0 32.4 57.6 237.7 86.7 -14.3 105.2 45
Consolidated governments; total liabilities 403.1 550.2 1493.7 1710.6 1530.5 2152.7 1853.8 1305.5 1832.1 2074.7 1594.6 46
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.6 0.0 0.0 190.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47
Monetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48
Federal government; Treasury currency; liability 0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0 -1.0 -0.4 0.0 -0.0 -1.1 49
Consolidated governments; credit market instruments; liability 301.0 406.8 1342.0 1534.0 1558.5 2073.2 1515.7 988.6 1741.8 1959.0 1500.8 50
Federal government; U.S. savings bonds; liability -2.7 -6.0 -2.4 -2.8 -0.2 -1.7 -3.4 -5.8 -3.8 -2.8 -2.4 51
Federal government; Treasury securities, excluding U.S. savings bonds and Treasury securities held by state and local governments; liability 150.9 222.7 1293.5 1426.1 1436.8 1979.7 1382.1 905.9 1613.2 1998.0 1379.1 52
Federal government; budget agency securities; liability -0.3 -0.4 0.2 0.1 -3.2 -1.1 3.7 1.2 0.3 1.1 0.5 53
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; municipal securities and loans; liability 153.1 190.4 50.7 110.5 125.0 96.3 133.3 87.2 132.1 -37.3 123.6 54
Federal government; multifamily residential mortgages; liability 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55
Consolidated governments; trade payables; liability 40.6 66.4 62.0 43.8 -5.8 8.6 81.0 91.5 69.5 42.5 21.8 56
Federal government; life insurance reserves; liability 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.1 -0.2 2.1 0.2 2.4 -0.3 0.7 0.7 57
Federal government; total miscellaneous liabilities, including nonmarketable government securities held by federal government retirement funds 59.4 76.6 89.5 81.4 -22.0 68.8 55.5 223.5 21.1 72.5 72.5 58
Consolidated governments; sector discrepancy -107.3 -68.0 66.0 -76.2 81.9 68.1 -238.0 -216.7 -34.5 267.2 -438.3 59
Consolidated governments; net government saving less fixed investment -577.8 -689.5 -1159.2 -1775.2 -1543.0 -1876.6 -1884.4 -1797.0 -1776.6 -1826.4 -1807.9 60
Consolidated governments; adjustment between NIPA and FOF 388.8 344.5 244.3 375.4 245.8 230.2 528.2 497.4 331.6 11.5 728.6 61
Consolidated governments; items to be financed -189.0 -345.0 -914.9 -1399.8 -1297.2 -1646.4 -1356.2 -1299.6 -1445.0 -1814.9 -1079.3 62

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Statistical releases