Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 8, 2012
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L.107 Rest of the World
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


Rest of the world; total financial assets 15875.4 14994.5 15601.0 15830.8 16050.5 16435.3 17163.2 17612.0 17735.3 17940.5 18044.2 1
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability 7.7 7.5 55.4 53.6 52.2 55.0 54.4 56.0 56.5 55.2 54.2 2
Rest of the world; net interbank transactions with banks in foreign countries; asset -56.9 362.9 69.0 19.6 39.4 -24.0 10.2 268.1 184.0 227.8 201.5 3
Rest of the world; U.S. checkable deposits and currency; asset 306.1 370.1 361.0 363.9 367.0 375.2 390.5 409.9 425.7 444.2 466.2 4
Rest of the world; U.S. total time and savings deposits; asset 207.6 273.1 230.0 221.6 225.3 231.2 247.7 262.5 261.1 274.9 272.6 5
Rest of the world; U.S. money market mutual fund shares; asset 46.0 69.7 76.9 75.8 74.7 72.2 69.8 67.3 64.8 64.1 63.3 6
Rest of the world; federal funds and security repurchase agreements (net); asset 338.4 114.9 31.0 -31.4 -123.1 -118.6 -98.6 -40.8 -55.7 -107.4 -44.9 7
Rest of the world; credit market instruments; asset 7272.6 7504.6 7724.2 7852.0 7960.2 8160.4 8375.8 8393.5 8390.6 8555.9 8591.3 8
Rest of the world; commercial paper; asset 278.1 232.9 191.5 194.1 187.4 192.6 192.3 199.3 195.1 199.5 190.7 9
Rest of the world; Treasury securities; asset 2376.4 3253.0 3671.4 3852.9 3966.7 4216.4 4385.3 4422.3 4442.5 4597.6 4671.4 10
Rest of the world; Treasury securities held by foreign official institutions; asset 1736.7 2400.5 2879.6 2977.0 3008.7 3197.7 3320.7 3354.2 3433.8 3465.1 3440.8 11
Rest of the world; Treasury securities held by private foreigners; asset 639.8 852.5 791.8 876.0 958.0 1018.7 1064.6 1068.1 1008.7 1132.6 1230.6 12
Rest of the world; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset 1582.4 1406.9 1154.8 1116.5 1128.0 1096.1 1077.3 1054.6 1033.1 1032.9 1021.4 13
Rest of the world; agency- and GSE-backed securities held by foreign official institutions; asset 954.3 940.5 749.0 733.6 755.3 690.0 669.2 680.3 681.0 667.1 657.3 14
Rest of the world; agency- and GSE-backed securities held by private foreigners; asset 628.0 466.4 405.9 382.9 372.7 406.0 408.1 374.2 352.2 365.8 364.1 15
Rest of the world; municipal securities and loans; asset 45.1 51.0 58.7 62.7 66.8 69.3 71.7 74.2 76.7 79.7 82.7 16
Rest of the world; U.S. corporate bonds; asset 2719.1 2353.5 2465.3 2440.1 2413.9 2423.0 2488.6 2480.8 2461.3 2451.3 2422.5 17
Rest of the world; U.S. nonfinancial business loans; asset 271.5 207.3 182.5 185.6 197.4 163.1 160.4 162.3 181.9 195.0 202.6 18
Rest of the world; U.S. corporate equities; asset 2812.2 1806.6 2477.2 2673.7 2343.2 2660.3 2926.1 3101.5 3217.6 2702.4 3026.4 19
Rest of the world; U.S. mutual fund shares; asset 373.5 256.2 363.6 399.9 396.4 458.1 513.8 569.6 599.8 527.2 556.8 20
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset 83.6 90.1 96.7 106.8 114.4 111.9 116.1 115.9 117.8 131.7 132.4 21
Rest of the world; security credit; asset 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous assets 4484.6 4138.7 4116.2 4095.3 4600.7 4453.6 4557.5 4408.5 4472.9 5064.7 4724.4 23
Rest of the world; foreign direct investment in U.S.; asset 2345.9 2397.4 2441.7 2492.9 2528.7 2612.6 2658.9 2686.7 2742.9 2822.9 2884.0 24
Rest of the world; unidentified miscellaneous assets 2138.7 1741.3 1674.5 1602.4 2072.0 1841.0 1898.6 1721.8 1730.1 2241.8 1840.4 25
Rest of the world; total liabilities 8542.3 8599.1 8790.5 8898.7 9580.7 9162.9 9728.9 9849.0 9958.1 10926.1 10447.8 26
Rest of the world; U.S. official reserve assets; liability 59.5 66.6 119.7 116.5 113.5 122.1 121.4 128.3 132.8 131.3 129.6 27
Rest of the world; U.S. private deposits; liability 1340.9 946.7 840.6 841.7 879.5 887.9 912.3 957.7 941.7 933.5 896.1 28
Rest of the world; credit and equity market instruments; liability 2126.3 1708.8 2090.3 2113.0 2106.8 2136.0 2273.1 2325.9 2321.4 2272.0 2239.7 29
Rest of the world; commercial paper; liability 413.0 342.0 401.3 387.5 378.3 378.0 398.6 428.2 417.2 352.4 344.8 30
Rest of the world; bonds; liability 1587.1 1237.3 1570.3 1606.1 1606.0 1628.4 1737.3 1748.3 1751.8 1756.6 1728.8 31
Rest of the world; bank loans not elsewhere classified; liability 102.8 107.9 96.8 97.2 100.6 107.7 115.1 127.1 130.5 140.9 144.3 32
Rest of the world; bank loans not elsewhere classified to foreign official institutions; liability 1.9 2.6 3.2 3.0 3.3 3.5 4.3 4.2 3.2 3.1 2.6 33
Rest of the world; bank loans not elsewhere classified to foreign banks; liability 30.2 33.0 27.9 30.4 33.1 34.1 39.7 45.7 49.1 53.0 51.0 34
Rest of the world; bank loans not elsewhere classified to foreigners other than foreign official institutions and foreign banks; liability 70.8 72.4 65.8 63.8 64.3 70.0 71.2 77.1 78.2 84.8 90.7 35
Rest of the world; U.S. government loans; liability 23.1 21.6 21.9 22.2 22.0 22.0 22.1 22.2 21.9 22.1 21.8 36
Rest of the world; customers' liablity on acceptances outstanding to commercial banking; liability 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37
Rest of the world; trade payables; liability 73.1 63.2 70.6 79.7 84.0 92.3 98.4 95.1 80.4 74.5 65.8 38
Rest of the world; security credit; liability 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous liabilities 4942.4 5813.9 5669.2 5747.8 6396.8 5924.5 6323.8 6342.1 6481.8 7514.8 7116.5 40
Federal government; U.S. equity in IBRD, etc.; asset 46.9 48.3 50.0 50.4 51.8 52.1 52.3 52.9 54.3 54.7 56.1 41
Rest of the world; nonofficial U.S. currencies; liability 24.5 554.2 10.9 0.7 2.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.6 101.1 42
Rest of the world; U.S. direct investment abroad, including Netherlands Antillean Financial subsidiaries; liability 3553.1 3748.5 4067.5 4184.1 4260.2 4345.7 4429.4 4528.1 4673.1 4752.5 4819.8 43
Rest of the world; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities 1318.0 1462.8 1540.8 1512.6 2082.9 1525.8 1841.2 1760.4 1753.5 2706.0 2139.5 44
Rest of the world; foreign corporate equities; liability 5248.0 2748.4 3995.3 4103.8 3624.9 4261.3 4485.6 4674.9 4661.8 3713.5 3862.9 45

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Statistical releases