Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: September 20, 2012
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L.1 Credit Market Debt Outstanding 1
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


All sectors; credit market instruments; liability 46183.7 50922.9 53310.5 53213.4 53555.6 53804.4 53779.6 54130.1 54510.5 54868.6 55031.3 1
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; credit market instruments; liability 30022.5 32572.5 34478.9 35414.6 36832.0 37065.4 37179.2 37662.3 38163.3 38580.6 38924.3 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; credit market instruments; liability 12839.7 13699.1 13682.7 13410.5 13137.5 13020.9 12935.6 12912.6 12933.7 12857.5 12895.5 3
Nonfinancial corporate business; credit market instruments; liability 6263.6 7108.7 7453.5 7240.4 7478.1 7603.3 7753.8 7887.0 8018.1 8114.6 8228.2 4
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; credit market instruments; liability 3313.0 3774.6 4093.4 3959.0 3765.3 3749.5 3738.2 3733.0 3751.0 3757.7 3762.0 5
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; credit market instruments; liability 2720.9 2867.8 2887.8 2999.3 3065.5 3045.7 3013.0 3002.2 3006.8 2998.9 2988.6 6
Federal government; credit market instruments; liability 4885.3 5122.3 6361.5 7805.4 9385.6 9645.9 9738.6 10127.6 10453.6 10851.9 11050.1 7
Rest of the world; credit market instruments; liability 1882.6 2126.3 1708.8 2090.3 2225.3 2304.8 2326.8 2290.1 2276.7 2288.3 2268.7 8
Financial business; credit market instruments; liability 14278.6 16224.1 17122.9 15708.5 14498.3 14434.2 14273.6 14177.7 14070.6 13999.7 13838.2 9
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; credit market instruments; liability 768.3 990.9 989.8 717.4 942.4 906.6 887.9 868.0 868.7 840.8 844.7 10
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; bankers' acceptances; liability 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11
Credit unions; FHLB advances; liability 18.9 32.3 40.6 26.5 26.1 23.7 22.8 23.7 24.2 22.9 23.7 12
Life insurance companies; FHLB advances; liability 14.2 28.7 54.9 48.3 45.1 45.5 46.2 46.4 46.8 48.5 52.4 13
Government-sponsored enterprises; credit market instruments; liability 2627.8 2910.2 3181.9 2706.6 6434.5 6437.3 6317.3 6282.7 6247.3 6178.6 6139.8 14
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset 3841.1 4464.4 4961.4 5376.7 1139.5 1187.0 1236.0 1277.3 1304.8 1329.9 1377.3 15
Issuers of asset-backed securities; total liabilities 4179.9 4534.4 4123.3 3308.2 2243.3 2162.4 2110.1 2044.3 1996.2 1922.1 1856.0 16
Finance companies; credit market instruments; liability 1144.2 1279.6 1200.3 1044.1 1268.8 1268.2 1253.1 1276.6 1274.8 1263.6 1247.7 17
Real estate investment trusts; credit market instruments; liability 411.0 421.2 367.4 317.4 315.2 326.4 330.6 334.1 343.4 350.1 364.1 18
Security brokers and dealers; credit market instruments; liability 68.8 64.8 142.6 92.9 129.7 128.2 110.1 99.2 91.8 98.0 102.1 19
Holding companies; credit market instruments; liability 558.7 710.6 807.9 1253.7 1237.2 1258.1 1269.7 1248.8 1220.8 1303.9 1213.9 20
Funding corporations; credit market instruments; liability 645.3 786.4 1252.8 816.8 716.4 690.8 689.9 676.5 651.8 641.3 616.3 21
All sectors; credit market instruments; liability 46183.7 50922.9 53310.5 53213.4 53555.6 53804.4 53779.6 54130.1 54510.5 54868.6 55031.3 22
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; credit market instruments; asset 6498.8 7129.5 6953.5 7466.2 7906.0 7832.5 7519.2 7455.5 7125.9 7057.4 7100.7 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; credit market instruments; asset 4361.2 4956.5 4858.9 5117.4 5477.5 5405.2 5135.4 5115.8 4823.7 4755.4 4788.4 24
Nonfinancial corporate business; credit market instruments; asset 328.3 250.4 214.0 221.6 236.8 225.7 227.2 216.3 222.3 234.7 230.3 25
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; credit market instruments; asset 96.7 106.7 95.8 89.1 85.7 85.5 85.3 85.2 85.4 85.5 85.5 26
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; credit market instruments; asset 1437.4 1534.8 1418.3 1376.2 1359.1 1337.9 1314.3 1276.5 1248.3 1226.6 1222.7 27
Federal government; credit market instruments; asset 275.2 281.1 366.4 661.8 746.9 778.2 757.0 761.6 746.2 755.1 773.8 28
Rest of the world; credit market instruments; asset 6199.7 7272.6 7504.6 7723.4 8497.0 8600.0 8666.0 8837.2 9127.4 9222.5 9247.3 29
Financial business; credit market instruments; asset 33485.2 36520.8 38852.4 38023.7 37152.6 37371.9 37594.4 37837.4 38257.2 38588.7 38683.3 30
Monetary authority; credit market instruments; asset 778.9 740.6 986.0 1987.7 2259.2 2479.2 2700.4 2686.1 2635.6 2613.4 2610.9 31
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; credit market instruments; asset 8628.6 9201.0 9442.9 9131.1 9341.5 9211.3 9185.9 9299.0 9468.4 9462.8 9564.5 32
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; credit market instruments; asset 761.6 963.3 1063.8 777.9 747.1 757.6 773.4 804.4 784.9 775.5 760.4 33
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; credit market instruments; asset 99.3 92.8 90.9 88.1 68.9 67.6 65.2 63.7 64.0 63.9 62.7 34
Credit unions; credit market instruments; asset 622.6 657.9 697.8 731.0 755.6 765.4 774.3 781.6 790.8 807.7 825.3 35
Property-casualty insurance companies; credit market instruments; asset 864.1 869.3 853.4 886.7 890.6 895.2 890.3 890.6 918.1 910.4 910.3 36
Life insurance companies; credit market instruments; asset 2786.4 2871.2 2882.8 3022.6 3174.2 3211.1 3237.3 3284.3 3297.9 3322.4 3288.0 37
Private pension funds; credit market instruments; asset 758.3 860.8 951.4 1063.0 1122.4 1130.9 1138.2 1161.3 1171.4 1172.0 1165.2 38
State and local government employee retirement funds; credit market instruments; asset 808.0 820.3 833.5 824.7 816.5 825.0 820.5 835.6 834.8 843.0 847.4 39
Federal government retirement funds; credit market instruments; asset 86.8 99.4 123.3 130.8 141.6 145.3 149.6 157.9 161.6 163.0 167.2 40
Money market mutual funds; credit market instruments; asset 1560.8 1936.4 2675.0 2031.0 1621.0 1582.4 1521.0 1527.2 1628.2 1569.7 1493.9 41
Mutual funds; credit market instruments; asset 1932.0 2203.1 2276.4 2657.2 3031.4 3160.9 3267.8 3317.9 3458.9 3666.3 3821.8 42
Closed-end funds; credit market instruments; asset 171.8 170.9 130.3 140.9 145.9 147.6 148.5 143.3 144.7 147.4 148.8 43
Exchange-traded funds; credit market instruments; asset 20.7 34.1 57.1 103.0 132.7 140.1 151.1 164.1 178.8 195.1 213.5 44
Government-sponsored enterprises; credit market instruments; asset 2590.5 2829.5 3037.5 2699.7 6333.1 6327.9 6252.4 6176.5 6133.4 6095.8 6014.0 45
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset 3841.1 4464.4 4961.4 5376.7 1139.5 1187.0 1236.0 1277.3 1304.8 1329.9 1377.3 46
Issuers of asset-backed securities; credit market instruments; asset 4068.1 4419.7 4025.1 3244.6 2191.5 2108.8 2058.9 1996.7 1948.7 1876.8 1813.6 47
Finance companies; credit market instruments; asset 1809.2 1816.3 1734.4 1516.7 1443.9 1422.0 1395.0 1389.0 1396.9 1384.0 1372.8 48
Real estate investment trusts; credit market instruments; asset 266.4 246.5 177.6 168.9 206.0 258.0 288.4 308.5 308.9 365.9 388.6 49
Security brokers and dealers; credit market instruments; asset 583.4 803.1 717.4 525.3 557.5 556.8 549.6 511.2 567.2 610.7 600.5 50
Holding companies; credit market instruments;; asset 36.0 59.1 73.0 75.8 97.9 105.7 105.3 110.5 101.1 223.0 183.5 51
Funding corporations; credit market instruments; asset 410.8 361.0 1061.3 840.3 934.7 886.0 885.3 950.8 958.3 990.1 1053.2 52

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Statistical releases