Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: September 18, 2014
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L.1 Credit Market Debt Outstanding 1
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


All sectors; credit market instruments; liability 52181.2 52322.3 53272.2 55050.6 56685.7 55433.9 55551.5 55936.2 56685.7 57088.5 57538.9 1
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; credit market instruments; liability 34460.2 35608.6 36750.6 38420.1 39771.1 38791.7 38947.3 39265.9 39771.1 40194.1 40435.5 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; credit market instruments; liability 13558.9 13229.8 13060.9 13063.5 13179.2 13008.9 13036.7 13145.1 13179.2 13180.9 13285.1 3
Nonfinancial corporate business; credit market instruments; liability 6142.1 6004.4 6264.8 6713.3 7118.0 6794.3 6910.4 7049.6 7118.0 7261.9 7374.5 4
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; credit market instruments; liability 3985.4 3950.9 3986.1 4069.5 4180.0 4063.5 4101.0 4136.3 4180.0 4204.7 4273.1 5
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; credit market instruments; liability 2968.4 3038.0 2985.3 2980.0 2941.1 2994.9 2986.4 2953.1 2941.1 2931.8 2934.4 6
Federal government; credit market instruments; liability 7805.4 9385.6 10453.6 11593.7 12352.8 11930.1 11912.9 11981.9 12352.8 12614.8 12568.4 7
Rest of the world; credit market instruments; liability 2006.5 2258.5 2485.5 2828.0 2966.2 2889.7 2841.6 2907.9 2966.2 3037.2 3149.3 8
Financial business; credit market instruments; liability 15714.5 14455.3 14036.1 13802.5 13948.4 13752.5 13762.7 13762.4 13948.4 13857.2 13954.0 9
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; credit market instruments; liability 718.1 882.9 832.4 720.3 686.9 674.1 680.9 659.8 686.9 662.4 705.0 10
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; bankers' acceptances; liability 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11
Credit unions; FHLB advances; liability 26.5 26.1 24.2 25.1 27.0 22.2 23.5 26.6 27.0 27.4 30.0 12
Life insurance companies, general accounts; FHLB advances; liability 48.3 45.1 46.8 51.6 59.4 52.9 54.5 53.8 59.4 61.3 63.3 13
Government-sponsored enterprises; credit market instruments; liability 2706.6 6434.5 6247.3 6092.7 6200.2 6103.5 6137.6 6147.7 6200.2 6111.4 6150.6 14
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset 5376.7 1139.5 1304.8 1437.0 1569.4 1462.7 1498.1 1540.8 1569.4 1585.8 1600.0 15
Issuers of asset-backed securities; total liabilities 3291.1 2235.4 1988.9 1769.6 1481.2 1716.5 1535.6 1505.1 1481.2 1433.3 1412.7 16
Finance companies; credit market instruments; liability 1044.1 1280.7 1261.9 1205.1 1209.3 1193.0 1196.0 1206.6 1209.3 1196.8 1197.7 17
Real estate investment trusts; credit market instruments; liability 339.8 339.9 365.5 401.0 579.4 403.0 540.6 550.2 579.4 614.4 626.8 18
Security brokers and dealers; credit market instruments; liability 92.9 129.7 91.8 90.2 112.4 89.1 103.1 96.1 112.4 122.0 113.4 19
Holding companies; credit market instruments; liability 1253.7 1237.2 1220.8 1416.4 1402.7 1410.3 1372.9 1363.4 1402.7 1405.9 1406.9 20
Funding corporations; credit market instruments; liability 816.8 704.2 651.8 593.5 620.5 625.2 619.9 612.2 620.5 636.5 647.8 21
All sectors; credit market instruments; liability 52181.2 52322.3 53272.2 55050.6 56685.7 55433.9 55551.5 55936.2 56685.7 57088.5 57538.9 22
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; credit market instruments; asset 7370.2 7620.3 7044.3 6987.4 6719.3 6868.6 6804.5 6722.8 6719.3 6546.3 6492.6 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; credit market instruments; asset 4827.7 4912.3 4374.0 4169.1 3848.8 4016.0 3936.7 3862.7 3848.8 3633.8 3535.9 24
Nonfinancial corporate business; credit market instruments; asset 223.1 229.4 222.3 212.3 169.0 178.7 179.7 172.1 169.0 162.3 159.6 25
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; credit market instruments; asset 89.1 95.8 96.8 98.1 100.2 98.3 98.9 99.5 100.2 100.7 101.8 26
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; credit market instruments; asset 1526.1 1590.4 1540.5 1592.3 1561.5 1613.1 1609.7 1567.1 1561.5 1567.7 1599.0 27
Federal government; credit market instruments; asset 704.3 792.4 810.7 915.6 1039.8 962.5 979.6 1021.4 1039.8 1081.8 1096.4 28
Rest of the world; credit market instruments; asset 7662.4 8413.9 8944.8 9508.7 9732.3 9637.8 9426.0 9564.6 9732.3 9966.9 10032.7 29
Financial business; credit market instruments; asset 37148.6 36288.2 37283.1 38554.4 40234.2 38927.6 39321.0 39648.9 40234.2 40575.2 41013.5 30
Monetary authority; credit market instruments; asset 1987.7 2259.2 2635.6 2670.1 3756.3 2939.8 3214.2 3475.1 3756.3 3970.1 4108.2 31
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; credit market instruments; asset 9117.4 9356.2 9489.9 9866.3 10101.0 9833.4 9896.3 9925.3 10101.0 10167.7 10367.8 32
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; credit market instruments; asset 809.7 785.2 827.7 833.5 826.3 816.4 802.2 819.3 826.3 845.6 855.9 33
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; credit market instruments; asset 88.1 68.9 64.0 63.9 64.1 63.6 63.6 62.7 64.1 64.1 61.6 34
Credit unions; credit market instruments; asset 734.6 758.6 796.2 842.3 891.8 855.1 874.1 886.7 891.8 903.8 926.4 35
Property-casualty insurance companies; credit market instruments; asset 886.7 890.6 926.8 927.8 953.1 933.4 936.7 943.5 953.1 950.5 954.1 36
Life insurance companies; credit market instruments; asset 3022.6 3174.2 3299.6 3373.9 3451.3 3384.5 3406.3 3424.4 3451.3 3481.0 3508.5 37
Private pension funds; credit market instruments; asset 775.5 896.1 969.7 1116.4 1166.1 1123.4 1146.0 1156.4 1166.1 1164.1 1183.8 38
State and local government employee retirement funds; credit market instruments; asset 772.9 795.3 809.7 817.7 880.6 827.9 856.7 859.4 880.6 896.0 905.0 39
Federal government retirement funds; credit market instruments; asset 130.9 141.8 167.3 182.7 192.1 179.2 168.1 72.8 192.1 193.6 196.0 40
Money market mutual funds; credit market instruments; asset 2070.0 1673.4 1663.6 1580.9 1611.8 1562.4 1550.5 1573.6 1611.8 1520.4 1387.3 41
Mutual funds; credit market instruments; asset 2616.3 2969.9 3329.3 3981.3 4345.2 4184.5 4242.8 4287.7 4345.2 4462.9 4580.3 42
Closed-end funds; credit market instruments; asset 141.1 146.4 144.7 155.9 170.1 163.5 169.5 169.8 170.1 170.6 171.3 43
Exchange-traded funds; credit market instruments; asset 103.0 132.7 178.8 231.1 243.3 238.2 241.4 245.8 243.3 254.3 266.3 44
Government-sponsored enterprises; credit market instruments; asset 2699.7 6333.1 6133.4 5914.8 5956.4 5899.5 5932.8 5954.6 5956.4 5924.2 5945.4 45
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset 5376.7 1139.5 1304.8 1437.0 1569.4 1462.7 1498.1 1540.8 1569.4 1585.8 1600.0 46
Issuers of asset-backed securities; credit market instruments; asset 3227.5 2183.6 1941.3 1728.4 1445.5 1676.4 1499.4 1470.4 1445.5 1399.0 1378.8 47
Finance companies; credit market instruments; asset 1549.7 1405.4 1359.6 1324.9 1305.4 1311.6 1310.6 1311.2 1305.4 1293.8 1294.5 48
Real estate investment trusts; credit market instruments; asset 167.2 211.1 331.2 458.5 497.6 448.7 565.9 546.0 497.6 513.7 522.5 49
Security brokers and dealers; credit market instruments; asset 525.3 557.5 563.2 652.3 476.9 602.7 516.9 499.1 476.9 450.6 430.7 50
Holding companies; credit market instruments;; asset 75.8 97.9 101.1 209.2 151.8 213.3 226.1 217.8 151.8 145.5 143.5 51
Funding corporations; credit market instruments; asset 270.2 311.6 245.8 185.4 177.9 207.4 202.8 206.6 177.9 218.0 225.7 52

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