Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: June 9, 2016
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L.204 Checkable Deposits and Currency

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; liability 2359.8 2594.3 2853.8 3186.5 3537.5 3829.7 3441.3 3642.4 3558.0 3829.7 3881.2 1
Monetary authority; checkable deposits and currency; liability 1287.8 1165.7 1224.6 1364.1 1516.4 1720.8 1417.7 1588.3 1557.3 1720.8 1733.8 2
Monetary authority; checkable deposits due to the federal government; liability 340.9 85.9 92.9 162.6 223.7 333.7 100.3 254.4 198.9 333.7 314.0 3
Monetary authority; checkable deposits due to government-sponsored enterprises; liability 13.5 64.6 27.2 25.9 20.2 31.1 20.9 28.2 32.1 31.1 41.2 4
Monetary authority; checkable deposits due to rest of the world; liability 3.4 0.2 6.5 8.0 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.3 6.2 5.2 5.2 5
Monetary authority; currency outside banks; liability 930.0 1015.0 1098.1 1167.6 1267.3 1350.7 1291.3 1300.4 1320.0 1350.7 1373.3 6
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; checkable deposits; liability 941.1 1260.5 1431.7 1579.8 1716.1 1766.4 1698.6 1717.2 1671.9 1766.4 1778.1 7
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; checkable deposits due to the federal government, including demand notes issued to U.S. Treasury and tax and loan accounts; liability 3.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 8
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; checkable deposits due to rest of the world; liability 30.4 56.1 51.8 51.2 56.5 41.9 55.8 52.4 41.0 41.9 48.3 9
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; checkable deposits due to private domestic sectors; liability 907.0 1203.5 1378.5 1527.1 1657.1 1722.1 1640.3 1662.5 1628.6 1722.1 1727.6 10
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; checkable deposits; liability 21.9 45.6 61.8 92.6 137.8 154.1 149.4 161.2 152.8 154.1 172.3 11
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; checkable deposits due to rest of the world; liability 14.6 19.0 27.9 40.2 54.2 61.4 60.0 61.1 63.3 61.4 62.3 12
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; checkable deposits due to private domestic sectors; liability 7.3 26.6 33.9 52.4 83.6 92.8 89.4 100.1 89.5 92.8 110.0 13
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; checkable deposits; liability 16.6 19.4 21.9 28.2 33.4 35.0 33.0 35.8 35.4 35.0 38.4 14
Credit unions; checkable deposits; liability 92.4 103.1 113.9 121.7 133.9 153.4 142.6 139.9 140.7 153.4 158.7 15
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; liability 2359.8 2594.3 2853.8 3186.5 3537.5 3829.7 3441.3 3642.4 3558.0 3829.7 3881.2 16
Households and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset 423.5 723.8 887.5 1021.4 1158.5 1309.3 1221.5 1222.4 1163.3 1309.3 1318.8 17
Nonfinancial business; checkable deposits and currency; asset 766.1 821.6 835.3 910.8 984.4 1008.5 954.7 1017.9 1021.2 1008.5 1049.1 18
Nonfinancial corporate business; checkable deposits and currency; asset 234.5 265.3 219.8 283.3 322.3 306.2 285.1 337.5 333.4 306.2 337.5 19
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; checkable deposits and currency; asset 531.6 556.3 615.5 627.6 662.1 702.4 669.6 680.5 687.9 702.4 711.6 20
Federal government; checkable deposits and currency; asset 342.3 84.6 92.2 163.0 226.8 338.1 104.8 258.5 202.6 338.1 317.6 21
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; checkable deposits and currency; asset 104.9 121.6 118.2 125.3 141.1 131.9 130.3 133.8 130.9 131.9 132.8 22
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset 327.1 364.1 373.3 369.6 349.7 335.6 337.8 320.1 345.5 335.6 336.3 23
Property-casualty insurance companies; checkable deposits and currency; asset 32.6 24.1 36.4 29.7 35.6 32.7 35.4 30.4 34.2 32.7 30.7 24
Life insurance companies; checkable deposits and currency; asset 51.7 53.7 56.4 47.2 50.8 57.7 49.2 41.8 52.1 57.7 55.9 25
Private pension funds; checkable deposits and currency; asset 12.4 17.9 16.0 15.6 16.0 17.6 16.4 16.5 16.8 17.6 18.0 26
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; checkable deposits and currency; asset 3.9 4.1 3.8 4.1 4.6 5.0 4.9 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.2 27
Money market mutual funds; checkable deposits and currency; asset 14.5 20.5 16.8 13.5 -4.4 7.6 -10.0 3.3 1.7 7.6 7.3 28
Government-sponsored enterprises; checkable deposits and currency; asset 63.4 72.7 52.6 81.6 65.0 41.0 53.4 41.1 47.4 41.0 34.7 29
Finance companies; checkable deposits and currency; asset 26.5 31.7 27.8 32.1 31.9 32.5 32.4 33.2 34.1 32.5 36.4 30
Real estate investment trusts; checkable deposits and currency; asset 25.1 27.6 35.3 34.3 38.5 35.6 38.6 34.7 38.8 35.6 37.3 31
Security brokers and dealers; checkable deposits and currency; asset 96.9 111.8 128.2 111.7 111.8 106.1 117.7 114.1 115.6 106.1 110.9 32
Rest of the world; U.S. checkable deposits and currency; asset 390.5 472.3 540.4 591.3 674.1 705.1 690.8 687.9 693.0 705.1 725.0 33
Rest of the world; checkable deposits; asset 48.4 75.2 86.2 99.4 115.9 108.6 121.1 118.8 110.6 108.6 115.8 34
Rest of the world; currency; asset 342.1 397.1 454.2 491.9 558.2 596.6 569.7 569.1 582.5 596.6 609.2 35
Instrument discrepancies; checkable deposits and currency (total mail float) 5.4 6.3 7.0 4.9 2.8 1.2 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.7 36

Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
Current release | Screen reader | PDF (450 KB) | Data Download Program (DDP)

Statistical releases