Search Enforcement Actions

To find enforcement actions against an entity supervised by the Federal Reserve, enter the NAME of the party subject to action in the search form below. The search form can be used with or without the NAME of the party by selecting A TYPE of action, a year of action or termination, or all three.

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Disclaimer: This platform is intended to provide the enforcement actions taken by the Federal Reserve System in a searchable and downloadable format, but is not guaranteed to be comprehensive. The primary source for the enforcement actions are the Federal Reserve Board's press releases and other official communications. The names of the financial institutions contained herein reflect the institutions' identities when the enforcement actions were finalized and do not necessarily represent their current identities.

This platform includes letters issued by the Federal Reserve since 2008 to individuals under Section 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, referred to as "Section 19 Letters." Section 19 Letters advise individuals that they cannot, among other things, act as an employee, officer, director, or agent of insured depository institutions or holding companies because of the individuals' conviction or other criminal disposition with respect to certain categories of crimes. Under the law, the prohibitions outlined in certain Section 19 Letters may have expired and the individual might no longer be prohibited from holding a position at insured depository institutions or holding companies. Although the Federal Reserve Board is making Section 19 Letters searchable and downloadable, users of this platform should conduct their own inquiry regarding the current status of any prohibition identified in this platform.

Please reference the "About Enforcement Actions" page for additional information, including the entities supervised by the Federal Reserve, the types of formal enforcement actions taken by the Federal Reserve, and the statutes which guide the publication of formal enforcement actions.

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Last Update: July 28, 2023