Series analyzer for FU543131503.Q

Life insurance companies; IRAs; liability

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Data Source

Year-end level from ICI Factbook, table IRA Assets, column Life insurance companies, less special tabulation from ICI of IRA variable annuity assets. Other quarter's levels from ICI unpublished detail. Transactions are calculated as the difference in the levels less FOF estimate of capital gains on IRA assets at life insurers, which is a percentage of the capital gain on equities in life insurers Separate Accounts. Percentage is equal to estimated IRAs outstanding divided by total annuity reserves. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 01/04/2010
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA543131503.QLife insurance companies; IRAs; liability
- FS543131503.QLife insurance companies; IRAs; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FU543150015.QLife insurance companies; pension entitlements, excluding unallocated insurance contracts and IRAs; liability
- FU153131575.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; IRAs; liability
+ FU543131505.QLife insurance companies; IRAs and Keoghs; liability