FedEZFile facilitates the Federal Reserve's application filing process. FedEZFile is a cloud-based platform secured by multi-factor authentication, which allows organizations supervised by the Federal Reserve System, including bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, state member banks, foreign banking organizations, as well as other entities and individuals, to securely submit applications via PC, tablet or smartphone.
Entities and individuals may use FedEZFile to submit applications seeking Federal Reserve approval to undertake various transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, and to engage in new activities.
FedEZFile utilizes Login.gov, a secure sign-in service run by the federal government, which allows individuals to use a single username and password to access participating government agency websites. With an authorized account, users can upload and access relevant documents, view and download Federal Reserve-generated documents, and identify Federal Reserve staff assigned to the filing.
Application Filing Information
This web site contains general information about the types of filings required by the Federal Reserve and how they are processed. Banking organizations are generally required to notify the Federal Reserve or seek its approval before acquiring banks or companies or engaging in new activities.
The web site is intended to provide only general guidance relating to the administrative procedures followed by the Federal Reserve as it considers the appropriate action on a formal application, notification, or request filed by a bank holding company, state member bank, individual, or foreign banking organization. Although sections of the web site may provide a general description of qualifying criteria or statutory factors, such descriptions are not to be construed as absolute standards for approval of a filing. Furthermore, any reference to related laws, regulations, or System policy statements are intended as a source of additional information and are not to be construed as legal advice, which may be necessary to determine filing requirements.
The Federal Reserve System will review all information submitted in satisfaction of a filing requirement and will continue to assess the merits of a proposal throughout the processing period. As a result of this continuous review of the filer and the proposal, issues may arise at any time that will result in a request for additional information or a change in the filing's processing path and time frame for the System's final action.