Basel Coordination Committee Bulletins

The following Basel Coordination Committee (BCC) Bulletins provide examination guidance relating to the implementation of the advanced approaches risk-based capital rule (advanced approaches rule). The BCC consists of Federal Reserve System staff who are responsible for overseeing the Federal Reserve System's process for implementing the advanced approaches rule. These BCC Bulletins address specific matters relating to the advanced approaches rule and are applicable to only a few large, internationally active banking organizations. As such, the guidance is decisively technical in nature and is primarily for relevant supervisory staff and banking organization personnel with extensive background knowledge of the rule. To view the advanced approaches rule, see 12 CFR 217, subpart E.

For more information about the BCC Bulletins and Board contact information, see SR letter 13-4, "Advanced Approaches Risk-Based Capital Rule Examination Guidance on the Board's Public Website," which announces the availability of the BCC Bulletins.


BCC 16-1
Supervisory Guidance Pertaining to the Issuance of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's Second Consultative Paper, "Standardised Measurement Approach for Operational Risk" (PDF)

BCC 15-2
Wholesale and Retail Credit Risk Work Programs for the Advanced Approaches Rule (PDF)

Wholesale Credit Risk Work Program for the Advanced Approaches Rule (PDF)

Retail Credit Risk Work Program for the Advanced Approaches Rule (PDF)

BCC 15-1
Supervisory Guidance for Implementation of the Simplified Supervisory Formula Approach for Securitization Exposures under the Advanced Approaches Risk-Based Capital Rule (PDF)

BCC 14-3
Guidance on Selection of Reference Data Periods and Approaches to Data Deficiencies When Quantifying Retail and Wholesale Risk Parameters (PDF)

BCC 14-2
Guidance Relating to Notifications of Material Changes to Advanced Systems and Modeling Changes (PDF)

BCC 14-1
Supervisory Guidance for Data, Modeling, and Model Risk Management Under the Operational Risk Advanced Measurement Approaches (PDF)

BCC 13-7
Implementing the Supervisory Formula Approach for Securitization Exposures (PDF)

BCC 13-6
Guidance for Internal Audit under the Advanced Approaches Rule (PDF)

BCC 13-5
Applying the Requirement for Conservatism to the Parameters in the Advanced Approaches (PDF)

BCC 13-4
Guidance Statement on Implied Support (PDF)

BCC 13-3
Guidance for Independent Verification of a Banking Organization's Advanced Approaches Systems (PDF)

BCC 13-2
Excluding Exposures to Investment Firms from the Definition of "Traditional Securitization" (PDF)

BCC 13-1
Excluding Non-material Portfolios of Exposures from the Advanced Approaches ('Exclusion Treatment') (PDF)

Last Update: December 11, 2018