Quarterly Transaction Data

This section of the website provides detailed transaction information about discount window lending to depository institutions and open market operations (OMOs). The transaction data are provided in compliance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, and begin after the date of the enactment of that Act (July 21, 2010). The Federal Reserve will release transaction data quarterly, with an approximately two-year lag.

The links to the right provide detailed information about discount window lending and OMOs. Details for each discount window loan include: the borrower, the dates that credit was extended and repaid, the interest rate, information about the collateral, and other relevant terms. Details for each OMO transaction include: the date and amount of the transaction, the counterparty to the transaction, the price, interest rate, or exchange rate at which the transaction was conducted; other relevant terms; and for certain types of transactions, information about the collateral.

Detailed transaction information about the liquidity and credit programs and other monetary policy tools that the Federal Reserve used to respond to the financial crisis that emerged in the summer of 2007 is available in the Transaction Data Released on 12/1/2010 section. Additional information about the Federal Reserve's credit and liquidity programs is available in the Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet section.

Last Update: September 29, 2017