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Finance and Economics Discussion Series: 2013-26 Screen Reader version

The Long and the Short of Household Formation*

Andrew Paciorek*
April 1, 2013

Keywords: Household formation, headship rate, housing demand


One of the drivers of housing demand is the rate of new household formation, which has been well below trend in recent years, leading to persistent weakness in the housing market. This paper studies the determinants of household formation in the United States, including demographic and behavioral changes, and how they evolve over the long and short runs. There are three main findings: First, because older adults tend to live in smaller households, the aging of the U.S. population over the past 30 years has reduced the average household size, or equivalently, pushed up the headship rate and household formation. Second, after stripping out the effects of the aging population, the residual behavioral component of the headship rate has declined over time, thanks largely to rising housing costs. This shift has reduced household formation, all else equal. Finally, the short-run dynamics of headship and household formation reflect the effects of the business cycle. In particular, I find that poor labor market outcomes have played an important role in depressing the headship rate in recent years. Consequently, household formation could increase substantially as the labor market recovers and the headship rate returns to trend.

JEL Classification:D1, R2

1 Introduction

In the wake of the housing bust of 2006 and the subsequent recession, the rate of new household formation in the United States plunged, and it has remained startlingly low since. Between 2006 and 2011, roughly 550,000 new households formed per year, on net, compared with 1.35 million per year over the previous five years. Indeed, household formation over the last five years appears to have been far lower than in any other five-year period over the 40 years for which we have annual data.1

Fewer new households formed has meant less demand for houses, leading to persistently low house prices and, in turn, a slump in new residential construction. Indeed, although data through the end of 2012 suggest that new housing starts and permits have begun to recover, they remain far below their long-run trends. This persistent weakness in the housing market has also contributed to the slow pace of the overall economic recovery. For example, the direct contribution of residential investment to annualized GDP growth sometimes reached 1 to 1.5 percent in recoveries prior to the mid-1980s. During the two years subsequent to the end of the recession in the second quarter of 2009, the contribution of residential investment to GDP averaged close to zero.

If some of the implications of low household formation are relatively clear, the underlying factors driving the individual choices that lead to household formation are much less so. Indeed, household formation involves a complicated series of decisions including, for example, whether to move out of a parent's home, whether to live alone or with roommates, and whether to get married to or form a partnership with another individual. In this paper, I analyze these choices and relate each to economic fundamentals, including the labor market, the cost of housing, and credit constraints.

Although a variety of labor and demographic studies are loosely related to to this paper, there has been relatively little academic work on household formation as such. Haurin et al. (1993) and Ermisch (1999) find that high rental costs retard household formation in the U.S. and U.K., respectively, and Haurin and Rosenthal (2007) find that lower headship rates also tend to reduce homeownership rates. Meanwhile, Kaplan (2012) shows that the option to move in with parents serves as insurance against labor market risk, while Dyrda et al. (2012) study the implications of such movements for aggregate labor supply. In contrast with most earlier work, my goal here is to provide a unified treatment of the determinants of household formation.

To understand these determinants, it is useful to examine the "headship rate", defined as the ratio of the number of household heads to the size of the adult population.2

\displaystyle HS_t = \frac{H_t}{P_t} (1)

The aggregate headship rate, which is the reciprocal of the average number of people per household, determines the number of units needed to house a population of a given size.3 By taking logarithms and differencing equation 1, we can see that the (approximate) percentage change in the number of households is simply the sum of the (approximate) percentage changes in the adult population and the headship rate.
\displaystyle \Delta \log H_t = \Delta \log P_t + \Delta \log HS_t (2)

Figure 1 shows the 5-year percentage changes in the adult population and the headship rate. Although population growth has been by far the more important driver of household formation over the long run, most of the short-run variation in the growth rate of the number of households has come from shifts in the headship rate, particularly over the last decade. Consequently, this paper focuses on the determinants of the headship rate rather than immigration, fertility, or other factors affecting population growth.

I study these determinants in several steps. Since headship rates rise steadily over most of the life cycle, I first isolate and strip out the effect of the aging population, which has been pushing up the headship rate--or, equivalently, pushing down the average household size--since at least the 1970s. The residual behavioral component of the headship rate has actually drifted down over time, although it has fluctuated substantially at shorter frequencies.

Using multinomial logit models and decomposition techniques, I show that the trends in behavior over the period between 1980 and 2000 reflect rising housing costs, only partially offset by rising real incomes. I also show that the sharp decline in the headship rate from 2006 to 2010 is due in part to the rise in unemployment, confirming the intuition that the business cycle is helping to drive the shorter-run fluctuations in the data. I also find a small role for credit constraints in affecting household formation.4

Applying these insights, I estimate a fairly simple econometric model of the headship rate and then project it forward using the Congressional Budget Office's forecast of the unemployment rate through the end of the decade. Combined with ongoing population growth, this projection suggests that household formation could step up markedly as the labor market recovers. Indeed, as the headship rate returns to trend, the model predicts that household formation will rise to 1.6 million per year, substantially higher than its long-run average. While there are good reasons, detailed in section 7, not to take this precise figure too seriously, housing demand should receive substantial impetus from recovering household formation in the next several years.5

2 A Model of Headship

Although the aggregate headship rate--the ratio of households to people--is a simple concept, examining individual choices that affect the headship rate requires careful accounting. In particular, it is not always obvious whom to label as the "head" of a household, either theoretically or empirically. This section sets out a relatively simple dynamic model of headship that provides structure for the empirical work to follow.

Consider an adult in period  t with a set of characteristics (  \theta_{t}), such as age, sex, and educational attainment. Provided she is neither out of the labor force ( n_{t}) nor unemployed ( u_{t}), she earns her wage offer  w\left(\theta_t\right). She makes a choice  h_{t} among a set of four discrete living states: Living with family members, such as her parents; living alone; living with a spouse or domestic partner; or living with non-relative roommates. Each state involves different utility benefits  \mu\left(h_{t};\theta_{t}\right) and housing costs  r\left(h_{t}\right). The chosen state may also involve a transfer payment  \lambda\left(h_t;\theta_t\right) from other members of the household to compensate her for home production that benefits them, particularly if she does not work outside the home.

Her decision problem each year is

\displaystyle V\left(h_{t-1}\right) = \max_{h_{t}} \left\{ \nu\left(\left(1-n_{t}\right)\left(1-u_{t}\right)w\left(\theta_t\right) + \lambda\left(h_t;\theta_t\right) - r\left(h_{t}\right)\right) + \mu\left(h_{t};\theta_{t}\right) - \rho\left(h_{t},h_{t-1}\right) + \beta V\left(h_{t}\right) \right\} (3)

where  \nu\left(\cdot\right) is an increasing and concave function and  \rho\left(h_{t},h_{t-1}\right) is the cost of switching states, with  \rho\left(h_{t},h_{t}\right)=0. This formulation of the choice problem emphasizes the trade-off between the utility and housing cost implications of a particular state, conditional on realized labor income. The wage offer and utility of a state may vary with demographics, which is why changes in the demographic profile of the population can affect the headship rate, even holding choices constant for a given  \theta_{t}.

There are several other aspects of the model worth noting. First, it ignores the actual choice of where to live. Once a state is chosen, all housing units are identical, and individuals are indifferent between owning and renting. In a more complete model that explicitly considers the home ownership decision, an individual's credit score or foreclosure history may be relevant for headship decisions. I examine this possibility in the empirics.

Second, the choice of whether to enter the labor market is exogenous, and there is no search and matching process for finding a partner. In this model, an individual can immediately--though not necessarily costlessly--find a spouse or partner whose preferences regarding labor outside the home complement her own. For example, if she prefers to work and have a partner who concentrates on home production, she can always find one who is willing to do so in exchange for a transfer payment.

Finally, for completeness the model includes a cost of switching household states, which implies that the choice of a state today will be affected by the choice made yesterday. Rational individuals will thus take expected future conditions into account today. Since the data I use in this paper are cross-sectional, I do not allow for dynamics in the empirical work below, but the dynamic aspects of headship choice are deserving of further research.6

Mapping the decision problem in equation 3 into a headship rate requires specifying how each living state "contributes" to headship. Let  C\left(h_{t};\theta_{t}\right) \longrightarrow [0,1] be a function that maps states, conditional on characteristics, onto contributions. Since the point is to relate people to a household, which by definition occupies one housing unit, the function is subject to the constraint that the contributions of all individuals in a household must sum to 1. For example, if each member of a married couple counts as half a head, then  C\left(\textbf{spouse/partner}\right) = \frac{1}{2}, regardless of characteristics. Alternatively, if heterosexual married men always count as the household head, as was the case in Census data prior to 1980, then  C\left(\textbf{spouse/partner};\textbf{male}\right) = 1 and  C\left(\textbf{spouse/partner};\textbf{female}\right) = 0.

The particular choice of  C\left(h_{t};\theta_{t}\right) may depend on the data available or the empirical methodology chosen; I discuss several alternatives in the empirical section below. The key point is that once a mapping is defined, we can calculate headship rates for different segments of the population. For example, we can define a headship rate for people of age  a by

\displaystyle HS_{a,t} = \frac{H_{a,t}}{P_{a,t}} = \sum_{i;a_i=a} \frac{C\left(h_{i,t};\theta_{i,t}\right)}{i}
where  i denotes individuals and  a ages.

3 Data

I draw on cross-sectional microdata from three sources: the Current Population Survey (CPS), the American Community Survey (ACS), and the decennial censuses. I use the Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the CPS, frequently referred to as the March CPS, to construct annual headship rates from 1980 through 2012.7 While the sample consists of less than 100,000 people, substantially fewer than the American Community Survey (ACS) or the decennial censuses, the CPS does ask the relevant questions about within-household relationships that I need to construct various headship measures. It also has the advantage of being available annually over a relatively long time span.

The second source of data is the ACS, an annual 1 percent sample of the U.S. population--approximately 3 million people--that includes detailed information on a variety of characteristics, including demographics, income, and employment status. Unlike the CPS, the ACS has a large enough sample to draw reliable inferences about patterns at the metropolitan level. Although versions of the ACS IPUMS8 are available from 2000 onwards, the survey was not fully implemented until 2006.9 Consequently, I use the 2006 and 2010 waves of the ACS to estimate headship models that shed light on the aftermath of the housing bust. Finally, to compare large samples over a longer time horizon, I use the 5 percent microdata samples from the 1980 and 2000 censuses.10

Although these surveys all have large samples and detailed publicly available microdata, they also provide strikingly different estimates of the headship rate. Figure 2 plots the aggregate headship rates from each sample, with the CPS represented by a solid line, the ACS by a dashed line, and the Census by solid circles. The CPS headship rate is markedly higher than both the Census and the ACS, which in principle could reflect the fact that the CPS excludes people in institutions, such as prisons or nursing homes, while the Census and ACS includes them. In practice, however, I have been unable to reconcile the estimates regardless of how the institutionalized population is counted. Regardless, the difference between the ACS and the Census in 2010, which is also sizable, cannot result from differences along this dimension.11

Importantly for my purposes, however, the trends in all of these series are broadly similar. For example, both census and CPS data show an increase in the headship rate from 1990 to 2000, followed by a decline back to roughly the 1990 level by 2010. The ACS, meanwhile, shows a relatively similar decline to the CPS in the latter half of the 2000s. Consequently, I draw on each data set for a different part of my analysis, while acknowledging concerns about their comparability. Specifically, I use the CPS to decompose annual movements in the headship rate from 1980 to the present. I use the microdata from the 1980 and 2000 censuses to compare longer run differences in behavior that affects headship and household formation. Finally, I use the 2006 and 2010 waves of the ACS microdata to examine the most recent decline in headship and household formation.12

3.1 Credit

One possible explanation for these declines is that borrowers have had less access to credit since the housing bust, both because banks are less willing to lend for a given set of borrower characteristics and because many borrowers now have foreclosures on their records. This suggests incorporating credit-related variables into the 2006-2010 comparison.

Importantly, the ACS lacks any information on credit-worthiness, other than income. In order to examine the effect of credit-related constraints on headship decisions, I use information from the FRBNY/Equifax consumer credit panel, which is a 5 percent random sample of credit-related information from all individuals with credit records and Social Security numbers.13 I focus in particular on individuals' credit scores and the presence of a foreclosure on their credit report.14 While the Equifax sample lacks any demographic information other than age, it does contain detailed geographic identifiers that make it possible to indirectly impute credit scores to individuals in the ACS.

This imputation is a two-step process. I first link individuals in the 2006 and 2010 waves of the credit panel to aggregate block and block-group level data from the 2000 Census. Within each year and public use microdata area (PUMA), I regress credit scores, foreclosure, and default on a nonlinear function of age and, given the demographics in the 2000 Census, the probabilities that an individual is of a given race, is of Hispanic origin, or has a given level of educational attainment. I then impute a credit score and probability of a prior foreclosure to each individual in the IPUMS using the resulting PUMA-level coefficients.15 Variation in imputed credit information thus comes from geography--the PUMA of the individual--crossed with his or her demographic characteristics and education.

Imputing credit in this way loses any idiosyncratic individual-level variation. This could be problematic if the effect of credit differs across the predictable and idiosyncratic components. Given the lack of large representative data sets with employment, income, and credit information, however, it is an improvement over existing work. In addition, the imputation process meets the criteria for the credit variables to serve as generated regressors (Wooldridge, 2002, p. 115), which means that--unlike when variables are measured with error--simple estimators remain consistent, although standard errors must be adjusted to account for the multi-stage estimation process.

4 The Role of Aging

Using the notation introduced in section 2, the aggregate headship rate in year  t can be decomposed into a weighted sum of headship rates by age, where the weights are the fraction of the population at each age  a.16

\displaystyle HS_t = \sum_a \left[ HS_{a,t} \times \frac{P_{a,t}}{P_t} \right] (4)

Over the life cycle, headship rates rise rapidly from less than 20 percent at age 18 to about 50 percent at age 30, then increase more gradually, as shown in figure 3. The substantial range of these estimates points to an important role for the age composition of the population: All else equal, an older population will demand more housing units, since older people tend to live in smaller households.

We can examine the effect of aging on the aggregate headship rate by defining a new aggregate that holds the headship rate for each age constant at its average value over time, while allowing the age profile of the population to vary.

\displaystyle HS^D_t = \sum_a \left[ \overline{HS_{a}} \times \frac{P_{a,t}}{P_t} \right] (5)

Conversely, we can strip out the effects of aging and look at the underlying behavioral changes by holding the age profile constant but allowing the headship rates for each age to change.17
\displaystyle HS^B_t = \sum_a \left[ HS_{a,t} \times \frac{\overline{P_{a}}}{\overline{P}} \right] (6)

Since the two components of the headship rate depend on age-specific headship rates, calculating them requires me to specify  C\left(h_{t};\theta_{t}\right), the contribution of each living state to headship, conditional on characteristics. For the purposes of this paper, I assume

\begin{displaymath}\begin{split} C(\textbf{family}) &= 0 \ C(\textbf{alone}) &= 1 \ C(\textbf{spouse/partner}) &= \frac{1}{2} \ C(\textbf{roommate}) &= \frac{1}{n_r} \end{split}\end{displaymath}
where  n_r is the number of unrelated adults living together. That is, adults living in the house of a family member other than a spouse contribute nothing to headship; adults living alone are full heads, by default; spouses each count as half a head; and roommates each contribute equally.18 Importantly, the results are very similar under different choices of  C\left(h_{t};\theta_{t}\right), such as simply assigning headship to the survey respondent in all cases or assigning headship to the person with the highest income in the household.

The dotted line in figure 4 shows  HS^D_t, what the aggregate headship rate would have been in each year if the headship rate at each age had remained constant at its average level over time while only the age distribution of the population had changed. The upward trend of this line indicates that the aging of the U.S. population has pushed up the headship rate substantially, or reduced the average household size. Census population projections, used to extrapolate the aging effect into the future, imply that it will continue to do so at least through 2020. This demographic "push" explains why the aggregate headship rate--the solid line--has risen, on net, since the mid-1970s.

After stripping out this the effects of aging, the behavioral component  HS^B_t--the dashed line--appears to have declined over time. This decline suggests that there have been secular shifts in the decisions of individuals within each age group that have increased the average household size. I examine the drivers of these secular shifts in the next section. Meanwhile, the behavioral component also shows sharp declines in the early 1980s, early 1990s, and late 2000s. These declines and the subsequent recoveries suggest a role for the business cycle, which I explore in sections 6 and 7.

6 Short-Run Dynamics

I now turn to examining changes in headship-related behavior between 2006 and 2010, a period in which the aggregate headship rate fell by more than half a percentage point, driven by a decline in the behavioral component. As shown in figure 4, the sharpest declines in both of these series occurred between 2008 and 2010, after the housing market had begun to collapse but roughly concurrent with the largest increases in unemployment.

Table 5 shows average attributes in the ACS over the two years. The fraction of the population that was unemployed increased by about 75 percent between 2006 and 2010, while the average real income fell. Meanwhile, the fraction of individuals with a foreclosure on their credit score, as imputed by the procedure described in section 3, more than doubled. Surprisingly, however, the average credit score actually increased slightly over this period, despite the foreclosures and other adverse credit events in the wake of the financial crisis.31 Finally, although house prices fell substantially during this period, the average MSA-level real rent increased, likely because rental units offered an alternative to former owner-occupants.

To focus on how these attributes affect headship choices, I estimate a multinomial logit model that parallels the one in the previous section. The marginal effects, shown in table 6, largely match my priors and are qualitatively similar to the results in section 5.32 For example, being unemployed implies a 7 percentage point higher probability of living with adult family members and an even larger decline in the probability of living with a spouse or partner. Similarly, individuals with lower incomes are more likely to live with family or with roommates and less likely to live with a spouse or partner.

As in the long-run results, higher rent in the individual's metropolitan area has a large effect on headship, with 20 percent higher rents--about one standard deviation--implying that individuals are about 3 percentage points more likely to live at home. They are about 2 percentage points each less likely to live alone or with with a spouse, and about 1 percentage point more likely to live with roommates. Meanwhile, the probability of being married rises and the probability of living with family falls with educational attainment, while high school or college attendance increases the probability of living with family.

The results in table 6 also suggest that credit availability affects headship. A one standard deviation increase in credit score raises the probability of living with a spouse by about 2 percentage point and reduces the probability of living alone by the same amount. In addition, a foreclosure raises the probability of living with family by 9 percentage points, thanks to reductions in living alone and with roommates.

While these credit results seem reasonably intuitive, the estimates for young adults reported in table 7 sow some doubt. As in the long-run results, most of the covariates, including unemployment and rent, have more impact on adults aged 30 or younger. The foreclosure effects, however, are both massive and seemingly at odds with the results for the whole population. Taken at face value, they indicate that a foreclosure increases the probability that a young adult lives with a spouse or partner by about 65 percentage points and decreases the probability he lives with family by more than 50 percentage points. This is almost certainly not a causal effect. Rather, individuals whom I impute to have a high likelihood of foreclosure also have a high probability of being married and a low probability of living with their families, simply because it is not possible to have a foreclosure on one's credit report unless one has owned a home. This line of reasoning suggests that all of the credit results should be viewed with some suspicion.

The decomposition of the living state probabilities shown in table 8 allows us to examine the implications of these estimates for the headship rate. The top two rows show the percentages of individuals who were in each living state in 2006 and 2010. The differences, shown in the third line, indicate that the decline in headship of about 0.8 percentage points during this period can be largely attributed to an increase in the fraction of individuals living with family. There was a roughly corresponding decrease in the fraction living with a spouse or partner.

The "Total Explained" and "Unexplained" lines indicate that the parameter estimates from the model and the change in covariates can explain roughly half of the change in each living state. Because the mean covariate values changed relatively little during this period, the approximation errors shown in the table are small. The most important covariates appear to be unemployment and metropolitan rent, which account for much of the explained portion of the changes in living with family and living with a spouse or partner. The rise in foreclosures also helps to explain the decline in headship, by accounting for a small boost to living with family and a corresponding decline in living alone.33

The effects of unemployment, higher rent, and foreclosure more than outweighed the higher headship that would have resulted from demographic change and better educational attainment. Interestingly, I find relatively small effects of school attendance. This result holds even in a decomposition of the decisions of young adults alone (not shown), suggesting that large numbers of young adults are not foregoing forming households in order to attend college or graduate school.

7 Projecting Household Formation

Given that unemployment seems to have depressed the headship rate in recent years, it is interesting to consider the possible paths of headship and household formation going forward, as the economy continues to recover. In this section, I use the insights from the microdata to construct a relatively simple econometric model of the headship rate and use the model to project headship given the baseline labor market projection from the Congressional Budget Office. I first estimate a panel regression of headship rates, pooling across ages ( a) and years ( t), on a linear time trend and the lagged unemployment gap ( U_{t-1}).34 The trend captures the sort of long-run behavioral changes discussed in section 5, while the unemployment gap proxies for a variety of cyclical labor market conditions.35

As discussed above, a careful inspection of the data suggests that both the trend and cyclical pattern differ over the life cycle. In particular, unemployment has a stronger effect on headship among younger adults than among prime-age adults. Consequently, I allow the coefficients on the unemployment gap and the trend to vary by age group,  g\left(a\right), with the groups defined as 30 or younger and 31 or higher:

\displaystyle HS_{a,t} = \alpha_a + \beta^U_{g(a)} U_{t-1} + \beta^T_{g(a)} t + \epsilon_{a,t} (9)

Note that modeling the headship rate at each age implicitly strips out the effects of the aging population on the aggregate headship rate, so the coefficients only capture the behavioral effects discussed above.36

Table 9 shows the estimated parameter values from equation 9.37 As suggested by the results above, young adults are quite sensitive to the business cycle, with each percentage point rise in the (aggregate) unemployment gap depressing the headship rate by 0.36 percentage points, relative to trend. By contrast, the headship rate of adults more than 30 years old drops by only 0.08 percentage points. The downward trend in headship has also been much stronger among younger adults.

These estimates, combined with the Census Bureau's population projections from 2012, allow me to predict the headship rate through 2020. I first calculate the fitted values of the headship rate at each age, given the time trend and the predicted unemployment gap from the CBO. I then aggregate the age-specific fitted headship rates using the Census Bureau’s projected population shares as weights, which reintroduces the effects of the aging population.

The headship projection depends crucially on the unemployment gap, which, as shown in figure 5, rose to about 4 percentage points in 2010 before declining over the last two years. Despite this decline, the CBO projects that the gap will remain elevated through 2014 before falling back to roughly zero in 2017. Figure 6 plots the aggregate headship rate, the predicted headship rate given the unemployment gap projection, and the predicted headship rate when the unemployment gap is set to zero over the whole horizon. The model fits the data reasonably well, and it clearly demonstrates the important role of the unemployment gap in depressing household formation. Indeed, if the unemployment gap had been zero in 2011--the dotted line--the model predicts that the headship rate would have been more than half a percentage point higher, which translates to an additional 1.5 million households.

The other notable feature of the chart is that, while the headship rate remains below trend for some time, the model implies that it should rise fairly rapidly. This projected recovery follows the small increases in the headship rate realized over the past two years, a feature of the data that the model fits rather nicely. The increase reflects the aging of the population and the (slow) projected decline in the unemployment gap. As the "headship gap" closes, the model implies that household formation should rise above its trend pace, as younger adults begin to move out of their parents' homes, for example.

Given the predicted headship rate, the predicted pace of household formation depends on aggregate population growth. Between the 2000 and 2010 Censuses, the adult U.S. population grew by about 25 million, or 2.5 million per year. The Census Bureau projects that average population growth from 2012 through 2020 will be somewhat slower, about 2.2 million per year. Even if the headship rate were to remain flat at its 2012 level of about 51.5 percent, we would thus expect new household formation of 1.1 to 1.2 million per year, substantially higher than in recent years.38 If the headship rate follows the model projection from figure 6, household formation will be faster, averaging 1.5 to 1.6 million per year from 2013 until 2017, at which point it will slow as the headship rate reaches a level consistent with roughly full employment.

There are several caveats associated with these estimates. First, the model presented here is relatively simple. It uses the unemployment gap as a summary of economic conditions, ignoring relevant factors with which the gap may not be well correlated, including housing costs and credit conditions. It also relies on a time trend to predict long-term behavioral shifts. If headship rates, excluding aging effects and the business cycle, fall faster than they have over the last 30 years, household formation could be slower than projected here. Conversely, if the behavioral trend reverses itself, even in part, household formation could be even faster than the model suggests.

Second, the differences in headship rate estimates from the CPS, Census, and ACS should reduce confidence in the model predictions, since it exclusively relies on the CPS. While I take some comfort from the similar trends in these data, as discussed in section 3, there may be differences in the surveys that are less obvious, confounding the results. Moreover, since the levels of the headship rate differ so widely across surveys, I have deliberately avoided trying to estimate the total number of households or the size of the vacant stock.

Finally, the translation between household formation and new residential construction is also fraught with difficulty, which is why I do not interpret household formation of 1.5 to 1.6 million as implying any particular level of construction, at least in the short and medium runs. Even if these household formation estimates turn out to be accurate, it is not clear how many of these households can be accommodated by the present vacant stock, regardless of how large it actually is.39 While it is worthwhile to explore the relationship between household formation and construction further, it is beyond the scope of this paper.

8 Conclusion

The low rate of household formation in recent years, which reflects a sharp decline in the headship rate, has played a key role in depressing the housing market. In this paper, I study both the long- and short-run behavior of the headship rate. I find that the aging U.S. population has pushed up the headship rate for decades, and will continue to do so for some time. These supportive demographics have more than outweighed the negative effects of changing individual behavior, in part in response to rising housing costs.

I also find that fluctuations in the headship rate are driven in part by the labor market and the business cycle. I use this insight to construct a relatively simple model that relates the behavioral component of the headship rate to the CBO's unemployment gap projections. The model implies that household formation should pick up substantially in the next several years as the labor market slowly recovers.

There are several important avenues for further study. First, the empirical work in this paper is only loosely related to the theoretical model I discuss. While it is useful to know which covariates are correlated with choices that affect the headship rate, I have not isolated the causal mechanisms involved. Second, the empirics completely ignore the possibility of forward-looking behavior, which could be important for explaining the dynamics of headship and household formation. Finally, while my results suggest that foreclosures have played a modest role in depressing the headship rate since 2006, better data that directly relates credit availability to headship would enable a more complete exploration of this channel.


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Ruggles, Steven, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek
"Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0," 2010.
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M.
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press, 2002.
Yun, Myeong-Su
"Decomposing Differences in the First Moment," Economics Letters, 2004, 82, 275-280.
Figure 1:Population and Headship Rate, Growth Rates
Figure 1: Population and Headship, Growth Rates. Figure plots annualized five-year percent changes of the population (age 18+) and the headship rate from 1980 to 2012.  The population growth rate is a bit less than 2 percent in 1980 but declines steadily to about 1-1/4 percent by 1990 and remains almost flat thereafter.  The growth rate of the headship rate is centered around zero but is much more volatile than the population growth rate.
Figure 2:Headship Rate
Figure 2: Headship Rate. Figure plots three series.  The first, shown in a solid line running from 1978 to 2012, is the headship rate as calculated from the CPS.  It is somewhat volatile but generally increases from 1980 (50-1/2 percent) until the early 2000s (52 percent) before declining sharply after 2006 (to 51-1/4 percent) and then rebounding somewhat after 2010 (to 51-1/2 percent).  The second series is the headship rate as calculated from the ACS. It runs only from 2006 to 2011 and declines steadily from 50 percent to about 48-1/2 percent.  The third series is the headship rate calculated from the decennial censuses, shown as dots.  The 1980 and 1990 do tare at about 49-1/2 percent, while the 2000 dot is at 50-1/2 percent and the 2010 dot back down to about 50 percent.
Figure 3:Headship Rate by Age, 2000 Census
Figure 3: Headship Rate by Age, 2000 Census. Figure shows a sharp increase in the headship rate from age 18 through about age 30, then a more gradual increase through age 80.
Figure 4:Headship Rate (CPS)
Figure 4: Headship Rate (CPS). Figure shows three series, the aggregate headship rate, a behavioral component, and a demographic component.  The aggregate and the behavioral component run through 2012, while the demographic component is projected through 2020.  The aggregate series is volatile but generally increases from 1980 through the early 2000s before declining after 2006 and then slightly rebounding after 2010.  The behavioral component has a general downward trend but fluctuates, with peaks around 1980, 1989, and the early 2000s.  The demographic component shows a relatively smooth upward trajectory, including in the forecast period after 2012.
Figure 5:Unemployment Gap (CBO)
Figure 5: Unemployment Gap (CBO).Figure plots one series, including history through 2012 and forecast from 2013 to 2025.  The unemployment gap is volatile, with peaks during recessions in the early 1980s, early 1990s, early 2000s, and late 2000s.  The gap falls from 2014 or so through 2016 and then levels out at about zero.
Figure 6:Predicted Headship Rate (CPS)
Figure 6:Predicted Headship Rate (CPS). Figure plots three series, the aggregate headship rate, a predicted headship rate from the model, and a predicted headship rate when the unemployment gap is set to zero.  The aggregate series is volatile but generally increases from 1980 through the early 2000s before declining after 2006 and then slightly rebounding after 2010.  The predicted series generally matches the aggregate series over history and continues the recent recovery through the projection to 2020.  The predicted series (gap = 0) tracks the aggregate but is much smoother and does not show any decline in the late 2000s.  The predicted and predicted (gap = 0) series align after about 2018.

Table 1: Summary Statistics, 1980 vs 2000
  1980 2000
Unemployed 0.04 0.04
Not in Labor Force 0.34 0.33
Income ($1000) 22.08 31.03
Zero Income 0.02 0.02
Rent (MSA, $1000) 6.61 8.22
In High School 0.02 0.02
In College/Grad. School 0.08 0.09
4+ Years College 0.16 0.25
Black 0.12 0.12
Hispanic 0.07 0.13
Female 0.53 0.52
Age 42.35 44.34
N 5,540,697 7,206,159
Real 2000 dollar values using CPI.

Table 2: Multinomial Logit Model, All Adults, 1980 & 2000
  Family Alone Spouse/Partner Roommate
Unemployed 0.047 0.019 -0.100 0.033
Unemployed Approximation error (0.000) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000)
Not in Labor Force 0.013 -0.057 0.046 -0.001
Not in Labor Force Approximation error (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Log Income -0.038 0.012 0.049 -0.023
Log Income Approximation error (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Zero Income 0.064 -0.105 0.005 0.036
Zero Income Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000)
Log Rent (MSA) 0.121 0.035 -0.190 0.034
Log Rent (MSA) Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
In High School 0.091 0.050 -0.118 -0.023
In High School Approximation error (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.001)
In College/Grad. School 0.034 0.054 -0.137 0.049
In College/Grad. School Approximation error (0.000) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000)
Some College -0.023 0.008 0.011 0.004
Some College Approximation error (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
4+ Years College -0.044 0.011 0.019 0.013
4+ Years College Approximation error (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
N 12,746,856
Marginal effects at average coefficients. Effects of age B-splines, race, ethnicity, sex, and metropolitan area not shown.

Table 3: Multinomial Logit Model, Young Adults, 1980 & 2000
  Family Alone Spouse/Partner Roommate
Unemployed 0.092 -0.022 -0.109 0.038
Unemployed Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Not in Labor Force 0.014 -0.051 0.037 0.000
Not in Labor Force Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Log Income -0.110 0.027 0.129 -0.046
Log Income Approximation error (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Zero Income 0.191 -0.101 -0.167 0.077
Zero Income Approximation error (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
Log Rent (MSA) 0.199 -0.061 -0.166 0.028
Log Rent (MSA) Approximation error (0.003) (0.002) (0.003) (0.002)
In High School 0.546 -0.063 -0.444 -0.039
In High School Approximation error (0.002) (0.002) (0.003) (0.002)
In College/Grad. School 0.170 -0.015 -0.283 0.128
In College/Grad. School Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Some College -0.080 0.015 0.034 0.031
Some College Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
4+ Years College -0.222 0.080 0.094 0.048
4+ Years College Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
N 3,569,768
Estimates for individuals ages 18-30. Marginal effects at average coefficients. Effects of race, ethnicity, sex, and metropolitan area not shown.

Table 4: Multinomial Logit Decomposition, All Adults, 1980 vs 2000
  Family Alone Spouse/Partner Roommate
1980 14.61 18.65 58.86 7.88
2000 14.55 20.59 57.73 7.13
Difference (2000-1980) -0.06 1.94 -1.13 -0.75
Contributions to Difference: Unexplained 0.33 0.59 -0.85 -0.07
Contributions to Difference: Total Explained -0.39 1.35 -0.28 -0.68
Contributions to Total Explained: Approximation Error -0.16 0.24 0.32 -0.39
Contributions to Total Explained: Linear Approximation -0.23 1.11 -0.59 -0.29
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Unemployment -0.01 0.00 0.03 -0.01
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Out of Labor Force -0.02 0.08 -0.06 0.00
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Log Income -0.73 0.22 0.93 -0.43
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Zero Income -0.01 0.02 0.00 -0.01
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Log Rent 2.51 0.72 -3.92 0.70
Contributions to Linear Approximation: School Attendance 0.05 0.05 -0.12 0.02
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Education -0.53 0.15 0.24 0.14
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Demographics -1.18 0.11 1.81 -0.74
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Metropolitan Area -0.31 -0.23 0.50 0.04
Percentage points. "Total Explained" is the difference in percentages predicted by the multinomial logit model using 2006 and 2010 covariates. "Linear Approximation" is the sum of the differences in contribution of each covariate under a first-order Taylor approximation.

Table 5: Summary Statistics, 2006 vs 2010
  2006 2010
Unemployed 0.04 0.07
Not in Labor Force 0.32 0.32
Income ($1000) 30.21 28.57
Zero Income 0.01 0.01
Rent (MSA, $1000) 9.12 9.43
Credit Score 681 683
Foreclosure 0.009 0.020
In High School 0.02 0.01
In College 0.08 0.09
In Grad./Prof. School 0.02 0.02
4+ Years College 0.27 0.28
Black 0.13 0.13
Hispanic 0.15 0.17
Female 0.52 0.52
Age 45.09 45.53
N 1,602,340 1,676,407
Real 2000 dollar values using CPI. See text for description of credit score and foreclosure variables.

Table 6: Multinomial Logit Model, All Adults, 2006 & 2010
  Family Alone Spouse/Partner Roommate
Unemployed 0.074 0.013 -0.089 0.002
Unemployed Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
Not in Labor Force 0.048 -0.058 -0.008 0.018
Not in Labor Force Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000)
Log Income -0.046 0.012 0.055 -0.020
Log Income Approximation error (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Zero Income 0.103 -0.108 -0.037 0.042
Zero Income Approximation error (0.003) (0.005) (0.005) (0.002)
Log Rent (MSA) 0.163 -0.105 -0.100 0.043
Log Rent (MSA) Approximation error (0.01) (0.011) (0.013) (0.006)
Credit Score 0.004 -0.017 0.018 -0.005
Credit Score Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000)
Foreclosure 0.091 -0.074 0.003 -0.021
Foreclosure Approximation error (0.008) (0.008) (0.01) (0.005)
In High School 0.090 0.041 -0.069 -0.062
In High School Approximation error (0.003) (0.005) (0.006) (0.002)
In College 0.042 0.027 -0.109 0.040
In College Approximation error (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.001)
In Grad./Prof. School 0.008 0.055 -0.095 0.031
In Grad./Prof. School Approximation error (0.002) (0.002) (0.003) (0.001)
No HS Degree 0.017 0.007 -0.036 0.013
No HS Degree Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Some College -0.049 0.030 0.023 -0.003
Some College Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Associate's Degree -0.043 0.025 0.036 -0.017
Associate's Degree Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
Bachelor's Degree -0.063 0.016 0.042 0.004
Bachelor's Degree Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Advanced Degree -0.114 0.030 0.082 0.002
Advanced Degree Approximation error (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
N 3,278,747
Marginal effects at average coefficients. Effects of age B-splines, race, ethnicity, sex, and metropolitan area not shown. Credit scores standardized to have mean zero and standard deviation one.

Table 7: Multinomial Logit Model, Young Adults, 2006 & 2010
  Family Alone Spouse/Partner Roommate
Unemployed 0.176 -0.042 -0.094 -0.040
Unemployed Approximation error (0.003) (0.002) (0.003) (0.002)
Not in Labor Force 0.093 -0.077 -0.053 0.038
Not in Labor Force Approximation error (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.001)
Log Income -0.099 0.028 0.097 -0.027
Log Income Approximation error (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Zero Income 0.276 -0.126 -0.229 0.079
Zero Income Approximation error (0.006) (0.005) (0.006) (0.004)
Log Rent (MSA) 0.364 -0.169 -0.248 0.054
Log Rent (MSA) Approximation error (0.029) (0.017) (0.022) (0.021)
Credit Score -0.011 0.000 0.027 -0.016
Credit Score Approximation error (0.002) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Foreclosure -0.530 0.194 0.642 -0.307
Foreclosure Approximation error (0.024) (0.013) (0.018) (0.018)
In High School 0.598 -0.106 -0.396 -0.096
In High School Approximation error (0.006) (0.005) (0.007) (0.005)
In College 0.163 -0.048 -0.236 0.120
In College Approximation error (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002)
In Grad./Prof. School -0.027 0.023 -0.056 0.060
In Grad.Prof. School Approximation error (0.005) (0.002) (0.003) (0.003)
No HS Degree -0.057 0.014 0.040 0.002
No HS Degree Approximation error (0.003) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003)
Some College -0.098 0.030 0.044 0.023
Some College Approximation error (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002)
Associate's Degree -0.102 0.051 0.102 -0.051
Associate's Degree Approximation error (0.004) (0.002) (0.003) (0.003)
Bachelor's Degree -0.160 0.057 0.049 0.054
Bachelor's Degree Approximation error (0.003) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Advanced Degree -0.302 0.099 0.133 0.070
Advanced Degree Approximation error (0.006) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004)
N 686,214
Estimates for individuals ages 18-30. Marginal effects at average coefficients. Effects of age B-splines, race, ethnicity, sex, and metropolitan area not shown. Credit scores standardized to have mean zero and standard deviation one.

Table 8: Multinomial Logit Decomposition, All Adults, 2006 vs 2010
  Family Alone Spouse/Partner Roommate
2006 17.18 21.50 54.09 7.22
2010 18.60 21.25 52.61 7.54
Difference (2010-2006) 1.42 -0.25 -1.48 0.32
Contributions to Difference: Unexplained 0.76 -0.14 -0.76 0.15
Contributions to Difference: Total Explained 0.66 -0.11 -0.72 0.17
Contributions to Total Explained: Approximation Error -0.04 -0.01 0.03 0.02
Contributions to Total Explained: Linear Approximation 0.70 -0.10 -0.75 0.15
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Unemployment 0.23 0.04 -0.28 0.01
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Out of Labor Force 0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.00
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Log Income 0.09 -0.02 -0.11 0.04
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Zero Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Log Rent 0.56 -0.36 -0.35 0.15
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Credit Score 0.01 -0.03 0.04 -0.01
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Foreclosure 0.10 -0.08 0.00 -0.02
Contributions to Linear Approximation: School Attendance 0.01 0.03 -0.09 0.05
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Education -0.22 0.08 0.16 -0.02
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Demographics -0.04 0.26 -0.17 -0.05
Contributions to Linear Approximation: Metropolitan Area -0.05 0.00 0.04 0.01
Percentage points. "Total Explained" is the difference in percentages predicted by the multinomial logit model using 2006 and 2010 covariates. "Linear Approximation" is the sum of the differences in contribution of each covariate under a first-order Taylor approximation.

Table 9: Cyclical Headship Model
Unemployment Gap X; Young -0.36
Unemployment Gap X; Young Standard Error (0.04)
Unemployment Gap X; Other -0.08
Unemployment Gap X; Other Standard Error (0.02)
Time Trend X; Young -0.0010
Time Trend X; Young Standard Error (0.0001)
Time Trend X; Other -0.0001
Time Trend X; Other Standard Error (0.0000)
N 2331
Dependent variable is headship rate by age  a and year  t. See text for details. Standard errors in parentheses. Age-specific constant terms omitted. "Young" denotes ages 18-30; "Other" denotes ages 31+.


* I am grateful to Tom Davidoff, Andrew Figura, Jon Millar, Raven Molloy, and Stacey Tevlin for their comments and suggestions. The views I express herein are not necessarily those of the Board of Governors or its staff. All errors are my own. Return to Text
* Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. E-mail: [email protected] Return to Text
1. The estimates from 2001 onward are based on the "Revised Estimates of the Housing Inventory" from the Census Bureau's Housing Vacancy Survey (HVS). Longer-run estimates, which may not be fully comparable, are based on the standard HVS historical tables. I discuss potential problems with relying on this survey, which is closely related to the Current Population Survey, in section 3. Return to Text
2. I follow the Census Bureau in defining a household as all individuals occupying a given housing unit, regardless of family structure. The Census Bureau defines a housing unit as "a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied (or if vacant, is intended for occupancy) as separate living quarters." Return to Text
3. Although the average household size is probably a more intuitive concept, the theory and empirical work in this paper is much easier to cast in terms of the headship rate. Return to Text
4. As discussed further below, the credit results rely on imputing foreclosure records and credit scores from one data set to another, so these results may be less reliable than others in the paper. Bhutta (2013) finds that tighter credit has substantially reduced first-time homebuying, although his result could accord with mine if many individuals turned to renting, rather than failing to form households in the first place. Return to Text
5. The pitfalls of projecting housing demand are well known. For example, Mankiw and Weil (1989) argued--with appropriate caveats--that generational dynamics would cause house prices in the subsequent two decades to "fall to levels lower than observed at any time in recent history." Return to Text
6. Painter (2010) uses the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to look at transitions between household states. Return to Text
7. The CPS is the basis for the well-known Housing Vacancy Survey (HVS), which revisits units identified as vacant in the CPS. Consequently, estimates of vacancies and the number of households derived from these two surveys are roughly the same. Return to Text
8. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (Ruggles et al., 2010). Return to Text
9. The 2005 ACS, while a full 1 percent sample, did not contain information on the population in group quarters, such as prisons or college dormitories. While I drop the group quarters population from my data anyway, since by definition they do not live in households, the 2005 sample is not comparable to later samples because of differences in the available population weights. In the 2005 data, individuals in households with similar demographic characteristics as those in group quarters receive larger weights in order to match the overall population estimates. The difference in weights throws off even non-group quarters comparisons with later years in ways that may not be obvious to researchers. For example, some of the results in Painter (2010) rely on comparisons between the 2005 and 2008 waves of the ACS. Return to Text
10. The Census Bureau has not released microdata from the 2010 Census. Even if these data become available, they will be of limited use, since the replacement of the old long-form questionnaires with the ACS has sharply reduced the amount of useful information in the Census itself. Return to Text
11. The gaps between these measures implicitly reflect differences in vacancy rates. For given population and housing stock counts, a higher headship rate implies more households and fewer vacant units. The Census Bureau has researchers working to explain differences in vacancy rates across their various surveys, but they have not yet determined the reason for these differences (Cresce, 2012). Return to Text
12. Although the microdata from the 2011 ACS are available and are included in figure 2, I prefer the 2006-2010 comparison because a recovery in housing activity and prices appears to have begun in late 2011, and I want to focus on the low point of the cycle. In any case, the 2006-2011 results are quite similar. Return to Text
13. All personally identifiable information in the panel is stripped by Equifax. The data are not available in 1980, so I cannot incorporate them into the longer run analysis in section 5. Return to Text
14. The data contain Equifax Risk Scores, which are broadly similar to FICO scores. Return to Text
15. A PUMA is the smallest geographic area that is identifiable in the IPUMS. Return to Text
16. I focus on age in this section because stripping out other demographic characteristics, such as race and ethnicity, produces very similar results. Return to Text
17. One alternative to my approach would be to regress the headship rate on dummies for age, cohort, and year (Hall, 1971; Deaton, 1997). Since the three sets of dummies are collinear if unrestricted, a normalization is required in order to separately identify them. For example, Deaton (1997) attributes any time trend to the age and cohort effects, leaving the year effects to capture any variation around the trend. I instead separate out age effects but leaves the year and cohort effects commingled in the "behavioral" component. My approach does not require me to choose a normalization and is more compatible with the forecasting exercise described in section 7. Return to Text
18. I drop all individuals younger than 18 from my calculations. I consider the person responding to the survey to be the default head; family members other than his or her spouse contribute nothing. For example, if a married couple is living with the parents of one spouse, and one of the parents is the first person on the survey form, then each parent counts as half a head, and the younger couple contributes nothing. Return to Text
19. Note that mean unemployment as defined here differs significantly from the published unemployment rate from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for two reasons: First, the figures in table 1 use the entire adult population as the denominator, rather than just the number of individuals in the labor force. Second, differences in how questions about employment status are asked in the CPS and Census lead to different responses. See the discussion at Return to Text
20. The decennial census microdata do not distinguish actual college graduates from individuals with four or more years of a college education; the numbers reported in this section reflect the latter. Return to Text
21. The rent data are simply MSA-level averages taken from the 1980 and 2000 censuses. Return to Text
22. I also set the log income variable equal to zero for individuals who are unemployed, out of the labor force, or have low incomes by this definition. The coefficient on log income thus captures only changes to income on the intensive margin. Return to Text
23. The average marginal effects are qualitatively similar. Return to Text
24. Because the 1980 Census did not distinguish unmarried partners from roommates, the spouse or partner variable only includes spouses in that year, while the roommate variable includes unmarried partners. Return to Text
25. I use tenants' rent as my measure of housing costs throughout this paper, under the assumption that it also captures movements in the implicit rent of owner-occupied housing. While this assumption may not be entirely palatable, calculating implicit rent requires making strong and potentially misleading assumptions about unobservable factors like the risk premium or expected capital gain (Himmelberg et al., 2005). Return to Text
26. Variants of this decomposition have been used in a host of labor market studies, beginning with Blinder (1973) and Oaxaca (1973). Return to Text
27. For the formulas, see, e.g., Wooldridge (2002, p. 497). Return to Text
28. Some authors estimate separate models for each year, yielding  \beta_t and  \beta_{t'}, and use these estimates to calculate the contributions from changes in the coefficients, as well as changes in the  X's, or "endowments". In this context, I am primarily interested in the effects of changes in the  X's, so to keep things simple I pool the data to estimate  \beta and label the residual as the unexplained component. Return to Text
29. Most people living with roommates live with just one. Return to Text
30. I have suppressed the standard errors here because they are in all cases very small relative to the contributions, which is not surprising given the large sample sizes involved. Return to Text
31. This puzzling pattern has also been observed in FICO scores (Andriotis, 2012). Return to Text
32. Some of the differences in the estimated marginal effects between tables 6 and 2 arise from the the different average covariate values at which the marginal effects are evaluated. The standard errors reported in table 6 do not account for the imputation of the credit score and foreclosure variables. When I bootstrap the imputation and estimation, I get standard errors that are uniformly smaller than the usual standard errors, so I report the latter to be conservative. Return to Text
33. The contributions of credit score are very small, which is not surprising given that the average credit score changed little during this period. Return to Text
34. The unemployment gap equals the unemployment rate less an estimate of the "natural rate" or equilibrium unemployment rate. I take both the projections of the unemployment rate and the past and future estimates of the natural rate from the Congressional Budget Office's latest Budget and Economic Outlook. Return to Text
35. The estimates above indicate that rising real rent played an important role in pushing down the headship rate, both over the long and short runs. However, I have been unable to find a statistically or economically meaningful time series correlation between headship and aggregate rent measures, such as the rent of primary residence or owners' equivalent rent series from the Consumer Price Index. It is likely that the trend will pick up at least some of the effect of rising rent. Return to Text
36. The results are robust to reasonable alternative specifications of the age groups, such as including a third group for post-retirement age adults. Return to Text
37. The model also includes a full set of age dummies in order to finely control for differences in the level of the headship rate over the life cycle, but I omit the results from the table to maintain clarity. For the same reason, I avoid fully separating the equation for each age--in other words, giving each age  a its own  \beta^U_a and  \beta^T_a. The projection results are much the same if I do so. Return to Text
38. Estimates of household formation differ across surveys. The "revised", time-consistent estimates from the Housing Vacancy Survey--see historical table 7A--suggest that approximately 550,000 new households formed per year between 2006 and 2011. Estimates derived directly from the CPS are higher, particularly from 2006 to 2007 and from 2010 on. Return to Text
39. For example, even if the vacant stock is large, it could be concentrated in locations where few households desire to live. This would be a useful topic for further research, but the differences in vacancy estimates from the relevant surveys make it somewhat challenging. Return to Text

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