Board Votes 2012

The following reflects the voting record in 2012 of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on proposed and final regulations, including implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; and banking applications.

Date Action Votes for Votes against Abstentions Category
12/14/2012 Proposed rules to strengthen the oversight of U.S. operations of foreign banks Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Proposed Rule
11/20/2012 Appointment of the chairs and deputy chairs of the Federal Reserve Banks for 2013 Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None

Board Action*

11/20/2012 Agencies announce increases in dollar thresholds in regulations Z and M for exempt consumer credit and lease transactions Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Final Rule
11/15/2012 To seek public comment on a policy statement to be used to develop scenarios for annual supervisory and company-run stress tests and issue scenarios to be used in this year's stress tests Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None Governor Raskin Supervisory Matter*
11/14/2012 Approval of the application by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc., The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., and UnionBanCal Corporation Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Banking Order
10/25/2012 Delay in the implementation of the second phase of its program to simplify the administration of reserve requirements Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None Governor Raskin Final Rule
10/18/2012 To seek comments on Bank Secrecy Act definitions Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Proposed Rule*
10/04/2012 Final rules with stress test requirements for certain bank holding companies, state member banks, and savings and loan holding companies Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Final Rules
08/30/2012 Approval of application by Old National Bancorp Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Stein
None Governor Powell Banking Order
08/14/2012 Agencies issue proposed rule on appraisals for higher-risk mortgages Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Proposed Rule
07/30/2012 Approval of notice by BB&T Corporation Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Banking Order
07/26/2012 Final rule establishing risk-management standards for financial market utilities designated as systemically important Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Final Rule
07/26/2012 Federal Reserve Board approves final rule permitting debit card issuers to receive fraud-prevention adjustment Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Final Rule
06/27/2012 Federal Reserve Board and Treasury Department agree to reduce credit protection Treasury is providing for the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None

Emergency Facility*

06/07/2012 Board invites comment on three proposed rules intended to help ensure banks maintain strong capital positions Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Proposed Rules
06/07/2012 Final rule to implement changes to the market risk capital rule Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
Governor Powell
Governor Stein
None None Final Rule
05/25/2012 Final rule outlining procedures for securities holding companies (SHCs) to elect to be supervised by the Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Final Rule
05/9/2012 Final large bank stress testing guidance Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Final Guidance*
05/9/2012 Approval of application by Bank of China Limited Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Banking Order
05/9/2012 Approval of application by Agricultural Bank of China Limited Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Banking Order
05/9/2012 Approval of application by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Banking Order
04/16/2012 Volcker Rule Conformance Period Clarified Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None

Regulatory Matter*

04/09/2012 Issuance of a final decision and a cease and desist order against Louis A. DeNaples Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Enforcement Action
04/04/2012 Final rule to simplify administration of reserve requirements and reduce costs for depository institutions and Federal Reserve Banks Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Final Rule
04/02/2012 Proposed rulemaking to establish requirements for determining whether a company is predominantly engaged in financial activities Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Proposed Rule
03/28/2012 Agencies clarify effective date for Section 716 of the Dodd-Frank Act Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Final Guidance*
03/21/2012 Agencies propose revisions to leveraged finance guidance Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Proposed Guidance
03/20/2012 Approval of the application by Adam Bank Group to acquire Brazos Valley Bank Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Banking Order
02/14/2012 Approval of the notice by Capital One Financial Corporation ("Capital One") to acquire ING Bank Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governor Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Banking Order
02/08/2012 Approval of notice by Hana Financial Group Inc. Chairman Bernanke
Vice Chair Yellen
Governors Duke
Governor Tarullo
Governor Raskin
None None Banking Order

*On June 29, 2023, categories for Board votes from 2012 to 2022 were updated to standardize the categories.

Last Update: June 29, 2023