Board Votes 2015

Date Action Votes for Votes against Abstentions Category

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Chemical Bank

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by BB&T Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces civil money penalty and issues cease and desist order against Higher One, Inc.

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve Board issues final rule providing information on Board's revised capital rules for non-traditional stock corporations

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board approves final rule specifying its procedures for emergency lending under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board approves final rule to modify its capital plan and stress testing rules

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board proposes rule requiring large banking organizations to publicly disclose several measures of their liquidity profile

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Proposed Rule

Federal Reserve Board announces plan to redistribute unclaimed funds under Independent Foreclosure Review Payment Agreement

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Board Action***

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Community Bank System, Inc.

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Farmers Bank of Northern Missouri

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board permanently bars Rohit Bansal from participating in the banking industry

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve Board announces civil money penalty and issues cease and desist order against Deutsche Bank AG

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve Board approves fee schedule for Federal Reserve Bank priced services

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Fee Schedules

Agencies finalize swap margin rule

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Interim Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board proposes new rule to strengthen the ability of largest domestic and foreign banks operating in the United States to be resolved without extraordinary government support or taxpayer assistance

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Proposed Rule

Federal Reserve Board announces civil money penalty and issues cease and desist order against Credit Agricole S.A.

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve Board bars Thomas A. Neely, Jr., from participating in affairs of any insured depository institution and orders him to pay civil penalty

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Royal Bank of Canada

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Royal Bank of Canada and RBC USA Holdco Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by M&T Bank Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Empresas Juan Yarur SpA

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of proposal by PacWest Bancorp

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by First Horizon National Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Banner Corporation and Elements Merger Sub LLC

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Auburn State Bank

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board clarifies Regulation II regarding the inclusion of transaction-monitoring costs

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
None None Clarification**

Federal Reserve Board issues final order that establishes enhanced prudential standards for General Electric Capital Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Order

Federal Reserve Board approves final rule requiring the largest, most systemically important U.S. bank holding companies to further strengthen their capital positions

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by CIT Group

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Cathay General Bancorp

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by BB&T Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of final rule amending Regulation D

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Sterling Bancorp

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Agencies issue flood insurance rule

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Agencies issue final standards for assessing diversity policies and practices of regulated entities

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Final Standards


Federal Reserve Board requests public comment on enhancements to same-day ACH service

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Proposed Enhancements


Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by The Bank of Versailles

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Agencies issue final rule on minimum requirements for appraisal management companies

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Chemical Financial Corporation

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board requests public comment on proposed technical changes to Regulation D

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Proposed Rule

Federal Reserve Board announces five former private bankers and senior managers of Credit Suisse, AG, Zurich, Switzerland barred from employment in the banking industry

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve Board issues final rule to expand applicability of Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement and apply it to certain savings and loan holding companies

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Final Rule

Agencies adjust resolution plan filing deadline for nonbank financial institutions

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Supervisory Matter


Agencies provide feedback on resolution plans of three foreign banking organizations

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Supervisory Matter


Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by KSRS

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces civil money penalty and issues cease and desist order against Commerzbank

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Enforcement Action

Federal Reserve releases results of Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Supervisory Matter


Federal Reserve releases results of Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Supervisory Matter

Federal Reserve Board announces proposal requiring banking organizations to include existing Legal Entity Identifiers on certain regulatory reporting forms

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Board Action***

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Centennial Bank

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Banco Popular North America

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of applications by First Farmers Bank & Trust

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

Agencies announce extension of resolution plan submission for three financial institutions

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Supervisory Matter


Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by IBERIABANK Corporation

Chair Yellen
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order*

Federal bank regulatory agencies seek comment on interagency effort to reduce regulatory burden

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Request for Comment

Agencies announce public meeting on proposed CIT Group acquisition of IMB Holdco and its subsidiary OneWest Bank National Association; public comment period extended

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None

Board Action***


Federal Reserve Board invites public comment on proposed rule to expand the applicability of Board's Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Proposed Rule

Interim Final Rule

Federal Reserve Board approves application by Comerica Bank

Chair Yellen
Vice Chairman Fischer
Governor Tarullo
Governor Powell
Governor Brainard
None None Banking Order

*Vice Chairman Fischer was absent and not voting. Return to text

*Governor Brainard was absent and not voting. The date of the vote has been corrected to 8/10/15, from an original listing of 8/4/15. Return to text

***On June 29, 2023, categories for Board votes from 2012 to 2022 were updated to standardize the categories.

Last Update: June 29, 2023