
Who is the Ombuds?

In 1995, the Board of Governors established the position of Ombuds to facilitate the fair and timely resolution of complaints related to the Federal Reserve System's regulatory activities. The Ombuds serves as an independent, confidential resource for individuals and institutions that are affected by the Federal Reserve System's regulatory and supervisory actions.

See the Board's policy statement concerning the Ombuds function for more information.

When to contact us:

  • Anytime you need assistance resolving an issue related to the Federal Reserve System's regulatory activities
  • To discuss an issue confidentially
  • If you have questions regarding Federal Reserve System regulatory processes or procedures
  • If you believe that your institution has been subjected to retaliatory conduct by a member of Federal Reserve System staff
How to contact us

The Ombuds operates secure e-mail and dedicated telephone and fax lines.


Phone: 1-800-337-0429

Fax: 1-202-530-6208

Office of the Ombuds
Federal Reserve Board
20th & C Streets, NW, Mail Stop M-4375
Washington, D.C. 20551

Role of the Ombuds

What does the Ombuds do?

  • Facilitate the resolution of questions and complaints related to the Federal Reserve System's regulatory activities
  • Ensure that complaints about Board or Reserve Bank actions are addressed in a fair and timely manner
  • Report to the Board on issues that are likely to have a significant impact on the System that arise from the Ombuds' review of complaints
  • Receive, review, and decide complaints that a member of Federal Reserve System staff acted in a retaliatory manner against a supervised institution
  • Advise institutions regarding formal processes for resolving disputes, including procedures for appealing material supervisory determinations

What does the Ombuds not do?

  • Make decisions, except with respect to allegations of retaliatory conduct
  • Take sides; rather, the Ombuds maintains an independent and neutral position
  • Address enforcement matters or matters involved in litigation
  • Delay regulatory, legal, or other Federal Reserve actions or deadlines
  • Serve as a formal office of legal notice for the Federal Reserve
  • Handle complaints concerning internal Board functions, such as personnel or procurement

What is retaliation?

  • Retaliation is defined as any action or decision by Reserve Bank or Board staff that causes a supervised institution or its employees (“supervised persons”) to be treated differently or more harshly than other similarly situated institutions because the supervised person attempted to resolve a complaint by filing an appeal of a material supervisory determination or utilized any other Board mechanisms for resolving complaints.
  • Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, delaying or denying action that might benefit a supervised person without a sound supervisory reason or subjecting a supervised institution to heightened examination standards without a sound supervisory reason.

How can a supervised person submit a claim of retaliation?

  • A supervised person may submit a claim of retaliation with the Board's Ombuds by e-mail at or by phone at 1-800-337-0429.
Ombuds Practices

The Ombuds operates independently of the Federal Reserve System's supervisory and regulatory processes.

The Ombuds has established safeguards to protect confidentiality. Except in unusual circumstances, the Ombuds will not disclose information or material provided by a complainant, including identity, unless expressly authorized by the complainant in order to assist in resolving an issue.

Fairness and Integrity
The Board of Governors has a strict anti-retaliation policy. The Ombuds is responsible for receiving, reviewing, and deciding any complaints that a member of Federal Reserve System staff acted in a retaliatory manner against a supervised institution.

Other Resources

Consumer questions and complaints:
Independent of the Ombuds function, the Federal Reserve System maintains a consumer help program to assist individuals who are experiencing issues with their financial institutions.

Institutions supervised by other regulators:
The Federal Reserve System regulates state member banks, bank holding companies, and some other types of financial institutions. The other financial regulatory agencies also have Ombuds programs.

Last Update: December 19, 2024