Foreign Branch Report of Condition/Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of Condition


These reports collect information on the structure and geographic distribution of foreign branch assets, liabilities, derivatives, and off-balance-sheet data. Derivative items include futures and forward contracts, option contracts, and the notional value of outstanding interest rate swaps. Off-balance-sheet items include commitments to purchase foreign currencies and U.S. dollar exchange and letters of credit. The FFIEC 030S collects five financial data items for smaller, less complex branches.

OMB Control Number:



Federal bank supervisory agencies use the data to plan examinations and to analyze the foreign operations of domestic banks. Growth trends can be measured by bank, by country, and by bank within country. Aggregate data are a useful source of information on bank activities for the general public.


The report was initiated in 1965 as the FR 2105f report and used to collect assets and liabilities data from foreign branches of U.S. commercial banks. In December 1978, the FR 2105f underwent extensive revisions in order to maintain consistency with the Report of Condition for Banks with Domestic and Foreign Offices (FFIEC 014). In December 1984, when the Report of Condition was renamed the FFIEC 031, the FR 2105f report also underwent revisions and was renamed the FFIEC 030 report. In December 2006, a streamlined report was created for foreign branches with total assets of $50 million or more (but less than or equal to $250 million), while foreign branches with total assets of less than $50 million were exempt from filing requirements.

Respondent Panel:

The panel consists of foreign branches of insured U.S.-chartered commercial banks. For purposes of this report, branches in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories and possessions are considered foreign branches. Participation is mandatory.


FFIEC 030 - Quarterly, as of the last calendar day of the quarter, for significant branches (those with total assets of at least $2 billion or total gross commitments to purchase foreign currencies and U.S. dollar exchange of at least $5 billion). Annually, as of December 31, for other branches with total assets in excess of $250 million. FFIEC 030S - Annually, as of December 31, for foreign branches that do not meet the criteria to file the FFIEC 030 but have total assets of $50 million or more (but less than or equal to $250 million).

Public Release:

Microdata data are confidential and are not published; however, aggregate data are available upon request.

Last Update: February 7, 2007