FR LL-10(b)
Savings and Loan Holding Company Registration Statement


Current (87.3 KB .PDF)


Current (128.6 KB .PDF)


This report is used to collect information from a newly-formed savings and loan holding company (SLHC).

OMB Control Number:



The FR LL-10(b) requests information from registering SLHCs on the financial condition, ownership, operations, management, and intercompany relationships of the SLHC and its subsidiaries. Additionally, respondents must include information concerning the transaction that resulted in the respondent becoming an SLHC, a description of the SLHC's business, and a description of any changes related to the financial condition, ownership, operations, intercompany relationships, and management of the SLHC and its subsidiaries since the registrant's application to become an SLHC was approved. The principal executive or principal financial officer of the registering SLHC must certify that the information contained in the submission has been carefully reviewed and is true, correct, and complete.


Section 10(b)(1) of the Home Owners' Loan Act (HOLA) and section 238.4(c) of the Board's Regulation LL - Savings and Loan Holding Companies (12 CFR Part 238) provide that each SLHC is required to register with the Board within 90 days of becoming an SLHC. The Board may extend the time within which an SLHC is required to register, upon a timely showing of good cause. An SLHC must register with the Board by filing the FR LL-10(b) with the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank. Once an SLHC has filed the FR LL-10(b), it is not required to file an additional registration statement upon acquisition of additional savings associations. The Federal Reserve System reviews the FR LL-10(b) to assess the adequacy of responses to items, the disclosure of pertinent facts, and compliance with HOLA and the Board's regulations and to gather financial, corporate structure, and management information used by the Federal Reserve System in its supervision of SLHCs.

Respondent Panel:

The FR LL-10(b) panel comprises SLHCs.


The information required by the FR LL-10(b) is event-generated. Each SLHC is required to register with the Board within 90 days of becoming an SLHC.

Public Release:



Last Update: March 5, 2025