8th Short-Term Funding Markets Conference – Call for Papers
May 9, 2025
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
We invite authors to submit research papers to the 8th Short-Term Funding Markets (STFM) Conference, co-organized by the Federal Reserve Board and the University of Maryland's Center for Financial Policy.
The conference theme is broadly defined within the general umbrella of short-term funding markets. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- maturity and liquidity transformation (and its consequences) by banks, broker-dealers, money market mutual funds, and other financial intermediaries
- repo markets and their clearing institutions
- theories of frictions and fragility in short-term funding markets
- effects of regulation and central bank intervention on funding markets, including the current regulatory environment
- how short-term funding markets affect capital structure and other corporate finance decisions
- money creation and the demand for safe assets
- fintech and encrypted currency
Previous years’ programs: 2022 (PDF), 2023 (PDF), 2024 (PDF)
Submission guidelines: Please submit completed papers in PDF format without any author information to In the email, please provide authors' names and preferred contacts. The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2025. There is no submission fee.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least two program committee members. Authors of selected papers will be notified before the end of February 2025.
Travel expenses will be covered up to a certain amount for one presenter for each accepted paper, subject to the Federal Reserve Board's travel policies.
Conference organizers: Sam Hempel (Federal Reserve Board), Jay Kahn (Federal Reserve Board), and Russ Wermers (University of Maryland)
Program committee: Sriya Anbil (Federal Reserve Board), Jack Bao (University of Delaware), Sergey Chernenko (Purdue University), Adam Copeland (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Stefania D'Amico (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), Itay Goldstein (Wharton School), Jay Im (Federal Reserve Board), Wei Jiang (Emory University), Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College, London), Yi Li (Federal Reserve Board), Matt McCormick (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), Mark Paddrik (Office of Financial Research), Sharon Ross (Federal Reserve Board), André Silva (Federal Reserve Board), Mary Tian (Federal Reserve Board), Allan Timmermann (University of California, San Diego), Quentin Vandeweyer (Chicago Booth), Stephane Verani (Federal Reserve Board)