FRB Conference on the Macroeconomic Seeds of Financial Imbalances

May 9-10, 2024

Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.

The Global Financial Crisis renewed a significant interest in understanding the relationship between macroeconomic performance and financial imbalances, producing a considerable body of research. However, this research has mostly focused on studying channels in which imbalances in the financial sector, such as high leverage in households or at banks, exacerbate economic downturns.

This conference brings together leading academics and policymakers to discuss research that expands our understanding of how macroeconomic conditions can contribute to the buildup of financial imbalances.

Keynote speaker:

  • Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University)

Program committee:

  • Elena Afanasyeva (FRB), Andrea Ajello (FRB), Levent Altinoglu (FRB), Luigi Bocola (Stanford University), Nicolas Caramp (UC Davis), Tetiana Davydiuk (Johns Hopkins University), Dan Greenwald (NYU), Matteo Leombroni (BC), Michele Modugno (FRB), Thien Nguyen (FRB), Francisco Palomino (FRB), Judit Temesvary (FRB), Sergio Villalvazo (FRB)


  • Elena Afanasyeva (FRB), Levent Altinoglu (FRB), Michele Modugno (FRB), Thien Nguyen (FRB), Sergio Villalvazo (FRB)
Last Update: April 29, 2024