Consumers & Communities
The Federal Reserve advances supervision, community reinvestment, and research to increase understanding of the impacts of financial services policies and practices on consumers and communities.

Consumer and Community Context
Learn about credit options for small businesses, including types of credit providers, products, and key considerations for small business owners.

Statement on California wildfires and straight-line winds
See federal and state agencies' recognition of the serious impact of the California wildfires and straight-line winds on the customers and operations of many financial institutions and ways they will provide appropriate regulatory assistance to affected institutions subject to their supervision.

The Fed Explained - Consumers & Communities
See how the Board engages with consumers and communities.
Resources for Financial Institutions
Minority Depository Institutions
Third Party Risk Management
Enforcement Actions
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Additional Federal Agency Contacts
Data, Research, and Publications on Consumer & Community Issues
Consumer & Community Researchers and their Work
Small Business Credit Survey
Surveys & Data from the Federal Reserve System
Consumer & Community Context
Uneven Outcomes in the Labor Market