Data Download Program and Federal Reserve Economic Data Partnership

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis's Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) program are working together to expand options for finding, accessing, and visualizing data from the Board's Data Download Program (DDP) in FRED.

New capabilities this partnership brings to DDP users include

  • a new Board DDP data landing page in FRED
  • keyword search functionality to find DDP and related data
  • graphs and maps that can be tailored by units, frequency, and color
  • personalized dashboards that can be used to update and share graphs
  • access to vintage versions of economic data
  • application programming interface for programmers wanting to build applications sourcing data from FRED
  • Microsoft Excel add-in for instant data updates
  • applications available for iOS and Android devices

All releases available through the DDP are now accessible within the FRED database. Going forward, the Board and Reserve Bank of St. Louis will be working to expedite the availability of DDP releases in FRED. DDP users will still be able to access the existing DDP service, including the ability to download preformatted release packages or customized subsets of releases.

FRED offers more than 300 macroeconomic-related data releases from a variety of source providers, including Board data currently offered through the DDP. FRED launched in 1991 and continues to expand its data offerings to researchers, students, business professionals, and others with an interest in economic data.

For questions on Board data, please continue to use the Contact Us page and select the data source in the Economic Data drop-down menu.

For questions on FRED functionality, please contact FRED.

Last Update: March 26, 2024