Release Date: June 2019
Selected Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks (Table 3.13) 1
Millions of dollars, end of period Make Full Screen
Asset 2015 2016 2017 Nov 2018 Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Feb 2019 Mar 2019 Apr 2019 May 2019/p
1 Deposits 5,231 14,109 5,257 5,256 5,245 5,244 5,244 5,243 5,245 5,245
  Held in custody  
2 U.S. Treasury securities2 2,996,700 2,858,312 3,008,847 3,019,458 2,996,589 3,033,207 3,062,229 3,048,660 3,043,737 3,020,418
3 U.S. government agency securities3 267,028 259,710 260,881 306,062 304,904 316,861 321,631 323,932 330,491 330,936
4 Earmarked gold4 7,995 7,841 7,840 7,802 7,802 7,802 7,802 7,794 7,794 7,794
  1. Except for earmarked gold, excludes items held for international and regional organizations.   Return to table
  2. Marketable U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds and nonmarketable U.S. Treasury securities, in each case measured at face (not market) value. Includes inflation compensation on TIPS.   Return to table
  3. Face value of debt securities of U.S. government corporations and federally sponsored agencies, and current face value of mortgage-backed securities, which is the remaining principal balance of the securities.   Return to table
  4. Held in foreign and international accounts and valued at $42.22 per fine troy ounce; not included in the gold stock of the United States.   Return to table
Last Update: June 28, 2019