Release Date: January 2021
Selected U.S. Liabilities to Foreign Official Institutions  (Table 3.15) 
Millions of dollars, end of period Make Full Screen
Item 2017 2018 2019 May 2020/r Jun 2020/r Jul 2020/r Aug 2020/r Sep 2020/r Oct 2020/r Nov 2020/p
1 Total 6,174,343 6,081,353 6,589,271 6,727,396 6,723,316 6,802,664 6,874,897 6,793,297 6,738,544 6,776,858
  By Type  
2 Liabilities reported by banks in the United States1 402,227 433,281 450,118 499,047 451,444 434,097 432,774 408,306 408,014 404,555
3 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates2 317,227 315,141 268,567 355,721 382,477 393,564 385,016 371,483 375,411 368,617
  U.S. Treasury bonds and notes  
4 Marketable 3,706,546 3,641,438 3,808,130 3,750,008 3,765,332 3,798,216 3,814,833 3,827,922 3,791,823 3,805,915
5 Nonmarketable3 181 195 209 216 217 218 220 221 222 224
6 U.S. Securities other than U.S. Treasury securities4 1,748,162 1,691,298 2,062,247 2,122,404 2,123,846 2,176,569 2,242,054 2,185,365 2,163,074 2,197,547
7 of which: long-term U.S. agency securities 539,849 611,620 665,273 703,292 686,516 675,456 663,902 654,356 660,047 690,150
8 of which: long-term U.S. corporate bonds 166,272 165,997 180,968 196,341 199,808 202,395 198,535 195,985 193,957 196,614
9 of which: U.S. corporate stocks 1,042,041 913,681 1,216,006 1,222,771 1,237,522 1,298,718 1,379,617 1,335,024 1,309,070 1,310,783
  By Area  
10 Europe 982,346 883,117 991,966 1,019,257 1,028,710 1,056,637 1,083,321 1,055,625 1,048,260 1,029,389
11 Canada 37,430 35,040 46,049 52,997 49,235 49,622 48,563 47,178 47,504 46,711
12 Latin America and Caribbean 487,093 529,560 516,366 513,112 504,347 508,916 519,417 515,886 512,974 512,642
13 Asia 4,553,666 4,501,441 4,898,063 5,016,437 5,015,151 5,060,570 5,095,520 5,047,235 5,003,284 5,059,720
14 Africa 87,189 88,782 99,240 86,586 86,301 87,015 85,957 87,505 86,811 88,394
15 Other countries 26,619 43,413 37,587 39,007 39,572 39,904 42,119 39,868 39,711 40,002
  1. Principally demand deposits, time deposits, bankers acceptances, commercial paper, negotiable time certificates of deposit, and borrowings under repurchase agreements. Includes certain positions reported by nonbanks such as repurchases agreements with broker-dealers.   Return to table
  2. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries.   Return to table
  3. Excludes notes issued to foreign official nonreserve agencies. Includes the current value of a zero-coupon Treasury bond issued to the government of Argentina (beginning April 1993, 30-year maturity issue.)   Return to table
  4. Debt securities of U.S. government corporations and federally sponsored agencies, and U.S. corporate stocks and bonds.   Return to table
Source: Staff estimates based on Treasury International Capital (TIC) annual Surveys of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities and on monthly TIC S transactions data. Effective with the data as of September 2011, figures for long-term securities are based on TIC SLT data when available, and TIC S transactions data otherwise.
Last Update: January 29, 2021