Release Date: June 2024
Selected U.S. Liabilities to Foreign Official Institutions  (Table 3.15) 
Millions of dollars, end of period
Item 2020 2021 2022 Oct 2023 Nov 2023 Dec 2023 Jan 2024/r Feb 2024/r Mar 2024/r Apr 2024/p
1 Total 6,992,253 6,998,606 6,308,571 6,409,577 6,640,638 6,854,445 6,884,816 6,882,592 7,030,582 6,894,402
  By Type  
2 Liabilities reported by banks in the United States1 402,812 451,995 497,599 485,721 523,399 524,836 538,437 509,741 554,604 548,919
3 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates2 360,969 247,640 238,714 234,787 245,977 249,969 250,314 266,289 266,957 262,715
  U.S. Treasury bonds and notes  
4 Marketable 3,825,344 3,869,770 3,428,455 3,405,614 3,438,080 3,536,968 3,544,999 3,499,413 3,548,045 3,521,506
5 Nonmarketable3 225 242 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 U.S. Securities other than U.S. Treasury securities4 2,402,903 2,428,959 2,143,543 2,283,455 2,433,182 2,542,672 2,551,066 2,607,149 2,660,976 2,561,262
7 of which: long-term U.S. agency securities 664,797 636,262 632,917 608,390 631,316 655,244 647,538 626,423 617,604 588,282
8 of which: long-term U.S. corporate bonds 200,789 171,789 157,375 170,796 179,448 189,463 196,396 197,811 204,670 201,767
9 of which: U.S. corporate stocks 1,537,317 1,620,908 1,353,251 1,504,269 1,622,418 1,697,965 1,707,132 1,782,915 1,838,702 1,771,213
  By Area  
10 Europe 1,088,662 1,187,688 1,073,041 1,227,894 1,269,284 1,296,730 1,350,366 1,348,666 1,396,323 1,340,444
11 Canada 44,920 38,405 49,172 42,793 43,619 46,155 44,932 46,242 46,544 49,551
12 Latin America and Caribbean 510,494 513,281 496,709 513,456 527,310 536,116 541,425 542,567 550,828 553,606
13 Asia 5,216,338 5,063,003 4,520,667 4,457,637 4,628,636 4,796,790 4,764,458 4,757,526 4,844,308 4,760,416
14 Africa 90,175 85,411 75,012 74,213 73,373 79,007 79,976 80,476 84,390 81,900
15 Other countries 41,664 110,818 93,970 93,584 98,416 99,647 103,659 107,115 108,189 108,485
  1. Principally demand deposits, time deposits, bankers acceptances, commercial paper, negotiable time certificates of deposit, and borrowings under repurchase agreements. Includes certain positions reported by nonbanks such as repurchases agreements with broker-dealers.   Return to table
  2. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries.   Return to table
  3. Excludes notes issued to foreign official nonreserve agencies. Includes the current value of a zero-coupon Treasury bond issued to the government of Argentina (beginning April 1993, 30-year maturity issue.)   Return to table
  4. Debt securities of U.S. government corporations and federally sponsored agencies, and U.S. corporate stocks and bonds.   Return to table
Source: Treasury International Capital (TIC) Form BL1, Form BL2, and Form SLT.
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Last Update: June 28, 2024