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Bernd Schlusche


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Bonn
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2015 - present
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2010 - 2015
  • Visiting Scholar

    University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business

    2008 - 2010
  • Visiting Scholar

    University of Pennsylvania, Department of Economics

    2007 - 2008
  • Balance Sheet Policies in an Evolving Economy: Some Modelling Advances and Illustrative Simulations
    Hess Chung, Etienne Gagnon, James Hebden, Kyungmin Kim, Bernd Schlusche, Eric Till, James Trevino, and Diego Vilán
    FEDS Notes (2023)
  • An Analysis of the Interest Rate Risk of the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet, Part 2: Projections under Alternative Interest Rate Paths
    Alyssa Anderson, Philippa Marks, Dave Na, Bernd Schlusche, and Zeynep Senyuz
    FEDS Notes (2022)
  • An Analysis of the Interest Rate Risk of the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet, Part 1: Background and Historical Perspective
    Alyssa Anderson, Dave Na, Bernd Schlusche, and Zeynep Senyuz
    FEDS Notes (2022)
  • Quantitative Easing and Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from Lending
    John Kandrac and Bernd Schlusche
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2021)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2017)
  • The Effect of Bank Supervision and Examination on Risk Taking: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
    John Kandrac and Bernd Schlusche
    Review of Financial Studies (2021)
  • Arbitrage Capital of Global Banks
    Alyssa G. Anderson, Wenxin Du, and Bernd Schlusche
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2021)
  • Issues in the Use of the Balance Sheet Tool
    Mark Carlson, Stefania D'Amico, Cristina Fuentes-Albero, Bernd Schlusche, and Paul Wood
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • Follow the Leader: Using the Stock Market to Uncover Information Flows Between Firms
    Anna Scherbina and Bernd Schlusche
    Review of Finance (2020)
  • Monetary Policy Options at the Effective Lower Bound: Assessing the Federal Reserve's Current Policy Toolkit
    Hess Chung, Etienne Gagnon, Taisuke Nakata, Matthias Paustian, Bernd Schlusche, James Trevino, Diego Vilán, and Wei Zheng
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2019)
  • Simulating the Macroeconomic Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policies
    Hess Chung, Cynthia Doniger, Cristina Fuentes-Albero, Bernd Schlusche, and Wei Zheng
    FEDS Notes (2018)
  • Confidence Interval Projections of the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet and Income
    Erin E. Syron Ferris, Soo Jeong Kim, and Bernd Schlusche
    FEDS Notes (2017)
  • An Agency Problem in the MBS Market and the Solicited Refinancing Channel of Large-scale Asset Purchases
    John Kandrac and Bernd Schlusche
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2015)
  • Measuring Stress in Money Markets: A Dynamic Factor Approach
    Seth Carpenter, Selva Demiralp, Bernd Schlusche, and Zeynep Senyuz
    Economics Letters (2014)
  • Demand for M2 at the Zero Lower Bound: The Recent U.S. Experience
    Ruth A. Judson, Bernd Schlusche, and Vivian Wong
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2014)
  • Asset Price Bubbles: A Survey
    Anna Scherbina and Bernd Schlusche
    Quantitative Finance (2014)
  • Flow Effects of Large-Scale Asset Purchases
    John Kandrac and Bernd Schlusche
    Economics Letters (2013)
  • Market Reaction to Corporate Press Releases
    Andreas Neuhierl, Anna Scherbina, and Bernd Schlusche
    Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2013)
  • The Federal Reserve's balance sheet and overnight interest rates: Empirical modeling of exit strategies
    Jaime Marquez, Ari Morse, and Bernd Schlusche
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2013)
  • The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet and Overnight Interest Rates
    Jaime R. Marquez, Ari Morse, and Bernd Schlusche
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2012)
  • Asset Bubbles: an Application to Residential Real Estate
    Anna Scherbina and Bernd Schlusche
    European Financial Management (2012)
  • Data Snooping and Market-Timing Rule Performance
    Andreas Neuhierl and Bernd Schlusche
    Journal of Financial Econometrics (2011)
  • Price Formation in Spot and Futures Markets: Exchange Traded Funds vs. Index Futures
    Bernd Schlusche
    Journal of Derivatives (2009)
  • 2010

    Institute for Quantitative Investment Research

    Inquire UK Research Grant

Conference Organization
  • November 12-13, 2015 | Washington, D.C.

    Monetary Policy Implementation and Transmission in the Post-Crisis Period

    Organizer and Session Chair

  • Journal of Finance
  • Review of Financial Studies
  • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
  • European Economic Review
  • Journal of Applied Econometrics
  • Macroeconomic Dynamics
  • Journal of Futures Markets
  • International Review of Economics and Finance
Professional Affiliation
  • American Finance Association
  • European Finance Association
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Last Update: August 2, 2024