Meet the Researchers

Douglas A. Webber
Principal Economist
Consumer and Community Research Section
Consumer and Community Affairs
- Ph.D., Economics, Cornell University, 2012
- M.A., Economics, Cornell University, 2010
- B.A., Economics, University of Florida, 2007
- B.S., Mathematics, University of Florida, 2007
Current Research Topics
- Labor Economics
- Economics of Education
Principal Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2024 - presentSenior Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2022 - 2024Associate Professor
Temple University, Department of Economics
2017 - 2021Assistant Professor
Temple University, Department of Economics
2012 - 2017
- Navigating Higher Education Insurance: An Experimental Study on Demand and Adverse Selection
Sidhya Balakrishnan, Eric Bettinger, Michael S. Kofoed, Dubravka Ritter, Douglas A. Webber, Ege Aksu, and Jonathan S. Hartley
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2024) - Institution, Major, and Firm-Specific Premia: Evidence from Administrative Data
Ben Ost, Weixiang Pan, and Douglas Webber
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2024) - Non-Completion, Student Debt, and Financial Well-Being: Evidence from the Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking
Jacob Lockwood and Douglas Webber
FEDS Notes (2023) - Affording Degree Completion: An Experimental Study of Completion Grants at Accessible Public Universities
Sara Goldrick-Rab, Christine Baker-Smith, Travis T. York, Kallie Clark, Douglas Webber, and Christel Perkins
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2023) - College Networks and Re-employment of Displaced Workers
Ben Ost, Weixiang Pan, and Douglas Webber
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2023) - Losing insurance and psychiatric hospitalizations
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Sebastian Tello-Trillo, and Douglas Webber
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2023)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2022) - Losing insurance and psychiatric hospitalizations
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Sebastian Tello-Trillo, and Douglas Webber
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2022) - Government regulation and wages: Evidence from continuing coverage mandates
Johanna Catherine Maclean and Douglas Webber
Labour Economics (2022) - Decomposing Changes in Higher Education Return on Investment Over Time
Douglas Webber
FEDS Notes (2022) - Labor Market Competition and Employment Adjustment over the Business Cycle
Douglas A. Webber
Journal of Human Resources (2022) - A Growing Divide: The Promise and Pitfalls of Higher Education for the Working Class
Douglas A. Webber
ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2021) - The Emergence of Income-Share Agreements
Dubravka Ritter and Douglas Webber
Workforce Realigned: How New Partnerships are Advancing Economic Mobility (2021) - The Returns to College Persistence for Marginal Students: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from University Dismissal Policies
Ben Ost, Weixiang Pan, and Douglas Webber
Journal of Labor Economics (2018) - Health Insurance Benefit Mandates and Firm Size Distribution
James Bailey and Douglas Webber
Journal of Risk and Insurance (2018) - Higher ed, lower spending: As states cut back, where has the money gone?
Douglas Webber
Education Next (2018) - Immigration and Access to Fringe Benefits: Evidence from the Tobacco Use Supplements
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Douglas Webber, and Jody L. Sindelar
Industrial Relations (2018) - Examining the Interstate Mobility of Recent College Graduates
Robert Kelchen and Douglas A. Webber
Educational Researcher (2018) - The impact of mass layoffs on the educational investments of working college students
Ben Ost, Weixiang Pan, and Doug Webber
Labour Economics (2018) - The Implicit Costs of Motherhood over the Lifecycle: Cross-Cohort Evidence from Administrative Longitudinal Data
Christian Neumeier, Todd Sørensen, and Douglas Webber
Southern Economic Journal (2018) - State divestment and tuition at public institutions
Douglas A. Webber
Economics of Education Review (2017) - The political roots of health insurance benefit mandates
James Bailey and Douglas Webber
Journal of Economic Studies (2017) - Risk-sharing and student loan policy: Consequences for students and institutions
Douglas A. Webber
Economics of Education Review (2017) - High school experiences, the gender wage gap, and the selection of occupation
Michael R. Strain and Douglas A. Webber
Applied Economics (2017) - Are college costs worth it? How ability, major, and debt affect the returns to schooling
Douglas A. Webber
Economics of Education Review (2016) - Firm-Level Monopsony and the Gender Pay Gap
Douglas A. Webber
Industrial Relations (2016) - Firm market power and the earnings distribution
Douglas A. Webber
Labour Economics (2015) - The Health Consequences of Adverse Labor Market Events: Evidence from Panel Data
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Douglas A. Webber, Michael T. French, and Susan L. Ettner
Industrial Relations (2015) - The Impact of Work-Limiting Disability on Labor Force Participation
Douglas A. Webber and Melissa J. Bjelland
Health Economics (2015) - Workplace problems, mental health and substance use
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Douglas Webber, and Michael T. French
Applied Economics (2015) - Is the return to education the same for everybody?
Douglas Webber
IZA World of Labor (2014) - The lifetime earnings premia of different majors: Correcting for selection based on cognitive, noncognitive, and unobserved factors
Douglas A. Webber
Labour Economics (2014) - An Application of Unconditional Quantile Regression to Cigarette Taxes
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Douglas A. Webber, and Joachim Marti
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2014) - The Roles of Assimilation and Ethnic Enclave Residence in Immigrant Smoking
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Douglas Webber, and Jody L. Sindelar
NBER Working Paper Series (2013) - Expenditures and postsecondary graduation: An investigation using individual-level data from the state of Ohio
Douglas A. Webber
Economics of Education Review (2012) - Job loss and effects on firms and workers
Kevin F. Hallock, Michael R. Strain, and Douglas Webber
Downsizing: Is Less Still More? (2012) - Age and Disability Employment Discrimination: Occupational Rehabilitation Implications
Melissa J. Bjelland, Susanne M. Bruyère, Sarah von Schrader, Andrew J. Houtenville, Antonio Ruiz-Quintanilla, and Douglas A. Webber
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (2010) - Do expenditures other than instructional expenditures affect graduation and persistence rates in American higher education?
Douglas A. Webber and Ronald G. Ehrenberg
Economics of Education Review (2010) - Student Service Expenditures Matter
Ronald G. Ehrenberg and Douglas A. Webber
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning (2010) - Executive pay and firm performance: methodological considerations and future directions
Beth Florin, Kevin F. Hallock, and Douglas Webber
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (2010) - Do expenditures other than instructional expenditures affect graduation and persistence rates in American higher education?
Douglas A. Webber and Ronald G. Ehrenberg
NBER Working Paper Series (2009)
Conference Organization
October, 2019 | Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Symposium on Income Share Agreements
Co-Organizer (with Dubravka Ritter)
- Co-Editor, Economics of Education Review, 2019-Present
- Co-Editor, Contemporary Economic Policy, 2017-2020
Last Update:
December 23, 2024