Photo of Gazi I. Kara

Gazi I. Kara


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013
  • M.A., Economics, Bogazici University, 2008
  • B.A., Business Administration, Istanbul University, 2004
Current Research Topics
  • Financial Frictions, Financial Regulation, Bank and Nonbank Financial Institutions
  • Mortgage Finance, Corporate Finance
  • Chief, Financial Stability Assessment Section

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2023 - present
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2019 - present
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2016 - 2019
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2013 - 2016
  • Bank failures, capital buffers, and exposure to the housing market bubble
    Gazi I. Kara and Cindy M. Vojtech
    Real Estate Economics (Forthcoming)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2017)
  • Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit
    Gazi I. Kara and Youngsuk Yook
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2023)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2019)
  • Household and Business Debt: A Fire-Sale Risk Analysis
    Fang Cai, Gene Kang, Gazi I. Kara, Nathan Swem, and Filip Zikes
    FEDS Notes (2021)
  • Bank Regulation Under Fire Sale Externalities
    Gazi I. Kara and S Mehmet Ozsoy
    Review of Financial Studies (2020)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2016)
  • Bank Capital Regulations Around the World: What Explains the Differences?
    Gazi Ishak Kara
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2016)
  • Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination
    Gazi Ishak Kara
    Journal of International Economics (2016)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2013)
  • Credit-to-GDP Trends and Gaps by Lender-and Credit-type
    William F. Bassett, Ainsley Daigle, Rochelle Mary Edge, and Gazi Ishak Kara
    FEDS Notes (2015)
  • Taxonomy of Studies on Interconnectedness
    Gazi Ishak Kara, Mary Tian, and Margaret Yellen
    FEDS Notes (2015)
  • Essays on International Financial Regulation
    Gazi Ishak Kara
    Dissertations (University of North Carolina) (2013)
  • conference


    IFABS Conference in Oxford, UK

    Do Banks Price Flood Risk in Mortgage Originations? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in New Orleans

  • seminar


    Koc University, Istanbul

    Do Banks Price Flood Risk in Mortgage Originations? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in New Orleans

  • conference


    Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting in Fort Lauderdale

    Do Banks Price Flood Risk in Mortgage Originations? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in New Orleans

  • conference


    EEA Virtual Congress

    Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit

  • conference


    AEA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

    Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit

  • seminar


    Bank for International Settlements

    Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit

  • seminar


    Bogazici University

    Policy Uncertainty and Bank Mortgage Credit

  • conference


    FMA International, San Diego, CA

    Bank Failures, Capital Buffers, and Exposure to the Housing Market Bubble

  • conference


    AEA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    September 2016

    FDIC and JFSR 16th Annual Bank Research Conference

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • seminar

    January 2016

    IMF Macro-Financial Division

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    November 2015

    Conference on the Role of Liquidity in the Financial System, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    October 2015

    FMA International Annual Meeting

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    October 2015

    IMF and Federal Reserve Board Conference on the International Dimensions of Monetary and Financial Policies

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • seminar

    August 2015

    Central Bank of Turkey, Istanbul School of Central Banking

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    May 2015

    The Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    March 2015

    Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    January 2015

    American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • conference

    November 2014

    Midwest Macro Meeting, Miami, FL

    Bank Regulation under Fire Sale Externalities

  • seminar

    October 2014

    International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • conference

    July 2014

    World Finance Conference, Venice, Italy

    Explaining Cross-Country and Over-Time Differences in Bank Capital Regulations

  • conference

    June 2014

    Financial Management Association European Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • conference

    November 2012

    NBER, International Finance and Macroeconomics Program Meeting, Cambridge, MA

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • conference

    July 2012

    Western Economic Association International 87th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • conference

    June 2012

    Western Economic Association International, Graduate Student Workshop, San Francisco, CA

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • conference

    June 2012

    Central Bank of Turkey, Brazil and Finland Conference on Financial and Macroeconomic Stability: Challenges Ahead, Istanbul, Turkey

    Systemic Risk, International Regulation, and the Limits of Coordination

  • Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review, IMF Economic Review, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, National Science Foundation, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Central Banking, Journal of Financial Regulation, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of Economics and Business, Managerial Finance, Review of International Economics
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Last Update: August 5, 2024