Meet the Researchers

Giuseppe Fiori
Principal Economist
Global Modeling Studies Section
International Finance
- Ph.D., Economics, Boston College, 2009
Current Research Topics
- Business Cycles, Investment, Labor Markets,
- Uncertainty
Principal Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2021 - presentSenior Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2019 - 2021Associate Editor
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
2018 - presentAssociate Professor
North Carolina State University
2018 - 2019Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University
2012 - 2018Post-Doc
Universidade de Sao Paulo
2010 - 2012Fellow
Bank of Italy
2009 - 2010
- The economic effects of firm-level uncertainty: Evidence using subjective expectations
Giuseppe Fiori and Filippo Scoccianti
Journal of Monetary Economics (2023)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2021) - Nonlinear Employment Effects of Tax Policy
Domenico Ferraro and Giuseppe Fiori
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2023) - Search Frictions, Labor Supply, and the Asymmetric Business Cycle
Domenico Ferraro and Giuseppe Fiori
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2023)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2022) - What Did we Learn from 2 billion jabs? Early Cross-Country Evidence on the Effect of COVID-19 Vaccinations on Deaths, Mobility, and Economic Activity
Giuseppe Fiori and Matteo Iacoviello
FEDS Notes (2021) - Market Reforms at the Zero Lower Bound
Matteo Cacciatore, Romain A. Duval, Giuseppe Fiori, and Fabio Ghironi
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2021) - The Aging of the Baby Boomers: Demographics and Propagation of Tax Shocks
Domenico Ferraro and Giuseppe Fiori
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (2020) - Hours and Employment Over the Business Cycle: A Structural Analysis
Matteo Cacciatore, Giuseppe Fiori, and Nora Traum
Review of Economic Dynamics (2020) - Market Reforms in Time of Imbalance
Matteo Cacciatore, Romain Duval, Giuseppe Fiori, and Fabio Ghironi
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control (2016) - Short-Term Pain for Long-Term Gain: Market Deregulation and Monetary Policy in Small Open Economies
Matteo Cacciatore, Romain Duval, Giuseppe Fiori, and Fabio Ghironi
Journal of International Money and Finance (2016) - The Macroeconomic Effects of Goods and Labor Markets Deregulation
Matteo Cacciatore and Giuseppe Fiori
Review of Economic Dynamics (2016) - Market Deregulation and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union
Matteo Cacciatore, Giuseppe Fiori, and Fabio Ghironi
Journal of International Economics (2016) - The Macroeconomics of Regulation
Matteo Cacciatore and Giuseppe Fiori
International Finance (2015) - The Domestic and International Effects of Euro Area Market Reforms
Matteo Cacciatore, Giuseppe Fiori, and Fabio Ghironi
Research in Economics (2015) - Lumpiness, Capital Adjustment Costs and Investment Dynamics
Giuseppe Fiori
Journal of Monetary Economics (2012) - Employment Effects of Product and Labour Market Reforms: Are There Synergies?
Giuseppe Fiori, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Stefano Scarpetta, and Fabio Schiantarelli
Economic Journal (2012)
- Associate Editor - Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
- American Economic Journal : Economic Policy,
- American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
- Economic Inquiry,
- Economic Journal,
- European Economic Review,
- International Economic Review,
- Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control,
- Journal of Economic Growth,
- Journal of Economic Theory,
- Journal of International Economics,
- Journal of Labor Economics,
- Journal of Monetary Economics,
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
- Journal of Political Economy,
- Quantitative Economics,
- Review of Economic Dynamics,
- Review of Economic Studies.
Last Update:
December 23, 2024