Meet the Researchers

Glenn R. Follette
- Ph.D., Economics, Georgetown University, 1988
- M.A., Economics, Georgetown University, 1984
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1979
- Counter-cyclical Fiscal Policy
- Health Reform
Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2020 - presentAssistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2014 - 2019Chief, Fiscal Analysis
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2010 - 2014Senior Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2000 - 2010Administrator
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
1994 - 1997Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
1988 - 2000
- Fiscal Rules: What Does the American Experience Tell Us?
Glenn Follette and Byron F. Lutz
Fiscal Policy: Lessons from the Crisis (2012)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2012) - Fiscal Policy in the United States: Automatic Stabilizers, Discretionary Fiscal Policy Actions, and the Economy
Glenn Follette and Byron F. Lutz
Banca d'Italia (2011)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2010) - An Examination of Health Spending Growth in the United States: Past Trends and Future Prospects
Glenn Follette and Louise Sheiner
Banca d'Italia (2008) - The Sustainability of Health Spending Growth
Glenn Follette and Louise Sheiner
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2008) - State and Local Finances and the Macroeconomy: The High-Employment Budget and Fiscal Impetus
Glenn Follette, Andrea Kusko, and Byron Lutz
National Tax Journal (2008)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2009) - Forecasting Exogenous Fiscal Variables in the United States
Darrel Cohen and Glenn Follette
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2003) - The Automatic Stabilizers: Quietly Doing Their Thing
Darrel Cohen and Glenn Follette
Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2000) - The Automatic Fiscal Stabilizers: Quietly Doing Their Thing
Darrel Cohen and Glenn Follette
Economic Policy Review (2000) - Consumption Asset Markets and Government Policy: Three Essays in the Microfoundations of Macroeconomics Traditions
Glenn Reith Follette
Dissertations (Georgetown University) (1988)
January 2012AEA Annual Meetings
Comments on "From First Release to Ex-Post Fiscal Data: Exploring the Sources of Revision Errors in the EU"
March 2011Banca D'Italia Workshop on Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Rules, What Does the American Experience Tell Us?
March 2010Banca D'Italia Workshop on Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy in the United States: Automatic Stabilizers, Discretionary Fiscal Policy Actions and the Economy
May 2008National Tax Association, Spring Symposium
State and Local Finances and the Macroeconomy: High-employment Budget and Fiscal Impetus
April 2008Banca D'Italia Workshop on Fiscal Policy
A Microeconomic Perspective on the Sustainability of Health Spending Growth in the United States
December 2006ECB Fiscal Workshop
Forecasting Government Spending and Taxes in the United States: Data, Methods, and Forecast Accuracy