Photo of Gloria Sheu

Gloria Sheu


  • Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, 2010
  • B.A., Economics and History, Brandeis University, 2005
Current Research Topics
  • Economics of Mergers
  • Group Manager

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2019 - present
  • Staff Economist

    Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice

    2010 - 2019
  • Acting Chief Economist

    Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission

    2014 - 2015
  • Win/Loss Data and Consumer Switching Costs: Measuring Diversion Ratios and the Impact of Mergers
    Y. Jeff Qiu, Masayuki Sawada, and Gloria Sheu
    Journal of Industrial Economics (2024)
  • A price leadership model for merger analysis
    Ryan Mansley, Nathan H. Miller, Gloria Sheu, and Matthew C. Weinberg
    International Journal of Industrial Organization (2023)
  • Beyond 'Horizontal' and 'Vertical': The Welfare Effects of Complex Integration
    Margaret Loudermilk, Gloria Sheu, and Charles Taragin
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2023)
  • Oligopolistic Price Leadership and Mergers: The United States Beer Industry
    Nathan H. Miller, Gloria Sheu, and Matthew C. Weinberg
    American Economic Review (2021)
  • Quantitative Methods for Evaluating the Unilateral Effects of Mergers
    Nathan H. Miller and Gloria Sheu
    Review of Industrial Organization (2021)
  • Simulating Mergers in a Vertical Supply Chain with Bargaining
    Gloria Sheu and Charles Taragin
    RAND Journal of Economics (2021)
  • Extended Gravity
    Eduardo Morales, Gloria Sheu, and Andrés Zahler
    Review of Economic Studies (2019)
  • Upward pricing pressure as a predictor of merger price effects
    Nathan H. Miller, Marc Remer, Conor Ryan, and Gloria Sheu
    International Journal of Industrial Organization (2017)
  • Pass-Through and the Prediction of Merger Price Effects
    Nathan H. Miller, Marc Remer, Conor Ryan, and Gloria Sheu
    Journal of Industrial Economics (2017)
  • Pass-Through in a Concentrated Industry: Empirical Evidence and Regulatory Implications
    Nathan H. Miller, Matthew Osborne, and Gloria Sheu
    RAND Journal of Economics (2017)
  • Price, Quality, and Variety: Measuring the Gains from Trade in Differentiated Products
    Gloria Sheu
    American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2014)
  • Bias in Reduced-Form Estimates of Pass-Through
    Alexander MacKay, Nathan H. Miller, Marc Remer, and Gloria Sheu
    Economics Letters (2014)
  • Using Cost Pass-Through to Calibrate Demand
    Nathan H. Miller, Marc Remer, and Gloria Sheu
    Economics Letters (2013)
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Last Update: August 2, 2024