Image of Board Seal

Harun Alp


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 2020
Current Research Topics
  • Firm Dynamics
  • Innovation and Economic Growth
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2020 - present
  • Researcher

    Central Bank of Turkey

    2006 - 2012
  • Lack of Selection and Limits to Delegation: Firm Dynamics in Developing Countries
    Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, and Michael Peters
    American Economic Review (2021)
  • Essays on Firm Dynamics, Innovation and Growth
    Harun Alp
    University of Pennsylvania (2020)
  • Innovation, Reallocation, and Growth
    Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, Nicholas Bloom, and William Kerr
    American Economic Review (2018)
  • Innovation, Reallocation, and Growth
    Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, Nicholas Bloom, and William R. Kerr
    CEPR Discussion Paper Series (2017)
  • Lack of Selection and Limits to Delegation: Firm Dynamics in Developing Countries
    Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, and Michael Peters
    NBER Working Paper Series (2016)
  • The Role of Monetary Policy in Turkey during the Global Financial Crisis
    Harun Alp and Selim Elekdağ
    Great Recession: Lessons for Central Bankers (2013)
  • Monetary Policy and Output Gap: Mind the Composition
    Harun Alp, Fethi Öğünç, and Çağrı Sarıkaya
    Research Notes in Economics (2012)
  • Stylized Facts for Business Cycles in Turkey
    Harun Alp, Yusuf Soner Başkaya, Mustafa Kılınç, and Canan Yüksel
    Working Papers (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey) (2012)
  • Did Korean Monetary Policy Help Soften the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009?
    Harun Alp, Selim Elekdag, and Subir Lall
    IMF Working Papers (2012)
  • Shock Therapy! What Role for Thai Monetary Policy?
    Harun Alp and Selim Elekdag
    IMF Working Papers (2012)
  • An Assessment of Malaysian Monetary Policy during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09
    Harun Alp, Selim Elekdag, and Subir Lall
    IMF Working Papers (2012)
  • Türkiye için Hodrick-Prescott Filtresi Düzgünleştirme Parametresi Tahmini. (Estimating Optimal Hodrick-Prescott Filter Smoothing Parameter for Turkey. With English Summary.)
    Harun Alp, Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Rehim Kılıç, and Canan Yuksel
    İktisat İşletme ve Finans. (Economics Business and Finance) (2011)
  • The Role of Monetary Policy in Turkey during the Global Financial Crisis
    Harun Alp and Selim Elekdag
    IMF Working Papers (2011)
  • Türkiye’de Piyasa Göstergelerinden Para Politikası Beklentilerinin ölçülmesi. (Measuring Market-Based Monetary Policy Expectations in Turkey. With English Summary.)
    Harun Alp, Refet Gurkaynak, Hakan Kara, Gursu Keles, and Musa Orak
    İktisat İşletme ve Finans. (Economics Business and Finance) (2010)
  • Türkiye'de para politikasının aktarımı: Para politikasının mali piyasalara etkisi. (Transmission of Monetary Policy in Turkey: The Effects of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets. With English Summary.)
    Zelal Aktas, Harun Alp, Refet Gurkaynak, Mehtap Kesriyeli, and Musa Orak
    İktisat İşletme ve Finans. (Economics Business and Finance) (2009)
  • discussion



    Misallocative Growth

  • seminar


    FRB, Dartmouth College, Penn State, Ohio State University, University of Mannheim, University of Nottingham, Koc University, Bilkent University

    Incorporation, Selection and Firm Dynamics: A Quantitative Exploration

  • seminar


    University of Chicago

    Incorporation, Selection and Firm Dynamics: A Quantitative Exploration

  • seminar


    Collège de France

    Lack of Selection and Limits to Delegation: Firm Dynamics in Developing Countries

  • seminar


    University of Chicago

    Technology Adoption and the Latin American TFP Gap

  • conference


    Conferenceon ''Firm & Technology Dynamics: a Global Perspective", University of Nottingham

    Lack of Selection and Limits to Delegation: Firm Dynamics in Developing Countries

  • seminar


    Bilkent University

    Technology Adoption and the Latin American TFP Gap

  • conference


    Conferenceon ''Firm & Technology Dynamics: a Global Perspective", University of Nottingham

    Technology Adoption and the Latin American TFP Gap

  • conference


    Central Banks Conference on Lessons from the World Financial Crisis, Israel

    The Role of Monetary Policy during the Global Financial Crisis: Turkish Experience

  • discussion


    CEPR/ESI 14th Annual Conference

    The Financial Accelerator under Learning and the Role of Monetary Policy

  • discussion


    CEPR/ESI 14th Annual Conference

    The Financial Shocks and Monetary Reactions in a New Keynesian Model

  • discussion


    Selected Economists' Research Forum, Bank of England

    Imperfect Information, real Time Data andthe Evaluation of Monetary Policy

  • conference


    2nd International Conference on Economics, Cyprus

    The Role of Monetary Policy during the Global Financial Crisis: Turkish Experience

  • Economic Journal
  • International Economic Review
  • Journal of Development Economics
  • Journal of the European Economic Association
  • Journal of Monetary Economics
  • Journal of Political Economy
  • Macroeconomic Dynamics
  • The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
  • Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
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Last Update: August 2, 2024