Photo of Hyunseung Oh

Hyunseung Oh


  • Ph.D., Economics, Columbia University, 2014
  • M.A., Economics, Columbia University, 2010
  • B.A., Economics, Seoul National University, 2007
Current Research Topics
  • Investment dynamics over the business cycle
  • Real exchange rate dynamics
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2022 - present
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2019 - 2022
  • Assistant Professor of Economics

    Vanderbilt University

    2014 - 2019
  • In Search of Dominant Drivers of the Real Exchange Rate
    Hyunseung Oh, Wataru Miyamoto, and Thuy Lan Nguyen
    Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2023)
  • Global Implications of Brighter U.S. Productivity Prospects
    Danilo Cascaldi-Garcia and Hyunseung Oh
    FEDS Notes (2024)
  • Land development and frictions to housing supply over the business cycle
    Hyunseung Oh, Choongryul Yang, and Chamna Yoon
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2024)
  • Early 20th Century American Exceptionalism: Production, Trade and Diffusion of the Automobile
    Dong Cheng, Mario J. Crucini, Hyunseung Oh, and Hakan Yilmazkuday
    NBER Working Paper Series (2022)
  • Computerizing Households and the Role of Investment-Specific Productivity in Business Cycles
    Seunghoon Na and Hyunseung Oh
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2020)
  • Time to Build and the Real-Options Channel of Residential Investment
    Hyunseung Oh and Chamna Yoon
    Journal of Financial Economics (2020)
  • The Role of Durables Replacement and Second-Hand Markets in a Business-Cycle Model
    Hyunseung Oh
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2019)
  • What Do Inventories Tell Us About News-Driven Business Cycles?
    Nicolas Crouzet and Hyunseung Oh
    Journal of Monetary Economics (2016)
  • Targeted Transfers and the Fiscal Response to the Great Recession
    Hyunseung Oh and Ricardo Reis
    Journal of Monetary Economics (2012)
Conference Organization
  • Nov 2-4, 2018 | Nashville, TN

    Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings


  • Jan 4, 2016 | San Francisco, CA

    International Society for Inventory Research (ASSA Meetings)


  • American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
  • American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
  • American Economic Review: Insights
  • Economic Journal
  • Economic Modelling
  • Economics Bulletin
  • Economics Letters
  • European Economic Review
  • International Economic Review
  • International Journal of Central Banking
  • Journal of Economic Theory
  • Journal of Monetary Economics
  • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
  • Journal of the European Economic Association
  • Macroeconomic Dynamics
  • Review of Economic Dynamics
  • Review of Economics and Statistics
  • Scandinavian Journal of Economics
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Last Update: August 2, 2024