Photo of Jane E. Ihrig

Jane E. Ihrig


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Minnesota, 1995
  • B.S., Mathematics and Economics, Carnegie Mellon University, 1987
Current Research Topics
  • Monetary Policy Implementation
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2000 - present
  • Visiting Economist & Policy Adviser

    Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

    2018 - 2019
  • Chief Economist

    Council of Economic Advisers, White House

  • Assistant Professor

    University of Virginia

    1995 - 2000
  • The Federal Reserve’s responses to the post-Covid period of high inflation
    Jane Ihrig and Chris Waller
    FEDS Notes (2024)
  • Curriculum lag challenges and strategies for LT principles: Lessons from closing the monetary policy curriculum gap
    Jame Ihrig, Mary Clare Peate, and Scott Wolla
    Journal of Economic Education (2024)
  • How are Banks and the Fed Linked? Teaching Key Concepts Today
    Jane Ihrig, Gretchen Weinbach, and Scott Wolla
    Review of Political Economy (2023)
  • Closing the Curriculum Gap by Updating Content Standards and Guidelines for Teaching Monetary Policy
    Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla
    American Economist (2022)
  • Let’s close the gap: Updating the textbook treatment of monetary policy
    Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla
    Journal of Economic Education (2022)
  • How Does the Fed Use Its Monetary Policy Tools to Influence the Economy?
    Jane Ihrig and Scott A. Wolla
    Page One Economics (2022)
  • How Dynamic is Bank Liquidity, Including when the COVID-19 Pandemic First Set In?
    Jane Ihrig, Cindy M. Vojtech, Gretchen C. Weinbach, and Maureen Cowhey
    FEDS Notes (2021)
  • The Federal Reserve's Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla
    Social Education (2021)
  • Closing the Monetary Policy Curriculum Gap: A Primer for Educators Making the Transition to Teaching the Fed's Ample-Reserves Framework
    Jane Ihrig and Scott A. Wolla
    FEDS Notes (2020)
  • Let's Close the Gap: Revising Teaching Materials to Reflect How the Federal Reserve Implements Monetary Policy
    Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • COVID-19’s Effects on the Economy and the Fed’s Response
    Jane Ihrig, Gretchen C. Weinbach, and Scott A. Wolla
    Page One Economics: Econ Primer (2020)
  • The Fed’s New Monetary Policy Tools
    Jane Ihrig and Scott A. Wolla
    Page One Economics: Econ Primer (2020)
  • Fixing the "Curriculum Lag" in Economics: The New Tools the Fed is Using to Influence the Economy
    Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla
    Social Education (2020)
  • The Fed’s “Ample-Reserves” Approach to Implementing Monetary Policy
    Jane Ihrig, Zeynep Senyuz, and Gretchen C. Weinbach
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • How Have Banks Been Managing the Composition of High-Quality Liquid Assets?
    Jane Ihrig, Edward Kim, Cindy M. Vojtech, and Gretchen Cope Weinbach
    Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review (2019)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2017)
  • Expectations about the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
    Jane Ihrig, Elizabeth Klee, Canlin Li, Min Wei, and Joe Kachovec
    International Journal of Central Banking (2018)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2012)
  • Projected Evolution of the SOMA Portfolio and the 10-Year Treasury Term Premium Effect
    Brian Bonis, Jane Ihrig, and Min Wei
    FEDS Notes (2017)
  • How Does the Fed Adjust its Securities Holdings and Who is Affected?
    Jane Ihrig, Lawrence Mize, and Gretchen C. Weinbach
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2017)
  • How Have the Fed's Three Rate Hikes Passed Through to Selected Short-term Interest Rates?
    Alyssa Anderson, Jane Ihrig, Mary-Frances Styczynski, and Gretchen C. Weinbach
    FEDS Notes (2017)
  • The Federal Reserve's Tools for Policy Normalization in a Preferred Habitat Model of Financial Markets
    Han Chen, James A. Clouse, Jane Ihrig, and Elizabeth Klee
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2016)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2014)
  • Rewriting Monetary Policy 101: What's the Fed's Preferred Post-Crisis Approach to Raising Interest Rates?
    Jane E. Ihrig, Ellen E. Meade, and Gretchen C. Weinbach
    Journal of Economic Perspectives (2015)
  • The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet and Earnings: A Primer and Projections
    Seth Carpenter, Jane Ihrig, Elizabeth Klee, Daniel Quinn, and Alexander Boote
    International Journal of Central Banking (2015)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2012)
  • Analyzing Federal Reserve Asset Purchases: From Whom Does the Fed Buy?
    Seth Carpenter, Selva Demiralp, Jane Ihrig, and Elizabeth Klee
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2015)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2013)
  • Some Simple Tests of the Globalization and Inflation Hypothesis
    Jane Ihrig, Steven B. Kamin, Deborah Lindner, and Jaime Marquez
    International Finance (2010)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2007)
  • Biofuels Impact on Crop and Food Prices: Using an Interactive Spreadsheet
    Scott L. Baier, Mark Clements, Charles W. Griffiths, and Jane Ihrig
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2009)
  • The Influence of Technology on Foreign Direct Investment
    Jane Ihrig
    American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings (2005)
  • Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Pass-Through
    Joseph E. Gagnon and Jane Ihrig
    International Journal of Finance & Economics (2004)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2001)
  • An Empirical Analysis of Inflation in OECD Countries
    Jane Ihrig and Jaime Marquez
    International Finance (2004)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2003)
  • Lurking in the Shadows: The Informal Sector and Government Policy
    Jane Ihrig and Karine S. Moe
    Journal of Development Economics (2004)
  • Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Pass-Through
    Joseph E. Gagnon and Jane Ihrig
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2001)
  • Tax Policies and Informal Employment: The Asian Experience
    Jane Ihrig and Karine S. Moe
    Asian Economic Journal (2001)
  • Exchange-Rate Hedging: Financial versus Operational Strategies
    George Allayannis, Jane Ihrig, and James P. Weston
    American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings (2001)
  • Exposure and Markups
    George Allayannis and Jane Ihrig
    Review of Financial Studies (2001)
  • Multinationals' Response to Repatriation Restrictions
    Jane Ihrig
    Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control (2000)
  • seminar


    Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

    Monetary Policy in Ordinary and Extraordinary Times

  • discussion


    Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

    Women in Economics Podcast

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Last Update: August 2, 2024