Photo of Jose M. Berrospide

Jose M. Berrospide


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Michigan, 2007
  • M.A., Applied Economics, University of Michigan, 1998
  • B.A., Economic Engineering, National Engineering University (Peru), 1991
Current Research Topics
  • Bank Capital and Lending, Bank Liquidity Hoarding
  • Corporate Credit Lines and Hedging
  • Assistant Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2023 - present
  • Section Chief

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2016 - 2023
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2015 - 2016
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2014 - 2015
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2007 - 2014
  • Economist

    Central Reserve Bank of Peru

    1993 - 2002
  • The Usability of Bank Capital Buffers and Credit Supply Shocks to SMEs during the Pandemic
    Jose M. Berrospide, Arun Gupta, and Matthew P. Seay
    International Journal of Central Banking (Forthcoming)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2021)
  • Bank capital buffers and lending, firm financing and spending: What can we learn from five years of stress test results?
    Jose M. Berrospide and Rochelle M. Edge
    Journal of Financial Intermediation (2024)
  • The real effects of credit line drawdowns
    Jose M. Berrospide and Ralf Meisenzahl
    International Journal of Central Banking (2022)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2015)
  • IFABS 2017: Towards an Integrated View of Financial Regulation: Key Lessons from the Crisis and Future Challenges
    Jose M. Berrospide
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2022)
  • Bank Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation
    Jose M. Berrospide
    Quarterly Journal of Finance (2021)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2012)
  • Un-used Bank Capital Buffers and Credit Supply Shocks at SMEs during the Pandemic
    Jose M. Berrospide, Arun Gupta, and Matthew P. Seay
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2021)
  • The Effects of Bank Capital Buffers on Bank Lending and Firm Activity: What Can We Learn from Five Years of Stress-Test Results?
    Jose M. Berrospide and Rochelle M. Edge
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2019)
  • The Impact of Post Stress Tests Capital on Bank Lending
    William F. Bassett and Jose M. Berrospide
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2018)
  • International Banking and Cross-Border Effects of Regulation: Lessons from the United States
    Jose M. Berrospide, Ricardo Correa, Linda S. Goldberg, and Friederike Niepmann
    International Journal of Central Banking (2017)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2016)
  • The Cross-Market Spillover of Economic Shocks through Multimarket Banks
    Jose M. Berrospide, Lamont K. Black, and William R. Keeton
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2016)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2013)
  • Finance Companies in Mexico: Unexpected Victims of the Global Liquidity Crunch
    Jose M. Berrospide and Renata Herrerias
    Journal of Financial Stability (2015)
  • The real effects of credit line drawdowns
    Jose M. Berrospide and Ralf Meisenzahl
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2015)
  • Discussion of 'Did the EBA Capital Exercise Cause a Credit Crunch in the Euro Area?'
    Jose M. Berrospide
    International Journal of Central Banking (2015)
  • Bank Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation
    Jose M. Berrospide
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2012)
  • The Effects of Bank Capital on Lending: What Do We Know, and What Does It Mean?
    Jose M. Berrospide and Rochelle M. Edge
    International Journal of Central Banking (2010)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2010)
  • Exchange Rates, Optimal Debt Composition, and Hedging in Small Open Economies
    Jose Berrospide
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2008)
  • Corporate Hedging, Investment and Value
    Jose M. Berrospide, Amiyatosh Purnanandam, and Uday Rajan
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2008)
  • conference

    December 2022

    The Role and Effectiveness of Financial Regulation, Kaufman Center for Financial Policy Studies, Loyola University

    The effects of bank capital buffers on bank lending and firm activity: What can we learn from five years of stress-test results?

  • conference

    December 2021

    FDIC's Annual Bank Research Conference

    Unused Bank Capital Buffers and Credit Supply Shocks at SMEs during the Pandemic

  • conference

    October 2021

    Third Conference on Financial Stability, Bank of Spain

    Macrofinancial feedback, bank stress testing and capital surcharges

  • conference

    January 2020

    First Conference on Financial Stability and Sustainability, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima Peru

    The effects of bank capital buffers on bank lending and firm activity: What can we learn from five years of stress-test results?

  • conference

    November 2019

    EBA Policy Research Workshop, Paris

    The effects of bank capital buffers on bank lending and firm activity: What can we learn from five years of stress-test results?

  • conference

    September 2019

    FDIC's Annual Bank Research Conference

    The effects of bank capital buffers on bank lending and firm activity: What can we learn from five years of stress-test results?

  • conference

    June 2019

    Second Conference on Financial Stability, Bank of Spain

    The effects of bank capital buffers on bank lending and firm activity: What can we learn from five years of stress-test results?

  • conference

    September 2017

    FDIC's Annual Bank Research Conference

    The Impact of Stress Tests on Bank Lending

  • seminar

    October 2016

    University of Kansas, School of Business, Lawrence

    The Effect of Bank Capital Requirements on Bank Lending: What can we Learned from the Post-Crisis Reforms

  • conference

    July 2016

    IBEFA - Summer Meeting, Portland

    International Bank Lending and Cross Border Effects of Regulation: Lessons from the United States

  • conference

    June 2016

    IFABS Conference in Barcelona, Spain

    The Impact of Basel III Capital Regulation on Bank Lending

  • discussion

    March 2016

    Chicago Financial Institution Conference

    Small Business Banking and U.S. International Trade

  • seminar

    March 2016

    University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

    The Impact of Basel III Capital Regulation on Bank Lending

  • seminar

    Nov 2015

    International Monetary Fund

    The Impact of Basel III Capital Regulation on Bank Lending

  • seminar

    May 2015

    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas

    The Real effects of Credit Line Drawdowns

  • discussion

    Sep 2014

    IJCB Annual Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

    Did the EBA Capital Exercise Cause a Credit crunch in the Euro Area?

  • conference

    June 2014

    IFABS Conference in Lisbon, Portugal

    The Real effects of Credit Line Drawdowns

  • conference

    June 2013

    The Econometric Society, North American Summer Meeting, Los Angeles California

    The Real effects of Credit Line Drawdowns

  • conference

    January 2013

    IBEFA - ASSA Meetings, San Diego

    Credit Line Usage and Availability in the Financial Crisis: The Importance of Hedging

  • conference

    October 2012

    Financial Management Association, Annual Meeting

    Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation

  • discussion

    June 2012

    Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS)

    Monetary Policy and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from the Corporate Loan Market

  • conference

    May 2012

    Basel Committee on Bank Supervision, Basel, Switzerland

    Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation

  • conference

    April 2012

    Eastern Finance Association

    Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation

  • conference

    April 2012

    Eastern Finance Association

    The Cross-Market Spillover of Shocks through Multi-Market Banks

  • conference

    February 2012

    Midwest Finance Association

    The Cross-Market Spillover of Shocks through Multi-Market Banks

  • conference

    February 2012

    Midwest Finance Association

    Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation

  • conference

    January 2012

    IBEFA - ASSA Meetings

    Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation

  • conference

    November 2011

    Basel Committee RTF Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey

    Credit Line Usage and Availability in the Financial Crisis: The Importance of Hedging

  • conference

    November 2011

    Federal Reserev Bank of Richmond, Federal Reserve System Committee

    Liquidity Hoarding and the Financial Crisis: An Empirical Evaluation

  • conference

    October 2011

    CAREFIN-Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

    The Cross-Market Spillover of Shocks through Multi-Market Banks

  • discussion

    October 2011

    CAREFIN-Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

    Home Bank Intermediation of Foreign Direct Investment

  • conference

    September 2011

    FDIC Annual Bank Research Conference

    The Cross-Market Spillover of Shocks through Multi-Market Banks

  • conference

    September 2010

    Basel Committee RTF Workshop, London, U.K.

    The Effects of Bank Capital on Lending: What Do We Know, and What Does it Mean?

  • seminar

    June 2010

    IMF Research Department

    The Effects of Bank Capital on Lending: What Do We Know, and What Does it Mean?

  • conference

    January 2010

    Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Day Ahead Conference

    The Effects of Bank Capital on Lending: What Do We Know, and What Does it Mean?

  • conference

    October 2009

    Financial Management Association, Annual Meeting

    The Effects of Bank Capital on Lending: What Do We Know, and What Does it Mean?

  • discussion

    October 2009

    Financial Management Association, Annual Meeting

    Early Warnings about FNMA and FHLMC: Did the Stock Market Hear?

  • discussion

    October 2008

    Financial Management Association, Annual Meeting

    The Income Tax Structure's Impact on Growth, Valuation, and Global Investments: A Three Stakeholders Perspective

  • conference

    June 2008

    Western Finance Association

    Corporate Hedging, Investment, and Value

  • 2014

    International Finance and Banking Society - IFABS

    Best Paper Award, IFABS 2014 Lisbon Conference

  • 2013

    Federal Reserve Board

    Special Achievement Award

Conference Organization
  • 2016-2018, 2020 | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

    Federal Reserve Stress Testing Research Conference

    Organizing Committee

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 2015 - present
  • Guest Editor, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017
  • Journal of Financial Economics
  • Review of Financial Studies
  • Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
  • Journal of Financial Intermediation
  • Journal of Monetary Economics
  • Journal of Banking and Finance
  • Journal of Financial Stability
  • Journal of International Money and Finance
  • Canadian Journal of Economics
  • International Review of Finance
  • Economic Journal
  • Economic Notes, Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics
  • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Professional Affiliation
  • American Economics Association
  • International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association
  • Financial Management Association
  • Midwest Finance Association
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Last Update: August 2, 2024