Assessing the Severity of Rent Burden on Low-Income Families Accessible Data

Figure 1: Lowest-income families face severe rent burdens

Percent of income spent on rent

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Income quintiles Rent/income
Lowest 0.56
2nd 0.28
Middle 0.19
4th 0.15
Top 0.10

Source: 2015 American Community Survey from the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Figure 2: Rent burdens for low-income families have risen over time

Percent of income spent on rent

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  2000 2006 2009 2015
Lowest quintile 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.56
2nd quintile 0.22 0.25 0.27 0.28

Source: The 2000 Decennial Census and the 2006, 2009, and 2015 American Community Survey from the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Figure 3: Incomes have dropped and rents have risen for low-income families, decreasing "residual incomes"

Monthly amount ($)

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  Rent Income
2000 551 1,139
2006 588 1,102
2009 608 1,055
2015 610 1,035

Source: See Figure 2.

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Last Update: December 22, 2017