Disparities in Wealth by Race and Ethnicity in the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, Accessible Data

Figure 1: White families have more wealth than Black, Hispanic, and other or multiple race families in the 2019 SCF.

Median Net Worth (Top panel)

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  Networth Standard Error (+) Standard Error (-)
White 188.2 193.8 182.6
Black 24.1 28.4 19.8
Hispanic 36.1 40.9 31.3
Other 74.5 83.2 65.8

Mean Net Worth (Bottom panel).

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  Networth Standard Error (+) Standard Error (-)
White 983.4 1008.4 958.4
Black 142.5 158.4 126.6
Hispanic 165.5 178.9 152.1
Other 657.2 718.4 596.0

Source: Federal Reserve Board, 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances.

Notes: Figures displays median (top panel) and mean (bottom panel) wealth by race and ethnicity, expressed in thousands of 2019 dollars.

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Figure 2: Black and Hispanic families experienced faster growth in wealth over the last two surveys after experiencing larger declines in wealth caused by the Great Recession.


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  2007-2010 2010-2013 2013-2016 2016-2019
White -27.3 1.4 16.7 3.5
Black -27.7 -23 25.7 32.6
Hispanic -26.5 -20.9 45.2 64.9
Other -33 -9.8 52 8.3

Source: Federal Reserve Board, Survey of Consumer Finances.

Notes: Figure displays percent changes in median wealth by race and ethnicity between the 2007 and 2019 Surveys. Survey years are displayed in order from left to right.

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Figure 3. Homeownership rises with age regardless of race or ethnicity, though there are significant differences in homeownership between White and non-White families throughout the life-cycle.
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  Under 35 35-54 Over 55
White 46% 73% 84%
Black 17% 50% 57%
Hispanic 28% 52% 61%
Other 29% 63% 64%

Source: Federal Reserve Board, 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances.

Notes: Figure displays homeownership rates by age group and by race and ethnicity. Race categories are displayed in order from left to right.

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Figure 4. Retirement account ownership peaks at middle age, though ownership is less likely for Black and Hispanic families at all ages.
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  Under 35 35-54 Over 55
White 53% 65% 54%
Black 31% 44% 29%
Hispanic 26% 28% 21%
Other 49% 60% 47%

Source: Federal Reserve Board, 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances.

Notes: Figure displays the percent of families that own a retirement account (IRA or DC plan) with a net positive balance by age group and by race and ethnicity. Race categories are displayed in order from left to right.

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Figure 5. White and other or multiple race families have broader access and participate more in employer-sponsored retirement plans.
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  Access Participation
White 68% 60%
Black 56% 44%
Hispanic 44% 34%
Other 61% 54%

Source: Federal Reserve Board, 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances.

Notes: Figures displays the percent of families with access to employer-sponsored retirement plans (DC or DB plans, blue bars) and the percent of families that participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan (orange bars) among families under 55 years old, by race or ethnicity. Key identifies bar chart in order left to right.

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Last Update: September 28, 2020