International Trade in Services: Stylized Facts about Exporters in the Service Sector Accessible Data

Figure 1: Distribution of Customers across Exporters, Business and Personal Services

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Number of Foreign Customers Share of Exporters Share of Export Value Share of Employment
1 50.60 4.65 2.92
2 19.20 7.29 5.01
3 11.60 11.15 6.92
4 7.10 4.87 3.02
5 3.80 2.96 1.84
6-10 5.60 21.33 14.80
11+ 2.00 47.75 65.48

Note: Distribution of customers across exporters, the value of exports, and employment.

Source: Compustat, 2003-2007.

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Figure 2: Firm-Customer Matching in Foreign Markets, Business and Personal Services

Figure 2 relates the number of customers per exporters to the average number of exporters per customer. It implies that smaller firms tend to be less connected are able to reach only the most important customers. We estimate that a 1 percent increase in the number of customers per exporter mirrors a corresponding decline in the average number of connections among the customers--the slope of the fitted regression line in figure 2.

Note: Relation between the number of customers per exporter and the average number of connections among these customers. Axes are in log-s.

Source: Compustat, 2003-2007.

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Last Update: August 14, 2019